Friday, November 28, 2014

Health and Fitness Tip #2: Fitness With a Friend

Find the best fitness friend

A workout buddy is hugely helpful for keeping motivated, but it's important to find someone who will inspire—not discourage. How do you do that? Make a list of all your exercise-loving friends, then see who fits this criteria: Can your pal meet to exercise on a regular basis? Is she supportive (not disparaging) of your goals? And last, will your bud be able to keep up with you or even push your limits in key workouts? If you've got someone that fits all three, make that phone call.
If you don't, what do you do? That is where I come in. I love my job and I love helping people. I  run private online fitness groups. The fitness is done in your own home but its the group that keeps you going! They are all people in the same boat, starting out for the first time, trying to find the time, motivation, etc. When we are feeling down, need a kick in the butt, need help, posting in the group gets you the support and motivation you need, not just from your coach but from all the other ladies and gentlemen in the group.
Fitness with a Friend - can be done in person with your pal or online with a group of fitness minded people starting out or continuing on a journey. Don't let this be an excuse that you don't workout, make it be reason. Get the support you need and get moving.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #8 - Make Labels your best friend!!

Newly Wed Tip # 8 - Make Labels your best friend!

I am not kidding when I say make labels your new best friend!!! Why? Because GUYS can't find anything that you put away!!! I love my husband, but if it isn't sitting right in front of him, jumping up and down, saying I'm right here, here I am, then he doesn't know where it is NOR does he look for it! He admits it too. He will say well it wasn't right in front of me. So instead of getting upset and arguing with him about it, I have turned to labels. I label everything! And when I say everything I mean everything from the dresser drawers to the kitchen cabinets, from the top of the house to the bottom! If it has something in it that he might need, then I label it! haha
This doesn't just make his life easier, but it makes my life easier. If he reads the label then he can find what he is looking for. If there is no label then I get a MILLION phone calls or texts asking where this is and where that is and where I put this and where did I place this. Which in turn leads me to have to give him detailed, step by step directions to where the item might be.
Yes ladies this is a flaw all men have but instead of fighting over it make it easier on you and label everything! It might look tacky but who cares if it is going to save you a fight or energy and not have to tell them or get it for them, because lets admit it, our men are helpless with out us. :) 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Black Friday Deals

It's that time of year BLACK FRIDAY!! Here are the deals that will launch tonight at 8PM -- Please be sure  if you want something you jump FAST because these never last long.

FREE SHIPPING on all Team Beachbody Apparel

Interested in saving an ADDITIONAL 10% on these products?  
Ask me about becoming a {{Club Member}}


Let me know if you have any questions!! Can't wait to see what goodies you scoop up for yourselves! I know I am going for a Pump workout!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #7 - Marriage isn't perfect so don't think it!

Newly Wed Tip #7 - Marriage isn't perfect so don't think it!
We all know life isn't perfect and it never will be! So why would marriage? Don't get me wrong, I thought once we were married life would be easier and less complicated. I thought the first year would be smooth sailing, romantic and no fights!! HA!!! Was I wrong!
When you marry someone, you have to learn to live with them, learn to put them first, learn their quirks, learn to know when to speak up, fight for what you want, walk away when battle is over, and love unconditionally.
Marriage is a path worth taking as long as you are willing to go the distance, willing to last a lifetime, willing to take the good with the bad, the ups with the downs.
Our marriage is far from perfect. We live with my parents in a bedroom that is too small for the two of us and all our belongings, he has a job that takes up too much time, he got hurt and had to have surgery and we have only been married for 4 months!! But we have big dreams. He has allowed me to start my business and do something that I am passionate about. We fight, sometimes daily, but we always, always talk it out. No not right away, but before the weeks over we talk about it. Yes, even sometimes we go to bed mad! No its not ideal, but sometime we need extra time, but we always, always talk about it, solve the problem, and apologize when it's our fault.

