Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Halloween Candy Crusher Group Now Open

OMG Halloween is 31 Days away! To me that is crazy!! And if you are anything like me Halloween Candy crushes you this time of year!
I LOVE anything that is chocolate peanut butter and anything that is DARK chocolate and if you put those 2 together watch out!! I can sit down and eat an ENTIRE bag of Reece's PB Cups
Well this year, this Halloween, I REFUSE to let the candy get the best of me. So to hold myself accountable, I  starting  a Halloween Candy Crusher Fitness Group. This group is not any ordinary fitness group, this group will not only help you start your health and fitness journey, but this group will also give you Shakeology recipes of all the different Halloween Candy you will be saying no to, it will give you extra fun Halloween Themed workouts to do, AND you will have a chance to win weekly prizes with a Grand Prize at the end of a $50 Gift Card!! Happy Halloween right?!?
If you are ready to start your fitness journey and want to have fun doing it, then fill this application out and we will get you going on your health and fitness journey and your candy crushing strength!
Let's get you looking SPOOKTACULAR this Halloween!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Steph L.

Transformation Tuesday!!!  

This is Steph and this is her transformation. She has been doing Beachbody programs and drinking shakeology for a year+ now and her transformation isn't just about losing weight! Its about her TOTAL transformation of MIND, BODY, and SOUL. When Step first started she was overweight and miserable. But now a YEAR later, Steph is TRULY happy with herself. She actually LOVES herself, which is not conceded at all. You know a lot of women struggle with loving who they are and being in their own skin. But because of shakeology, workout programs, and a community Steph has learned to be Happy and Confident and she has learned to love the journey

 Sure, she has lost all  her baby weight, which was 40ish lbs. That's AWESOME. BUT what she GAINED from her journey, her programs, her daily shakeology is so much better!!

She's gained confidence, friendships, a new sense of  herself worth, incredible knowledge of health & fitness, a sense of being, and LOVE and PASSION for helping others!! I don't know about you, but to me that is WAY better than losing weight!!!

How she feels today compared to a year ago is truly indescribable. And it has now become her job and passion to share that with others and help others feel the same way!! She wakes up every day wanting to help as many people as she can!! And if she can help just one person get to the place that she is at today, she will feel as though she has successfully done her job!!

That is the GREATEST thing about being a customer and a coach! You learn to love yourself first and then you get a burning desire to pay it forward and help others FEEL as amazing you do! Talk about rewarding in so many ways!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Start Being Your OWN Boss Today

Do you want to be your OWN boss? Do you want to set your OWN hours? Do you want to work from home? To do you want to work part time hours but make FULL time SALARY?

Guess what?!? You can!! 

I have been my own boss for 2+ years now!!! Say what?!? I can't believe it! When I started in July of 2013, I never would have thought I would be where I am now. 

When I started, I had no clue what I was doing and kind of thought, "What the hell I will try it, if it doesn't work I will quit."

Well, let's just say I fell in LOVE!!

Not just with coaching, but with my challenge groups, my clients and their ambition, the programs, shakeology, the company, my team, and everything that Beachbody stands for. 

I am on my way to building a substantial income that I would never have earned if I stayed in teaching.

I am so glad that I can say I have retired from teaching, that I have fired my own boss, and that now instead of working FULL time I am able to work Beachbody part time and get paid a full time SALARY!!! 

I am now able to invest my time into creating systems and trainings to help my coaches grow their businesses and have the opportunity to have options in life. 

I am looking for 5 men or women to work one on one with and personally train! I will give you the tools I used for my own success. 

Coaching can be done whether you are: 
➡️ Working full time
➡️ a full time mommy or daddy
➡️ pregnant 
➡️ college student
➡️ someone that has just graduated
➡️ someone that is just looking for some extra income. 

And guess what?!? You don't have to leave your house or travel. And you can do it all from you phone, tablet, or computer. 

Team Fearless Dreamers is ranked in the top 200 out of 360,000 coaches in Beachbody! Which means we are in the top .01% of all beachbody and we aren't stopping there! 

I have an all EXCLUSIVE, brand NEW, one on one Coach Training Academy opening up on October 5th. APPLY today to reserve your spot! 

Fill out this form and we will schedule a time to talk this week--->

You can also send me a personal message, like this post, or email me at if you want to know how to get started. Don’t miss out on this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #45 - 3 Tricks to help you lose weight and stay Healthy

3 Tricks to Help you Lose Weight
Check out these 3 Tricks! They no only help you lose weight but they help you get / stay healthy! Plus when your kids or husband comes home hungry, instead of looking through the cupboards and cabinets they will just grab what's right in front of them. So not only do you benefit from these tricks but so does your ENTIRE family!!!

Trick #1 – Have a fruit bowl in the house. Did you know that those that have a fruit bowl in there house, weigh less than their next-door neighbor who doesn’t. Have at least two different types of fruit in the bowl and keep it in a high-traffic area.

Trick #2 – Keep it on the down low.  Other than your fruit bowl filled with colorful options, it’s a good idea to remove other foods from your kitchen counter.
A study by Cornell University, found that people who had chips or cookies visible weighed about 10 pounds more than people with bare counters. Even more surprising, folks who kept boxes of breakfast cereal on the counter weighed about 21 pounds more, and those people who had soft drinks on the counter weighed 25 pounds more!

