Monday, August 31, 2015

New Journey Starts Today

Its Monday! Its a brand new week and great day to start a NEW program. I have done a lot of Beachbody Programs and since finishing the Ultimate Reset I have been debating on what to do, so I was just doing PiYo for a week since that is the program my husband is doing during the Football Season.

Well this weekend after long debate, I chose to start P90X!! Yes that is right I am taking on Tony Horton's first program and the one that I have seen so many people get amazing results from AND hear that they LOVE it!

So what is P90X?
P90X’s core training technique relies on “muscle confusion,”.

 Muscle confusion is a variety of exercises. Typically a lot of programs focus purely on stationary yoga, Pilates, weight training or cardiovascular — P90X has all those things. The main purpose is to avoid the three things that cause most people to stop exercising: boredom, injuries and plateaus. In P90X, there’s variety in fitness with muscle confusion, and the goal is for people to get through the whole 90 days so they have real success and real results.

Who gets the most out of P90X?

 When P90X was created, it was made for two categories of people. This program was  geared towards people who weren’t getting results at the Gym. However, this program has turned into a workout for ANYONE, including the Military and A LOT of clinically obese have and still use this program. One of the reasons this works is that there are dozens of modifications other programs don’t have.

What can users expect during the 90-day regimen?

 It’s broken up into cycles. Each month there is a different sequence of exercises [each laid out in the DVDs]. The first three weeks you do the basic exercises, and then you have one recovery week. The second month you get a whole new bunch of routines done in different sequences and the recovery week again. Remember recovery doesn’t mean you don’t do anything; recovery means you are still working hard. [That is, you’re still working out, but not quite as rigorously as during the first three weeks of the month.] In the final month, you do a combination of what you did in the first and second month, which is an extension of muscle confusion.

What equipment is needed besides the DVDs?

 In a majority of the exercises the only thing required is the human body, Mother Earth and Sir Isaac Newton’s law of gravity. But having a pull-up bar helps. You don’t need it, but it certainly enhances the program, as well as dumbbells and bands. Some people just use resistance bands, but some men who want more size will go out and get dumbbells.

What if I don’t want bulging muscles like the buff people?

 There are three ways you can go through the program. There’s the classic version, which is the basic way we designed it. But we also created a lean version, which focuses more on flexibility, range of motion and cardiovascular fitness. There’s another version for athletes called doubles, which they’re doing twice a day. … You can customize the 90 days based on what you need. I am doing the LEAN version.

How important is diet when you’re on the P90X system?

DIET is crucial! We all know that. You CAN'T outwork a bad diet. So yes, It’s about the food as well. Often the reason so many people in this country struggle is because they are putting the wrong things in their mouths. There’s too much fat, sugar, salt and chemicals coming out of plastic bags and cans. Eat [foods] that when you look down at your plate, you can pronounce them. I am going Vegetarian / Vegan after the Ultimate Reset which means a PLANT Based diet.

Is P90X doable with an already packed schedule?

 It’s an hour a day. A lot of people would say no. … BUT people find time to fit it in because they see that it works.

A lot of people have friends and family and coworkers and neighbors that look different, that act different, that feel different, that have more energy, that sleep better, that are off their meds because of P90X AND shakeology. I bet you know someone your life that has done P90X and they rave about it and the results they got from it.  

So I am taking the journey! I am going to find out what the Rave is all about! And today was day 1. I did Core Synergistics and let me tell you, I am SORE!!! It was  a great workout that was NOT high impact, but it was HIGH intensity! You do the moves slow but concentrated and precisely. The workout was an hour long which I hated but I have the time and I want to check this program off my bucket list! ;)


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