We by far do not have a perfect marriage and never will. We will never go a week without fighting or making one or the other mad, but that is okay. Getting upset and mad at each other, will mean that we still love each other and care about each other! Getting upset and mad means there is still passion in our marriage and that is what I want! I never want the passion to die!
Don't get me wrong there are days we want to kill each other, days he annoys me and days I annoy him. But when it comes down to the end of the day, there is no other guy I would want to spend the rest of my life with. He is the last person I want to see before I fall asleep and the first person I want to see when I wake up!
So I will continue to take the good with the bad, knowing that our marriage is not a fairytale and never will be. I will continue to remind myself that it wont be easy, BUT it is and will always be WORTH it!
Remember Love is overcoming obstacles, fighting to stay together, holding on to one another and never, ever letting go!
I always say we are making learning and making memories. Marriage is full of lessons, so why not look at them in a positive light and make memories with them. No the fights might not be memorable but the makes up and apologizes always are.
So next time you fight with your husband, fiancé, or boyfriend, remember he is worth it, remember the life you want to spend with him, and remember to learn from it and make a memory of it. Life is too short and you never know what is going to happen tomorrow. So hug your spouse / significant other a little tighter today!


Friday, November 21, 2014

Health and Fitness Tip Friday

Curb your sweet tooth

Got a late-night sugar craving that just won't quit? To satisfy
 your sweet tooth without
pushing yourself over the calorie edge, even in the late night
hours, think 'fruit first. I will
have a 1/2 cup of grapes if I can't cut my cravings or a
chocolate shakeology shake.
Whatever you do, resist that chocolate cake, ice cream, or
candy and instead enjoy a half
cup of grapes, strawberries or a sliced apple with a
tablespoon of nut butter (like peanut or
almond). Then sleep sweet, knowing you're still on the right, healthy track.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

All-Inclusive Paid Trip to Cancun!!

As I sit at my desk looking out the window as the snow falls, all I can think about, how over the cold I am already and its not even Winter yet! However, I now have something to think about this winter and look forward too! I can't wait till APRIL!!! Why? Because I just earned an all-inclusive paid trip to Cancun from Beachbody!!! How? Just by doing my job every day and by helping others reach their goals in health, fitness, and financial!

Does your job reward you with trips and prizes for doing your job? My teaching job didn't either. But working with Beachbody and helping others reach their goals has given me the opportunity to Earn this Free Mini Vacation!!

I can't wait!! I will be doing LIVE workouts with celebrity trainers like Shaun T, Autumn Calabrese, Tony Horton, and Chalene Johnson!! AND the best part is, I will be doing this with my Beachbody family!! We will all be there together having fun and learning from each other while laying by the pool!!!

I wish it was April 15 right now!! DO you want this? DO you want to work for a company that gives you a FREE trip just for doing your job? YOU CAN!!! You too can go to Cancun with me in April. ITs not too late!!

Wanna know how you too can make it to Cancun? Message me and we will talk more about this amazing opportunity!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #6 - Schedule a Meeting every week

Newly Wed Tip #6 - Schedule a Weekly Meeting Together

This may sound silly but this was the best advice I heard and I heard it from an amazing call from my company! I want to share it with you, because it has helped us so much! Schedule a meeting every week with your husband.

Why? Because life is busy and it pulls you in all different directions. And when you have kids it will pull you in even more directions. These meetings will allow you to sit down and talk about the week, the coming week, the future, things that upset, things you need to have changed, and things you might need help with. This allows you both to be on the same page and allows you to both see what is going on in each others lives and thoughts.

Rich and I meet every week. Either on Friday or Saturday night, depending on which day works that week. Unfortunately most weeks we have to go to a restaurant to meet, because we live at home with my parents and want it to be private and uninterrupted. I do not recommend doing it at a restaurant BUT if you do, do what we do. When we go to the restaurant we go an hour early. We sit and have our meeting for an hour and then we order dinner and make it a date night. We let the waitress or waiter know that we want to order dinner but it will be an hour till we do, because we are meeting first. We always tell them that if we need anything we will flag them down. This lets them know not to interrupt us and also lets them know we will be ordering, just to give us time.

