Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jenn S. 21 Day Fix Extreme

It's all about the ‪#TransformationTuesday!!
Meet Jenn she just finished her 1st round of the ‪#1DFX. And today I am sharing you this transformation because......

I want to show you how simple it is to make a change and form a habit in just 21 Days.....Jenn, like most of us, was slacking BIG TIME before she started the ‪21 Day Fix Extreme but she committed 100% to the program and to her meal plan AND she gave up wine!! Which is something you have to give up in the 21 Day Fix Extreme (but not the 21 Day Fix) And I know Jenn and trust me she LOVES her wine, so she was making a HUGE commitment to herself! And guess what?!? In just 21 Days she saw BIG changes to her body!!!

 Any one can do this program or the 21 Day Fix original. All you need to do is give yourself 21 days! This program is Simple fitness, with total body workouts that work every part of your body. This program is Simple Nutrition, with an easy to follow meal guide/plan, portion control and REAL FOOD AND the healthiest meal of the day with Shakeology!! Honestly this program is ‪foul proof!!

Taking that 1st step is the hardest part, believe me I was in your shoes 24 months ago ----- BUT with the support of my coach and my fitness group I was able to stick to my goals and accomplish more than I ever thought possible. The Fitness Groups, they WORK. The groups hold you accountable, they keep you on track, they give you a support group of other ladies doing the SAME thing. Right now I have a group of women in my fitness group that are ROCKIN' it, while they support and motivate each other ----- and they took that 1st step and a chance on themselves to make a change!! SO if YOU are ready to make a change TODAY and be on your way to living a healthier/happier life then fill out my fitness group application and lets get you started on your journey to a happier you!



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