Monday, November 24, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #7 - Marriage isn't perfect so don't think it!

Newly Wed Tip #7 - Marriage isn't perfect so don't think it!
We all know life isn't perfect and it never will be! So why would marriage? Don't get me wrong, I thought once we were married life would be easier and less complicated. I thought the first year would be smooth sailing, romantic and no fights!! HA!!! Was I wrong!
When you marry someone, you have to learn to live with them, learn to put them first, learn their quirks, learn to know when to speak up, fight for what you want, walk away when battle is over, and love unconditionally.
Marriage is a path worth taking as long as you are willing to go the distance, willing to last a lifetime, willing to take the good with the bad, the ups with the downs.
Our marriage is far from perfect. We live with my parents in a bedroom that is too small for the two of us and all our belongings, he has a job that takes up too much time, he got hurt and had to have surgery and we have only been married for 4 months!! But we have big dreams. He has allowed me to start my business and do something that I am passionate about. We fight, sometimes daily, but we always, always talk it out. No not right away, but before the weeks over we talk about it. Yes, even sometimes we go to bed mad! No its not ideal, but sometime we need extra time, but we always, always talk about it, solve the problem, and apologize when it's our fault.

We by far do not have a perfect marriage and never will. We will never go a week without fighting or making one or the other mad, but that is okay. Getting upset and mad at each other, will mean that we still love each other and care about each other! Getting upset and mad means there is still passion in our marriage and that is what I want! I never want the passion to die!
Don't get me wrong there are days we want to kill each other, days he annoys me and days I annoy him. But when it comes down to the end of the day, there is no other guy I would want to spend the rest of my life with. He is the last person I want to see before I fall asleep and the first person I want to see when I wake up!
So I will continue to take the good with the bad, knowing that our marriage is not a fairytale and never will be. I will continue to remind myself that it wont be easy, BUT it is and will always be WORTH it!
Remember Love is overcoming obstacles, fighting to stay together, holding on to one another and never, ever letting go!
I always say we are making learning and making memories. Marriage is full of lessons, so why not look at them in a positive light and make memories with them. No the fights might not be memorable but the makes up and apologizes always are.
So next time you fight with your husband, fiancé, or boyfriend, remember he is worth it, remember the life you want to spend with him, and remember to learn from it and make a memory of it. Life is too short and you never know what is going to happen tomorrow. So hug your spouse / significant other a little tighter today!


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