Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Motivation Wednesday - Choices

Choice, not circumstances, determines your success!
It's the choices that we make each day that determine our future, our successful, our failures.

The choice you make today has an impact on your future. Whether it comes to eating, working out, happiness, career, etc. It's the choices you make right now that will effect them down the road.

 When you chose not workout today, that's okay you won't gain 10 pounds or be or of shape tomorrow, but you will start to skip your workouts more and when you do that, you will add on the poundage and lose shape.

 If you chose to eat bad today, you won't gain weight and you won't be unhealthy tomorrow, but if you make a habit of it, over time, you will gain weight and develop a unhealthy lifestyle.

 Though it might be one day you choose to make a bad choice, know this, if you allow it to start happening more often, then you are headed down the wrong bath.
Choose what's best, do the right thing, even when you don't want to, because a week from now, a month from now, a year from now you will be glad you did!!

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