These meetings have really helped our marriage. Its our time to be honest and upfront about how we feel, what we are thinking, what we want, etc. Sometimes the meetings are hard and feelings are hurt, but its better to do it over a meeting, then blow up at each other and say things we will regret.

Each meeting, we take turns going first, we start with something positive and then talk about what is on our minds, or what might of made us mad this week, or things that the other person needs to work on, or what we have going on this coming week or month

Whatever you talk about at your meeting, BE HONEST!!! BE OPEN!!! TALK!!! Theses meetings help! We get everything off our chests and talk about the future and where we are heading. When you talk each week, it allows the communication between the 2 of you to grow and become more open with each other. IT also allows you to get things off your chest and not stay quiet and build up anger and resentment. Some weeks you will have more to talk about then others. Make sure you talk each week though. Don't just shluff it off if you don't have anything to say, once you start talking you will think of things. Or write them down as they happen so you can remember come meeting time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Get Fit for the New Year

The holidays are coming! Thanksgiving is a little over a week away!! Thanksgiving is a day or weekend full of eating yummy carb foods. By the time Monday rolls around you are feeling stuffed, bloated, and gross. And yes you probably have gained weight over the weekend if not before from all the candy, cookies, and mash potatoes. Don't let those few pounds discourage you.

I can help you lose the thanksgiving meal and more plus get you ready to ROCK your New Years Eve outfit!!

I am looking for 5 individuals that want to loose weight, feel great, and have a guilt free Holiday! Its only 21 Days long!

You will be given tips on how to enjoy the holiday season, handle holiday parties and food all while staying fit and healthy!

Also you will have your chance to win prizes for just getting healthy and fit!!

Send me an email at if you are interested.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #5 - Don't NOT talk about it

Newly Wed Tip #5 - Don't NOT talk about it.
Being married is tough and the one thing most people, especially newly weds don't like to talk about is money and a budget! Most people are scared of money and afraid to see what they spend their money on and then don't want to hear they have to cut back.
Being a Newly Wed and talking about this is TOUGH!!! Why? Because you have 2 single people, that are use to THEIR own money and spending it how they WANT to. Not sharing it, not worrying about the other person and how much they need together to cover bills, food, rent, etc. So when you get married and combine everything, especially the money, it can be a bit scary and uneasy.
Whatever you do, don't NOT talk about it. Yes you might end up fighting and yes it might get heated but do it now. Do it in the first months of your marriage, because if you don't, then money will get between your marriage and it could end up ruining it. Knowing what you both make and where you spend your money is the best thing for your marriage, especially if you want to start trying to have kids or save to buy something new. Doing a budget sheet will show you where your money is going and where you can cut back on and what things you REFUSE to cut back on.
For example, Rich and I did this Friday night. It was stressful but it allowed us to see where we were spending our money and where we can cut back on. We both agreed that no matter what, the 2 things we refuse to take out of our lives and budget is Shakeology and Chiropractic Care. He said he was going to cut back on Dunkin Donuts on the weekends, and we said that we would limit going out to eat 1-2 a month instead of 1 night every weekend. I said I would not buy any more workout clothes until mine are all used and old and I will limit the Professional Development books I buy / meaning I wont buy any new ones until I finish all the ones I have.
So no matter what, Today plan a time to sit down with your spouse and write up a budget plan. We used the one above from a game that we have. You can find them online or just use a piece of paper to write down exactly where your money is going each month. Yes, this will be stressful, but it will be worth it in the end and it will honestly save your marriage in the future. Just make sure you are open and honest with each other. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Foods that help with your metabolism and give you energy

2 MORE foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!

1.    Water: A recent study showed that drinking COLD water frequently throughout your day (at least 6 – 8 glasses) actually increases your average metabolic rate by nearly 25%.  Another study also showed that dehydration leads to over-eating, because thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger cravings. Hungry when you shouldn’t be? Try drinking a glass of water!  Chances are that you were actually thirsty, not hungry. Staying hydrated also increases your body’s ability to move nutrients around faster, eliminate toxins, and also prevents fatigue and bloating by flushing excess water from your system.


