Monday, August 24, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #40

GMOs? What Are GMOs? Do I need to be concerned?

GMO is an acronym for genetically modified organism. GMOs are crops or animals whose DNA has been artificially altered in order to improve one or more traits. They could not have evolved or mutated naturally to achieve this change. In many cases, foreign DNA is injected into the organism. Today, the majority of corn and soy in the US are genetically modified, after their DNA was altered to withstand certain pests and herbicides.
While this scientific feat is quite amazing, GMOs pose several challenges:
  • GMOs have not clearly been proven safe for humans over the long term.
  • GMOs have not necessarily decreased the use of pesticides or herbicides. In some cases, pesticide use and toxicity has increased.
  • GMOs are patented and pose ethical issues pertaining to corporate control of the global food supply.
Awareness of the existence of GMOs has grown in recent years, with many consumer groups calling for clear labeling of food products containing genetically modified ingredients.
Whether GMOs are safe or not. I avoid them! We were ment to eat food frommthe ground that is in its most natural state. Foods that have been modified are NOT in their most natural state. 
So how do you know what food has GMOs and those that don't? 
Download the Fooducate app! You can use the app to help find GMOs in your food. Go to the app settings screen, and in the GOAL tab, make sure to turn "WARN ME ABOUT GMOs" to ON. 
I use this APP and I love it!! Definite recommendation!! 

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