Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!

I was asked last week to see a picture of when I first started to where I am at now. So here it is! I started last year in the middle of July with T25. Honestly, I didn't know about Beachbody, I had only heard about Insanity and I HATED workout videos. I wanted to be outside running or doing something other than staring at the TV.

However, I when I saw that T25 was ONLY 25 minutes long, I thought to myself, Oh I can do that. Its only 25 minutes! At that time I was lifting every morning and doing a 30-60 minute lifting program. I wanted to incorporate cardio but I HATED going to the gym and doing the cardio equipment, so I thought 25 minutes I can do that after school and know that I could still have time to get work done and cook dinner. Well, T25 was nothing that I thought it would be! It was SOOO much more. Within 4 weeks of doing the program, I was seeing results, my stomach was shrinking, my abs were popping out, and I loved the fact it was only 25 minutes long! It was hard to wrap my head around doing anything longer. With T25, I was drinking shakeology and eating clean but not portioning out my food. By the end of the 10 weeks I lost 14 pounds and several inches off my body. I felt amazing and had the confidence that I was lacking! Also after doing T25 for a week, I decided to become a Beachbody coach. Why? Because T25 was amazing and I wanted everyone out there to know how amazing and life changing it was.

After I did T25, I decided to do another round of it, with adding gamma to the end this time. That took me all the way into the New Year. After I finished T25 - Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, I decided to challenge myself with P90x3. I did the doubles of that program and lost more weight and toned my body like I never knew it could tone before.

After P90x3 I decided to do combat, however, I got extremely sick the second week into combat and ended up loosing 3 weeks from being sick and working my way back up to exercising daily! So by the time I was feeling better, it was May and I was 3 months away from my wedding. So I did a hybrid of T25 and P90x3. I loved it and that took me all the way up to my wedding. Before the wedding my husband ordered Insanity and The Asylum combo pack to get their fit tests for the football season and have something to do.  We spent a lot of money on the programs and they kept staring at me. SOOO I decided to take the plunge and step up my game to do Insanity and Asylum. I started Insanity at the end of August and just finished it 2 weeks ago. I LOVED it! I was scared to do it and I was afraid of the time length of the program, BUT I did it and I quit my job so I could be a FULL Time Online Health and Fitness Coach! So time wasn't really an issue with me, besides it being super long and not having done a workout longer than 30 minutes. However, I did it and I would do it again. Insanity was amazing!

Since I started Beachbody I have lost 20 pounds but have gained some of it back, due to muscle building. With the start of the programs I went from 130 to my lowest 110 to now being 120 and looking better than I did at 117. I have done multiple programs, drink shakeology daily, eating clean, and doing the 21 Day Fix portion control and staying motivated because of my Challenge groups and my girls and guys that push me through it! My body has changed drastically and I am happier with myself and have more confidence than I have ever had before!!

Don't get me wrong, I have fallen off the band wagon of eating healthy especially when traveling for the holidays, HOWEVER, I have the products and tools to get me back on track, and to help me loose the weight I had gained and to tone my body back up after slacking on the workouts.

But in the end I get back on track. And I owe it to Beachbody and the products that they have available to everyone to help them be the best, healthiest, person they can be!

Beachbody has seriously changed my life for the better and I couldn't be happier!!

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