Monday, November 3, 2014

Newly Weds Tip 1 - Prep the week ahead

I am no expert at being a newly wed or having a marriage that is perfect! But I do have some tips to share with you, of things that work for my husband and I, being married only 4 months. Marriage is 100% commitment from both sides and 100% effort from both sides. I hate the saying a marriage is 50 - 50. Its not! Its 100% commitment, dedication, and effort from both sides!

Any who! I will get off that soap box and give you my first tip!

TIP #1 - Prepare for the week ahead! - What do I mean by that? My husband works fulltime outside of the house, where I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home or anywhere on the go!  We both get up early, him to get ready for work and for me to get my workout in before the day gets hectic!

When it comes to working out - I do not allow any one (right now because we are kid-less, I know it will change when we have kids) to interrupt my workout! I get 100% focused on my workout and do not want to be interrupted for stupid things. WELL lets just say our first month of marriage and LIVING with my parents (not ideal), I was interrupted several days in a row because my husband couldn't find the apples, or shake packets, or bars. So by the 3rd day in a row of being interrupted, getting mad at him, and then ending up in an argument before 7am in the morning was not ideal to me. Instead I took it upon myself to set up the week in advance for him. I laid out his 2 snacks and shakeology packet for the week, so that all he had to do was walk into the dining room and grab a set. After I did this, I showed it to him, which made his life easier and me a much happier wife the next day because he didn't interrupt my workout!

I know this might sound like common sense but it wasn't for us. We didn't think about these things before and they were the little things that were causing stress on our marriage. Setting out his meals for the week is easy and takes a matter of 5 minutes on a Sunday afternoon! He his much happier and so am I!

So if you are sick of being interrupted or asked where things are in the morning when you are trying to get ready yourself or workout or get the kids up, try this. It has made life so much simpler for the both of us.

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