Friday, August 28, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #41 - How to Aovid Movie Theatre Temptations

I don't know about you but I like to go to the movies in the fall / winter when I have time and its not nice out! In the summer, its just too nice out and the nights are longer to go sit in a movie theatre. However, fall and especially winter are great times to go because you DON'T want to be outside IF you live in the North where it snows a lot.

However, you CAN'T go to the movie theatre without at least being TEMPTED by the smell of the buttery popcorn!! And you just can't watch a movie without munching and slurping on something!! Right?!?

Sadly, many of the concessions sold at movie theaters are nutrition bombs that can seriously derail your weight management plan. Besides the fact that almost all the foods and beverages offered are calorie-rich and nutrient-poor, portions are gargantuan. For example, a large popcorn can contain over 1200 calories and over a day's worth of saturated fat! YIKES!!!

The smallest soda is 32 fluid ounces, the equivalent of 4 cups. It has 26 teaspoons of sugar! That's as much sugar as in 4 Snickers bars! It's the same as filling half a cup with granulated sugar, adding water and drinking it!

Watching the movie with food in your hands and nowhere to go, you are assured to finish off whatever you bought, to the detriment of your waistline.

Here are some strategies to fight back:
  1. If you're doing dinner and a movie, eat first. In fact, always come to the movies after eating. It will substantially decrease your temptation to buy anything besides tickets.
  2. BYO (bring your own) snacks. If the theater won't serve sliced fruit, nuts, or trail mix, why not bring your own? Note that some theaters do not allow you to bring your own food. It's relatively easy to sneak things in, but there are ethical and moral ramifications here. Movie theaters rarely make money from selling tickets. It's the ads and the concessions that keep them in business.
  3. Chew gum. A cheap and compact solution to keep your mouth busy for just 5 calories.
  4. Opt for the least unhealthy snacks. Most movie theaters today offer bottled water and some variation of a granola bar. There are some juice options too.
  5. If despite all the above you still intend to purchase the classic cola-popcorn combo, choose the smallest portion available.
  6. If you are just doing a movie and not dinner, then have a Shakeology Shake before you go! This will hold you over, help you fight temptation, and give you the energy to stay awake and watch the entire movie!
 Moral of the Story....      
Movie theaters can seriously harm your diet. Prepare in advance to avoid real-time temptations and next day regrets.

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