2.    Whey Protein: Whey protein (comes from cows) is a complete, high-quality protein. It is also one of the best fuels for your metabolism.  Not only does whey protein boost your metabolism into high gear, but it also helps your body feel fuller longer.  Mix half a scoop into your oatmeal in the morning for the ultimate fat-burning breakfast.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

TBT - Credit Card Debt

A year and a half ago I was struggling!  I was struggling personally and financially. I remember sitting down with Rich bawling my eyes out because I was sinking! I was 29 years old and living pay check to pay check and hating my job. I thought by now I wouldn’t have to live this way but I was wrong. I also just got engaged and things were starting to become real, especially with all the debt I wanted to pay off before getting married. I was in search of a new job and had an interview at Mt Lebanon School district for an autistic support teacher position. We had not even been engaged for a month, but we're already talking about living apart from each other so I could earn more money and pay off my debt before the wedding. I was miserable! I hated the thought of living apart and away from him just to make money and pay off my credit card (over $6000).

2 months later still in debt, the Beachbody Coaching opportunity came knocking. I didn’t have the money to spend on a program let alone shakeology and then on top of that the thought of coaching.  BUTI loved working out and researching how to live a healthy life. I wanted to help others and give them the knowledge that I had learned and was so passionate about, but once again, I didn’t have the money! I didn’t want to put it on my credit card and I really didn’t have it in my checking account. BUT I jumped. I don’t know why I did it, but there was something telling me that this was my next move, that this is what is going to make me happy and get me to the goals I want! So I did it. I bought a program and signed up to become a Beachbody coach. Was I scared? HECK YES!!! Was I worried that I wasn’t going to get out of debt by doing this? YES!! But I did it anyway and never looked back. And......


Today I was able to pay off my credit card!! How? Thanks to Beachbody! A year and half ago I transferred my credit card amount to a new card with 0% interest for 18 months. However at first I was paying the minimum on the credit card and stressing because I didn't think I would be able to pay it off in 18 months! Well 3 months into paying my credit card Beachbody entered my life! Thanks to Beachbody, today I was able to pay the final amount on it! Beachbody gave me the opportunity to make enough extra money to pay the amount I needed to pay to get my card paid off, no I didn’t pay it off before getting married but I did it! I paid it off today!!
I am so excited and can't wait to see what else I can do, with helping others. My goal is to help my coaches achieve the same thing. To get out of debt, to feel free, and to enjoy life without the worries of a credit card. Am I there yet? No but I sure am on my way!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #4 - Give your spouse 1 night

Newly Wed Tip #4 - Give your spouse 1 night! What does that mean? Allow them one night to do what they want, eat what they want, and go where they want. (Date night but of their choice)

I love to cook, so I do all the meal planning and prep for the week. I plan ahead so I always plan and prep on Sundays. However, I only prep and plan for 6 nights. I plan and prep Sunday - Friday and then the morning and afternoon of Saturday. I do not prep and plan for anything on Saturday night. Why? Because Saturday nights I allow for my hubby to choose. If he wants to go out we go out, if he wants to stay in we stay in, if he wants to drink beer, I drive, etc. I am all about fitness, working out, and eating clean and Rich supports me 100% of the time, but guys like to eat and drink their beer, so I give him one night to have a treat meal and to enjoy his beer. When I do go out with him, sometimes I choose to have  treat and sometimes I choose to eat cleaner. But whatever I do, I allow him to pick the place where he wants to go and then I pick what I want to eat when we are there.

