Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!!! My Insanity Transformation

Its Tuesday, which means its Transformation Tuesday!!! So today I am going to share with you my Insanity Transformation! I just finished doing Insanity on Sunday!! I can't believe I completed the program and that 60 days have passed already!! Crazy!
My results will shock you! Most people when they start a fitness journey, do it to lose weight, and most people that do insanity lose a TON of weight, but they have the weight to lose. I started insanity at the end of August and have been working out for over a year and just got married. I was at the lowest weight I had ever been at and I was in the best shape of my life. So when I started insanity I didn't expect to lose any more weight, I just wanted to maintain my weight. Well, neither of those happened.......With insanity I GAINED, yes you read that right....I gained 6 pounds!!!! Not 1, not 2, not even 3 pounds.....I gained 6!!!
Now most people would be upset and normally I would too, but look at my before and my after pictures. Do they look like I gained 6 pounds? No they don't. I don't see any difference in them. BUT there is. The 6 pounds I gained was muscle. Remember muscle weighs more than fat and looks a hell of a lot sexier!!! I have curves that I never had before and my husband continues to tell me how much he LOVES my insanity body. Why does he love it so much, because I have curves, I have muscle definition that I have never had before, and with all the squats Shaun T had me doing in this program, I gained a BOOTY!!! My measurements stayed about the same, they did go up in the arms, legs, and butt because that is where most of my muscles grew.
Moral of the story......ITS OKAY TO GAIN WEIGHT WHEN WORKING OUT!!! Most people get upset because they don't lose any weight or they gain it. Remember the scale is worthless when you start a program. I take my weight before I start and when I finish. The in-between doesn't matter because it is going to change. As long as you take measurements and feel yourself getting stronger and your clothes getting looser, that is all that matters. MUSCLE weights MORE than FAT!!! Remember that! And DO NOT get discouraged if you gain weight while working out. Its your fat turning into muscle. Tooth pick skinny is out!! The new skinny is curvy muscles!!
Don't give up and don't compare your journey to someone else's. Your body is different then everyone else's and your body will lose and gain weight differently from everyone else.
I would do insanity all over again if I knew I was going to gain weight. Why? Because the confidence, strength, and endurance I gained from it changed me and my body in soooo many good ways!!

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