Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Planning is Critical

Do you start each week off planed and prepped? Are you prepared Monday mornings to have a successful week? 

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Don't fail to plan this week. Make this week count! Follow these steps and you will plan to succeed this week. 

Step 1. Grab that pen and paper and plan out all your meals and snacks RIGHT NOW.

Step 2. Grab another sheet of paper and write down everything you need to buy at the grocery store. Only write down the ingredients you need to make those and meals and snacks.

Step 3. Go to the grocery store and STICK to your list. Stay away from the aisles as much as possible and don't buy anything you don't need. Do not give in to temptation.

Step 4. Prep your meals for the week, especially your dinner! Don't just have the food sitting in the fridge, prep now so you have it already to go. Don't be tempted by a crazy day at work and wanting to go out instead of cook. When you have everything prepped you have no excuses not to eat it. 

Step 5. Enjoy. Doing all this might sound like a lot of work. BUT, enjoy the process and know that you about to have an amazingly successful week!  

Will you plan to succeed or plan to fail this week?

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