Sunday, November 2, 2014

3 Day Refresh Meals and Reults

3 Day Refresh is complete!! I started Wednesday and made it all the way through. This is my second time doing it and this time seemed harder. I was more tired and my blood sugar was low! I took 2 hour naps the first 2 days. However, it was a great 3 days!

Day 1 - was hard becauase I was extremely tired and my blood sugar was low most of the day. However, I never felt hungry and the meals were a lot like what I eat on a daily basis.

Day 2 - was a little like day 1 except I wasn't as tired and I could tell I had more energy however, I still took a nap on day 2.

Day 3 - was amazing! This is the day it all turned around! I had more energy then I had the past 2 days, I didn't take any naps, my blood sugar never dropped AND I did cave when I had to pass out the candy and smell it all! I felt in control and powerful!

Day after - I know a lot of people think that you gained the weight back right away after you do it because you start eating again! Well I actually continued to lose weight! I felt great and added my diet back in like I had before but had more control over it and wasn't eating just to eat!

Results - Both my hubby and I did the 3 Day Refresh - I started out weighting 120.8 and had a waist of 30.5 after three days I weighted 117.4 with a waist of 29.5 and today I lost another .4 ounces and weight 117.0.

My hubby started out weighing 180.2 and had a waist line of 33.5 and after three days he weighted 175.0 and had a waist line of 32.5.

We each lost an inch in our waist's and he lost 5 pounds and I lost 3.4 in 3 days. We both feel healthier and more in control of our bodies and eating than we did the week before we did it! 

Breakfast Day 1-3. Each morning I had a Chocolate Vegan Shake with water and Frozen blueberries or Strawberries
Lunch Time - Each day I had a Vannilla Fresh Shake with Frozen Strawberries with a side of baby carrots and 1 1/2 teaspoons of Almond Butter
Dinner Day 1 - Vanilla Fresh Shake with Ice and Cinnamon, Cucumber Tomato Salad, and 1 cup of Vegetable Broth
Dinner Day 2 and 3 - Vanilla Fresh with Cinnamon and ice, water, 8 legs of asapargus with teaspoon of sliced almonds, and 1 cup of Veggetable Broth
 Have you thought about doing the 3 day refresh? Its great for anyone that has gone on vacation, had a holiday, needs a jump start back into their healthy eating, or someone that just wants to kick start a new workout program. If you are looking to do this program and want accountability, support, and help through the 3 days then message  me or email me at I would love to help you out. Also if you are wondering where to get the three day refresh then head over to my site and check it out and order it.

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