Yes, something as small as this, allowing him to choose one night, goes a long way and this one night will allow your hubby to continue to follow your weekly plan, knowing they get one night to choose the meal.

No, I don't like going out, but not because its not clean and I don't want to gain weight, but because I have celiac's and its hard to go to restaurants and not get sick due to cross contamination. Trust me, if I could have a cheat meal when we go out I would, but a lot of the times I am stuck with  piece of chicken or a salad because they will not be contaminated or are least likely to be contaminated by gluten. BUT, I do it, I go out, I have a meal with him, because that is what he wants and I get what I want 6 out of the 7 nights, so its only fair. And yes I am the DD, I don't drink very often, if at all anymore and I want everyone to be safe, so I don't mind being the DD so that he can enjoy his beer and relax after a football game or even at the school. I know he would do the same for me.

So ladies, as tough as it might be to allow your husband to choose the night out / date night, give it to him. It will go a long way in your marriage. And I have noticed that with Rich, it allows for him to learn to appreciate my cooking more and how he feels better on it then the restaurants.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Transfomation Tuesday!! What body / weight do you choose?

Transformation Tuesday!!!

All of us rely on the scale way too much!!! We rely on it to go down and tell us that we have lost weight and look good. Yes, I am serious, we rely on the scale to tell us how we should feel about ourselves. Its crazy and scary and ridiculous all at the same time!! However, that is NOT the case and I am here to prove it to you!! Body weight has nothing to do with how we look and feel! The scale is the DEVIL!!! Remember that!

We need to rely more on how we feel and look in our clothes and attitude then what the scale is saying and telling use to feel and look!

The above pictures if of me 3 different times of the year and all around the same weight! However, I look completely different in each one! 

Picture A is me at 117.4 after doing the 3 day refresh over Halloween this year.

Picture B is me at 117.5 stressed, traveling, planning for a wedding, before I cracked down and did the 3 day refresh pre wedding.

Picture C is me at 120 - after insanity where I GAINED 6 pounds. I felt great, my clothes still fit me, and I looked better than ever!!!

I am a coach and I am not going to lie to you. I am a scale watcher too!!! I hate it, I hate how I rely o n the scale to tell me how I should feel each day. It sucks!! And when I did insanity it really sucked because the scale continued to grow. But that is why I took before pictures. I kept comparing my pictures to my body I was forming. I had curves I didn't have before, my body looked more athletic, and I looked sexy in my insanity body then I did in the before insanity body!!!

Yes most people loose weight on a workout program, but I was different. I didn't have the weight to loose but I had the muscle to gain and that is how I gained 6 pounds.

Now go back and look at those pictures. Which one would you rather be the lightest weight or the heaviest weight? Would you rather be A, B, or C?

I  know when I look at those I choose C. That body is way better looking than A or B.

So what is your choice?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #3 - Have a common interest(s)

Hey all!!! I am back with my third tip! Tip #3 is to have a common interest with your hubby! Your interest can be anything. It can be music, sports, books, health, cooking, fitness, fine dining, chiropractic care, whatever. Just make sure the two of you share a common interest that you can do together and share the love of it.

Hubby and I share 3 very strong common interests. 1. Health 2. Fitness and 3. Chiropractic Care.

And honestly when we first met and started dating, we only shared 1 of those 3 interests. The interest we both shared was fitness. We both worked out every day and we did some of the same exercises. I must say that I was not as crazy about it then, as I am now, nor did I get the results I am getting now. However, we shared it and he taught me new things when it came to lifting and he even made up lifting programs for me.

It wasn't until we were dating for over a year that he became more interested in the health / eating aspect. He became more interested in eating healthy and trying new things because of my celiac's. This turned him into a world of gluten / wheat free eating. And surprisingly he took it on like a champ!! Now I have taken it to a whole new level and he enjoys every new meal, every new treat, every new thing that I put in front of him to try. And most of it / if not all of it is GRAIN FREE / GLUTEN FREE.

