Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Get Fit for the New Year

The holidays are coming! Thanksgiving is a little over a week away!! Thanksgiving is a day or weekend full of eating yummy carb foods. By the time Monday rolls around you are feeling stuffed, bloated, and gross. And yes you probably have gained weight over the weekend if not before from all the candy, cookies, and mash potatoes. Don't let those few pounds discourage you.

I can help you lose the thanksgiving meal and more plus get you ready to ROCK your New Years Eve outfit!!

I am looking for 5 individuals that want to loose weight, feel great, and have a guilt free Holiday! Its only 21 Days long!

You will be given tips on how to enjoy the holiday season, handle holiday parties and food all while staying fit and healthy!

Also you will have your chance to win prizes for just getting healthy and fit!!

Send me an email at Jgerity83@gmail.com if you are interested.

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