Friday, October 3, 2014

Week 1 of month 2 Insanity

Week 1 of Month 2 of Insanity will be over tomorrow and all I have to say is OMG!!!! Month 2 is no joke! All the workouts are any where from 45-60 minutes, they are intense and make you go to the MAX!!! I love the workouts though!! And honestly with all the changing around and intervals, you don't realize it is an hour workout.
With these workouts I have burned up to 600 calories during the workouts, I have noticed that I sweat ALOT more, and that I not only feel great after them, but I get HIGH off the accomplishment that I actually finished it.
The intervals are a minute longer and the moves are 15 seconds longer than the first month. However, on the 3rd round he doesn't end with a power move, he ends with a slower, bring your heart rate back down type of move. The moves are definitely more dynamic, intense, and more powerful.
I still say that this program can be done by anyone, AS LONG, as you go at your own pace and concentrate on your form rather than your speed! Month 2 is definitely harder, but I LOVE it! I love every workout in Insanity!! I can't wait for next month to do ASYLUM!!! haha I think I have officially gone CRAZY!!! :)

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