Probably after 2 years of dating, is when he introduced me to chiropractic care. I can honestly say that I never went NOR did I care to ever go to a chiropractor. Why? Because I didn't want someone twisting and cracking me!! It scared me and it was not my cup of tea. However, he didn't see a chiropractor like that. He saw a Koren chiropractor. What is that? These Chiropractors are all about mind, body, and soul and getting you well and keeping you well!! Health Care prevention at its finest!! Well I went and let me tell you, I have been going every since!!! I love our chiropractors!

Yes, we have 2 - one in state college - Simpson Chiropractic and Dr. Jon Ewer in Greensburg. They are both amazing chiropractors and do so many unique things to adjust, keep us healthy, and keep us staying young!

Common interests can form over time. Like I said we only  had one of the three and now we have 3 that are stronger than any bond! We love them and support each other in each interest!! So take time and brainstorm with your hubby about the things you both like and start bonding over each one!

Here we are at our Chiropractor in Greensburg. Rich is getting Laser Therapy done on his knee / quad. This therapy is amazing and is helping Rich heal from his surgery and his muscles heal and get stronger!!! Oh and yes you do get to wear those awesome glasses while getting it done!! :)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Foods that will set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day

3 foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day
1.    Steak/ Lean red meat: Recent studies show that you should eat lean red meat ONCE per week.(not everyday) Red meat contains creatine monohydrate, a common ingredient in body-building supplements. This nutrient helps your body use ATP to aid in the muscle-building and toning process, which in turn leads to a higher metabolism!
2.    Turkey: Turkey is a diet necessity. It is a great source of lean complete protein which helps you stay focused, and helps build muscle and helps increase your metabolism. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that the amino acid tryptophan (found in turkey) plays an important role in immune function, and in cancer prevention. As an added bonus, eating turkey also releases “happy hormones” such as serotonin into your blood stream, which actually has been shown to improve your mood.
3.    Vegetables: Vegetables are NECESSARY for maintaining a high metabolism, and contain high-quality fiber, vitamins, and minerals that you won’t be able to find in any pill or health supplement out there. Veggies are also extremely low in calories, so feel free to sneak extra veggies into your diet whenever you can!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #2 Phones away

Tip #2 Phones away!

This might seem like a no brainer and easy enough to do, but its easier said then done. We all have cell phones now a days and we can keep them near us at all times. However, have you looked around lately when you are out shopping, or eating dinner? No one looks up any more. No one notices life happening any more because they are glued to their cell phones at all times. This was happening to us!

I own my own online health and fitness business so its hard for me to not have my phone on me at all times and out so that I can answer questions and respond back to my clients and team. And I was doing this at dinner!!! If my phone wasn't around me and I heard it go off, I would get up from the dinner table and go find it and respond back. RUDE!!! Right?!?!

My husband never said anything but he would have his phone out too and when I could pick mine up and respond to someone he would pick his up and look at it. We weren't talking! I didn't  know what went on in his day and I wasn't telling him about my dad because I was GLUED to my phone.

Well now ANY time we sit down to eat together, mostly just dinner, we turn phones on silent . or leave them in another room and ignore them if and when they go off. Man has it helped!!! We now talk about our days, plans for the weekend, what is in store for the week or tomorrow, etc. Its nice talking at the dinner table and not worrying about my phone.

I know that my clients and team will wait for me to respond and I know they wouldn't want me to respond during my dinner time because I wouldn't want them to respond during theirs.

So as easy as this tip might seem. Try it! We take for granted the moments we have and the time we have to talk about things. Cell phones have taken away the intimacy that once was there. Bring it back! Get rid of your phone. Its only a half hour to an hour time. Enjoy the time with your spouse!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What is motivation without action?

Motivation without action leads to self-delusion!

You can't just say your motivated or you want to do it! You have to take action! You have to take that first step in doing what you want or doing what your motivated to do!! Because if you don't then your motivation is just a delusion in your head!!

