Monday, August 24, 2015

The Ultimate Reset - My Journey

My Ultimate Reset Journey

For the past 3 weeks I have been doing the Ultimate Reset. And today marks the LAST day of the 21 day program.

Doing the Ultimate Reset has totally changed my life and my husbands. I hear people talking about 'eating clean' all the time, and to be honest before I did the Reset I thought I was eating pretty well. WRONG! This is my first time ever doing a cleanse/detox and I wish I had done one earlier in my life. Not as much for the results, but for the knowledge I gained about eating clean.

The Ultimate Reset is different than many traditional cleanses in that you don't starve yourself and drink some crazy concoction for 3-10 days. You actually EAT a LOT on this cleanse and you don't drink any kind of crazy weird drinks. 

So what Is The Ultimate Reset?

The Ultimate Reset is 21 days of re-setting your body back to “factory settings”. You will be removing harmful toxins, losing weight safely, increasing your energy, lowering “bad” cholesterol, boosting your mood and mental clarity, reducing inflammation, and improving regularity. You do this by following a plan that is provided that includes what to eat when and what supplements to take when. The 21 days  are divided into 3 phases, 7 days each. The first phase of the Ultimate Reset is called the Reclaim phase which is meant to balance your body chemistry by the foods that are eaten and the supplements that are taken. The second phase is called the Release phase and is meant to reverse the effects of poor eating habits, unhealthy foods, and environmental toxins. The third and last phase is called the Restore phase where you will experience a profound positive change in your mood and energy level. The Reset comes with a menu and complete guide to walk you through the 21 days.

What Does The Ultimate Reset Include?

In the Ultimate Reset package you get a quick start guide, a program and nutrition guide, 2 discs about re-setting your health and a cooking class, all six supplements, a bracelet, and a carrying case.

Quick Start Guide: This is sort of like a check list of how to begin. It also includes the plan for each week for when to eat and take your supplements.

Program & Nutrition Guide: This has everything you need to know about the program in it: what’s in the box, what to expect during the Ultimate Reset, how to go the extra mile, some questions to fill out before you start and again after you are done, your 3 week menu, snack ideas, the recipes for every meal on the menu, an ingredient list, FAQ’s, and finally how to transition after you are done with the Ultimate Reset.

2 Discs: Disc 1-How to reset your health in 21 days. Disc 2-The Beachbody Ultimate Reset Cooking Class.

The 6 Supplements: (no untested or made up in the lab chemicals here!)
Alkalinize-Helps maintain alkalinity.
Revitalize-Helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract.
Detox-Helps remove toxins and waste in the colon.
Mineralize-Adds natural minerals needed by the body.
Optimize-Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body functions.
Soothe-Helps enhance digestive health and reduce inflammation.

Bracelet: To remind you of the commitment you have made to yourself and your health.

Carrying Case: To put your supplements in when you have to travel, go to work, or go anywhere during times that you will need to take them.

Do You Eat REAL Food While Doing The Ultimate Reset?

If you consider a variety of fruits, a variety of vegetables, beans, lentils, quinoa, brown rice, salmon, eggs, whole grain toast, oatmeal, farina, potatoes, nuts, seeds, and even more REAL food, then YES, you do eat REAL food. And you eat a LOT of it! You shouldn’t starve to death on this plan that’s for sure. That is one of the BIGGEST reasons I decided to give the Ultimate Reset a try. I still wanted to be able to eat and feel full after a meal and to feel GOOD after eating and not crappy. I was a little worried at first when I saw the portion sizes in each recipe, but once I started to cook stuff and get it on the plate, I wasn’t anymore. In fact, there were a couple of meals where I didn’t know if I was going to finish them, especially the salads, they are HUGE!

The variety of foods that are in the recipes had me trying stuff that I never imagined I would be eating. All healthy, and all great tasting! That was the other thing that I was worried about. How bland was the food going to be. However, with the combination of the spices, oils, and other ingredients, I never had one meal that I thought was bland and lacking in flavor! Which surprised me because I NEED Cholula Hot Sauce on everything, OR so I thought!

Was the Reset Hard?
The food side of the Reset was easy. I loved everything! I am HUGE picky eater and I loved it all, even though sometimes it looked gross, it tasted amazing! It was challenging mentally and emotionally by week 3, but I was at a fair and it made me want everything and anything, even though I wasn't craving it.

As far as it being a cleanse and wondering if there were tons of intense trips to the bathroom, that didn't happen. This is a gentle cleanse so during week two, which is detox week, my body was cleansing itself but it was never something I couldn't control.

Would I do it again? 
I would actually. I love the routine and the FOOD. I hate meat so this was actually right up my ally when it came to the eating!  I know when to eat and I feel so 'light', from the inside out. I am no longer craving sweets and junk. My husband and I have actually talked about continuing this life style and not adding in the meats, junk, and alcohol. And we also plan on doing the Reset once a year, just to cleanse out toxins (not only from food but from the environment) and also remind our self that food is to nourish and fuel our body, not something that controls it. Our plan is to do it at the end of summer each year, after traveling and visiting family.

So Does your body feel like it could use a 'tune up'?

Are you:
  • Working out and not completely getting the results you want?
  • Stuck, just like the scale, and you don't know where to start in revamping your eating habits?
  • Feeling like you should be more energized, but not sure how to get there?
Is the Reset for you? 
Do I think this would be beneficial for you? Absolutely. But I would say that in doing a cleanse/detox that you need to be more ready than even in starting a new workout routine. You need to be mentally ready to make a change.
I bought the Reset back in April after Cancun, but life was too crazy and the Husband was not on board with it yet.
If you are in a crazy time of life right now I'd suggest you wait until things calm down a little. Also I suggest finding someone, like me, that can keep you accountable and keep you going when you are having rough days.
With that, I don't know if there is ever a perfect time to do this. I was at a HUGE County Fair, in Centre Hall, that any where and every where you walked, you smelled food and saw people eating it.  But it's freeing to realize you can say no to that stuff. And you don't have to say no for life–it's just 3 weeks.
If you are interested in the Ultimate Reset or want to know more about it, contact me!

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