Thursday, November 6, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #2 Phones away

Tip #2 Phones away!

This might seem like a no brainer and easy enough to do, but its easier said then done. We all have cell phones now a days and we can keep them near us at all times. However, have you looked around lately when you are out shopping, or eating dinner? No one looks up any more. No one notices life happening any more because they are glued to their cell phones at all times. This was happening to us!

I own my own online health and fitness business so its hard for me to not have my phone on me at all times and out so that I can answer questions and respond back to my clients and team. And I was doing this at dinner!!! If my phone wasn't around me and I heard it go off, I would get up from the dinner table and go find it and respond back. RUDE!!! Right?!?!

My husband never said anything but he would have his phone out too and when I could pick mine up and respond to someone he would pick his up and look at it. We weren't talking! I didn't  know what went on in his day and I wasn't telling him about my dad because I was GLUED to my phone.

Well now ANY time we sit down to eat together, mostly just dinner, we turn phones on silent . or leave them in another room and ignore them if and when they go off. Man has it helped!!! We now talk about our days, plans for the weekend, what is in store for the week or tomorrow, etc. Its nice talking at the dinner table and not worrying about my phone.

I know that my clients and team will wait for me to respond and I know they wouldn't want me to respond during my dinner time because I wouldn't want them to respond during theirs.

So as easy as this tip might seem. Try it! We take for granted the moments we have and the time we have to talk about things. Cell phones have taken away the intimacy that once was there. Bring it back! Get rid of your phone. Its only a half hour to an hour time. Enjoy the time with your spouse!

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