Today stop saying tomorrow or I will or I want to! STOP talking and start acting!! Get up and go workout, throw the junk food out of your house and eat clean, Smile and say positive affirmations daily so you can be happy, search for a new job so that you can quit yours! Jump!!! Take that leap of faith and start doing it!! I believe in you and know that you can leap and fly to great places!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!

I was asked last week to see a picture of when I first started to where I am at now. So here it is! I started last year in the middle of July with T25. Honestly, I didn't know about Beachbody, I had only heard about Insanity and I HATED workout videos. I wanted to be outside running or doing something other than staring at the TV.

However, I when I saw that T25 was ONLY 25 minutes long, I thought to myself, Oh I can do that. Its only 25 minutes! At that time I was lifting every morning and doing a 30-60 minute lifting program. I wanted to incorporate cardio but I HATED going to the gym and doing the cardio equipment, so I thought 25 minutes I can do that after school and know that I could still have time to get work done and cook dinner. Well, T25 was nothing that I thought it would be! It was SOOO much more. Within 4 weeks of doing the program, I was seeing results, my stomach was shrinking, my abs were popping out, and I loved the fact it was only 25 minutes long! It was hard to wrap my head around doing anything longer. With T25, I was drinking shakeology and eating clean but not portioning out my food. By the end of the 10 weeks I lost 14 pounds and several inches off my body. I felt amazing and had the confidence that I was lacking! Also after doing T25 for a week, I decided to become a Beachbody coach. Why? Because T25 was amazing and I wanted everyone out there to know how amazing and life changing it was.

After I did T25, I decided to do another round of it, with adding gamma to the end this time. That took me all the way into the New Year. After I finished T25 - Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, I decided to challenge myself with P90x3. I did the doubles of that program and lost more weight and toned my body like I never knew it could tone before.

After P90x3 I decided to do combat, however, I got extremely sick the second week into combat and ended up loosing 3 weeks from being sick and working my way back up to exercising daily! So by the time I was feeling better, it was May and I was 3 months away from my wedding. So I did a hybrid of T25 and P90x3. I loved it and that took me all the way up to my wedding. Before the wedding my husband ordered Insanity and The Asylum combo pack to get their fit tests for the football season and have something to do.  We spent a lot of money on the programs and they kept staring at me. SOOO I decided to take the plunge and step up my game to do Insanity and Asylum. I started Insanity at the end of August and just finished it 2 weeks ago. I LOVED it! I was scared to do it and I was afraid of the time length of the program, BUT I did it and I quit my job so I could be a FULL Time Online Health and Fitness Coach! So time wasn't really an issue with me, besides it being super long and not having done a workout longer than 30 minutes. However, I did it and I would do it again. Insanity was amazing!

Since I started Beachbody I have lost 20 pounds but have gained some of it back, due to muscle building. With the start of the programs I went from 130 to my lowest 110 to now being 120 and looking better than I did at 117. I have done multiple programs, drink shakeology daily, eating clean, and doing the 21 Day Fix portion control and staying motivated because of my Challenge groups and my girls and guys that push me through it! My body has changed drastically and I am happier with myself and have more confidence than I have ever had before!!

Don't get me wrong, I have fallen off the band wagon of eating healthy especially when traveling for the holidays, HOWEVER, I have the products and tools to get me back on track, and to help me loose the weight I had gained and to tone my body back up after slacking on the workouts.

But in the end I get back on track. And I owe it to Beachbody and the products that they have available to everyone to help them be the best, healthiest, person they can be!

Beachbody has seriously changed my life for the better and I couldn't be happier!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Newly Weds Tip 1 - Prep the week ahead

I am no expert at being a newly wed or having a marriage that is perfect! But I do have some tips to share with you, of things that work for my husband and I, being married only 4 months. Marriage is 100% commitment from both sides and 100% effort from both sides. I hate the saying a marriage is 50 - 50. Its not! Its 100% commitment, dedication, and effort from both sides!

