Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #6 - Schedule a Meeting every week

Newly Wed Tip #6 - Schedule a Weekly Meeting Together

This may sound silly but this was the best advice I heard and I heard it from an amazing call from my company! I want to share it with you, because it has helped us so much! Schedule a meeting every week with your husband.

Why? Because life is busy and it pulls you in all different directions. And when you have kids it will pull you in even more directions. These meetings will allow you to sit down and talk about the week, the coming week, the future, things that upset, things you need to have changed, and things you might need help with. This allows you both to be on the same page and allows you to both see what is going on in each others lives and thoughts.

Rich and I meet every week. Either on Friday or Saturday night, depending on which day works that week. Unfortunately most weeks we have to go to a restaurant to meet, because we live at home with my parents and want it to be private and uninterrupted. I do not recommend doing it at a restaurant BUT if you do, do what we do. When we go to the restaurant we go an hour early. We sit and have our meeting for an hour and then we order dinner and make it a date night. We let the waitress or waiter know that we want to order dinner but it will be an hour till we do, because we are meeting first. We always tell them that if we need anything we will flag them down. This lets them know not to interrupt us and also lets them know we will be ordering, just to give us time.

These meetings have really helped our marriage. Its our time to be honest and upfront about how we feel, what we are thinking, what we want, etc. Sometimes the meetings are hard and feelings are hurt, but its better to do it over a meeting, then blow up at each other and say things we will regret.

Each meeting, we take turns going first, we start with something positive and then talk about what is on our minds, or what might of made us mad this week, or things that the other person needs to work on, or what we have going on this coming week or month

Whatever you talk about at your meeting, BE HONEST!!! BE OPEN!!! TALK!!! Theses meetings help! We get everything off our chests and talk about the future and where we are heading. When you talk each week, it allows the communication between the 2 of you to grow and become more open with each other. IT also allows you to get things off your chest and not stay quiet and build up anger and resentment. Some weeks you will have more to talk about then others. Make sure you talk each week though. Don't just shluff it off if you don't have anything to say, once you start talking you will think of things. Or write them down as they happen so you can remember come meeting time.

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