Monday, August 17, 2015

CIZE - Recap of Week 4 / Final Week

EEK!!! I am so excited to tell you that on Saturday, I finished the CIZE program!!! And can I tell you how much I seriously love this program.

I love having a program that is only 4 weeks long. It makes the time fly by, you feel successful sticking to something for 4 weeks straight, and its the perfect summer workout, when you are crazy busy and trying to do 100 things at one time!

AND with this program you laugh, have fun, sweat, and live in the moment!!! Dancing is so freeing! Even if you do stink at it. Trust me, I am probably one of the worst dancers out there but I am having too much fun and getting into it to care!!! Plus I am doing it all in the comfort of my own home, so no one can see me mess up or trip over my 2 left feet!

The final week of Cize is like a Finale of the Fireworks, you do each routine one day. So you start from week 1 and do those 2 routines on Monday and Tuesday, then do week 2's 2 routines on Wednesday and Thursday and then Friday and Saturday are the 2 routines from week 3.

I loved this week the best because it allowed you to do all the routines. PLUS, it showed you how much muscle memory really does play a role. The routines that I thought were hard the prior weeks, actually came much easier to me and I was able to feel like I could add my own groove to it.

So does Cize have to a month long? No you can make it 2 months long if you want to focus on one routine per week.

With this program comes 2 Calendars, Advance and Beginner, but I have clients creating one that we are calling Intermediate. The Beginner calendar has you doing this program for 8 weeks, it has you take each routine and do it for a week straight. The advance Calendar is a month long and it has you doing 2 routines a week, alternating days. However, some of my clients are doing, 2 routines a week but 3 days straight of one routine or until they get a handle on it and then 3 days or 4 days of the next routine. This is what I LOVE about this program. It is geared towards your needs and wants and you don't have to move on till you MASTER that routine.

What about Progression? Does it get harder each week?

Progression, YES each week is a progression. The first weeks routines are easy and basic. There are also not a lot of moves in it and they are repeated A LOT. However, each week he adds more moves and more dynamic moves at that! He he turns it up FULL notch on the last routine, Living in the 8s. That routine I really struggled with, but the greatest thing about this program, is you don't get frustrated with it. When I messed up I would keep going to just break down and have fun and laugh at myself.  I struggled with week 3, however, I STILL got an amazing workout and sweat going while trying to not trip over my feet for the week. I was having fun and living in the moment!

SO if you like to dance, if you like Zumba, if you need something that isn't jumping or lifting weights, something that isn't strenuous on your body, if you hate to workout but KNOW you NEED to then CIZE is for you! It doesn't matter if you can dance or not. You just have to live in the moment and enjoy your time!

I am seriously loving this program no matter how goofy I look or how much I mess up!

You Should definitely check this program out! If your interested email me and we can set up a time to chat or find me on facebook and message me.

Here are is a video of me Cizing up!

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