Any who! I will get off that soap box and give you my first tip!

TIP #1 - Prepare for the week ahead! - What do I mean by that? My husband works fulltime outside of the house, where I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home or anywhere on the go!  We both get up early, him to get ready for work and for me to get my workout in before the day gets hectic!

When it comes to working out - I do not allow any one (right now because we are kid-less, I know it will change when we have kids) to interrupt my workout! I get 100% focused on my workout and do not want to be interrupted for stupid things. WELL lets just say our first month of marriage and LIVING with my parents (not ideal), I was interrupted several days in a row because my husband couldn't find the apples, or shake packets, or bars. So by the 3rd day in a row of being interrupted, getting mad at him, and then ending up in an argument before 7am in the morning was not ideal to me. Instead I took it upon myself to set up the week in advance for him. I laid out his 2 snacks and shakeology packet for the week, so that all he had to do was walk into the dining room and grab a set. After I did this, I showed it to him, which made his life easier and me a much happier wife the next day because he didn't interrupt my workout!

I know this might sound like common sense but it wasn't for us. We didn't think about these things before and they were the little things that were causing stress on our marriage. Setting out his meals for the week is easy and takes a matter of 5 minutes on a Sunday afternoon! He his much happier and so am I!

So if you are sick of being interrupted or asked where things are in the morning when you are trying to get ready yourself or workout or get the kids up, try this. It has made life so much simpler for the both of us.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

3 Day Refresh Meals and Reults

3 Day Refresh is complete!! I started Wednesday and made it all the way through. This is my second time doing it and this time seemed harder. I was more tired and my blood sugar was low! I took 2 hour naps the first 2 days. However, it was a great 3 days!

Day 1 - was hard becauase I was extremely tired and my blood sugar was low most of the day. However, I never felt hungry and the meals were a lot like what I eat on a daily basis.

Day 2 - was a little like day 1 except I wasn't as tired and I could tell I had more energy however, I still took a nap on day 2.

Day 3 - was amazing! This is the day it all turned around! I had more energy then I had the past 2 days, I didn't take any naps, my blood sugar never dropped AND I did cave when I had to pass out the candy and smell it all! I felt in control and powerful!

Day after - I know a lot of people think that you gained the weight back right away after you do it because you start eating again! Well I actually continued to lose weight! I felt great and added my diet back in like I had before but had more control over it and wasn't eating just to eat!

Results - Both my hubby and I did the 3 Day Refresh - I started out weighting 120.8 and had a waist of 30.5 after three days I weighted 117.4 with a waist of 29.5 and today I lost another .4 ounces and weight 117.0.

My hubby started out weighing 180.2 and had a waist line of 33.5 and after three days he weighted 175.0 and had a waist line of 32.5.

We each lost an inch in our waist's and he lost 5 pounds and I lost 3.4 in 3 days. We both feel healthier and more in control of our bodies and eating than we did the week before we did it! 

Breakfast Day 1-3. Each morning I had a Chocolate Vegan Shake with water and Frozen blueberries or Strawberries
Lunch Time - Each day I had a Vannilla Fresh Shake with Frozen Strawberries with a side of baby carrots and 1 1/2 teaspoons of Almond Butter
Dinner Day 1 - Vanilla Fresh Shake with Ice and Cinnamon, Cucumber Tomato Salad, and 1 cup of Vegetable Broth
Dinner Day 2 and 3 - Vanilla Fresh with Cinnamon and ice, water, 8 legs of asapargus with teaspoon of sliced almonds, and 1 cup of Veggetable Broth
 Have you thought about doing the 3 day refresh? Its great for anyone that has gone on vacation, had a holiday, needs a jump start back into their healthy eating, or someone that just wants to kick start a new workout program. If you are looking to do this program and want accountability, support, and help through the 3 days then message  me or email me at I would love to help you out. Also if you are wondering where to get the three day refresh then head over to my site and check it out and order it.