Trick #3 – Downsize.  While you may have heard this before, eating off smaller plates really does make a tremendous difference. Try using a 9- to 10-inch plate. These plates will reduce your portion sizes but have you thinking you’re eating more!


 Put these 3 food tricks to good use and you’ll be on your way to faster fatloss and a flatter stomach in no time!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!!! - No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites Gluten-Free, Vegan

No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites Gluten-Free, Vegan

This recipe is AMAZING!! Also easy to make and great for the FALL season and of course FOOTBALL Season!!! Hubby loved them and will be on the list of treats to make during this beautiful Season!

 Yield: 16-20 squares


1 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup almond flour
1 tbsp cacao powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp almond milk

Cheesecake layer:
1 1/2 cups raw cashews
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup canned pumpkin
1 tsp pumpkin spice


Soak the cashews in water for 1 hour. Discard the water. Line a loaf baking pan with parchment paper and set aside.

Place the crust ingredients in your blender and pulse until the mixture comes together; this should take about 1 minute. Press this mixture evenly onto the bottom of the prepared loaf baking pan and place it in the freezer while you prepare the cheesecake topping.

Place the cheesecake ingredients in your food processor and pulse until smooth. Pour the cheesecake mixture over the crust in the baking pan and spread it evenly. Freeze the dessert for at least 2 hours.

Cut the cheesecake into squares before serving. Keep leftovers covered in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Does your job make you feel guilty?

Does your job make you feel guilty?

Do you ever struggle with competing priorities in your life?

Have you ever been at work and felt guilty that you were not with your spouse or children? 

Have you ever been with your children and felt guilty about not getting your work done? 

At the end of the day do you feel guilty about what you didn't get done at home or work, instead of feeling great about what you did accomplish?

I have! Actually I did on a daily basis! No, I don't have kids, but teaching isn't a 9-5 job. So much has to go into teaching that you end up working before school starts and either staying late or taking stuff home with you to do.

And it's not just at the beginning of the school year, it's ALL year long. It's everyday! You plan lessons to be amazing, you have papers to grade, parents to meet with, school meetings before and after school. It's never ending and it takes away from the people that mean the most to you.

No I don't have kids yet, but being a teacher for 8 years didn't allow it. It didn't even allow me to have a pet!! 

Over dramatic? No! I couldn't buy a dog and stick it in a crate for 10+ hours a day and then come home and fill guilty walking it when I should be planning or planning when I should be playing with the dog.

And you couldn't take a day off without feeling guilty or wondering how bad it's going to be when you get back. Plus with teaching when you take off its more work then it's worth! The lesson plan for the sub ends up being 10+ pages long and then you know they don't follow it! Ahh!!!

Yes, this example is only of teaching but, I know other jobs, that are the same! 

But guess what?!? There are also jobs, I guess that's what you would call it, that are completely the OPPOSITE!!! 

Yes you read that right! Now I have a job, where I am MY OWN BOSS! Yes I set the hours I work and don't work. And on the days I don't work, I don't have to spend extra hours writing lesson plans or feeling guilty about taking off.

And the best part is I can spend quality time with my husband when he gets home and I don't have to feel guilty one bit. 

Oh and now I can get a pet if I want to. Or even better I can have kids and not worry about who is going to raise them and feel guilty not being there for them like my mom was for me and Rich's mom was for him! 

Stop feeling guilty with your job and family! Let me help you start this journey to being your own boss. Let me help you replace your income so you can stay home with your babies!! 

It all starts with a choice! Choose to be happy and not guilty! Choose your family over your job! And start today! 

If your ready to start being your own boss today like this post, email me at or message me. Let's get you started on this amazing guilt free journey!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Amy F.

Transformation Tuesday!!!

This is Amy! And this is her story.....
Amy is a mom of 3 kids, that she had in 3 years. She was unhappy with herself, she had no confidence, and her past was a burden that she continued to emotionally deal with and emotionally eat over it.
However in Jan 2014. she met her coach Allyson. She believed in her coach and what she was doing. Her coach was there for  her, supported her and helped her figure it all out. Unfortunately life happens, and Amy had to have surgery and this time it was a biggie- a hysterectomy that would put her out of commission with her workouts for almost 8 weeks. 

However, in Aug of 2014, Amy had her turning point, her AHA moment. It did not come without sacrifice. It did not come without sweat, tears and a little bit of puking. It did not come without this her believing she might not be able to stick with it. But she did and she started to feel the changed inside of her as well. She felt more powerful. She felt stronger in every sense. She wanted to leave the house. She wanted to be present and really present and not dreaming about her next "fix" aka the food. 
Now we it's Sept. 15th, 2015, and LOOK how far she has come!!! She transformed not just by losing 88 pounds...yep there you have it- 12 pounds away from hitting the 100 pound loss mark. The strength, the knowing who she needs to surround herself and her family with to be the best she can be as a mother, a friend, a wife, a coach, a fitness instructor and a good person all around...
Now she is paying it forward. She is helping others transform not just their bodies but their minds, their spirits, and their confidence!!!
And it was all possible with her coach, her challenge groups for support, her  Beachbody trainers, and Shakeology.
Beachbody isn't just another company that wants your money. It truly is an amazing company where the CEO makes you laugh and can make you cry with happiness and be overwhelmed by the drive to save lives.
Don't wait another day to start your transformation either physically, mentally, or financially. I am here to help you EVERY step of the way. The ups the downs, the tears. Together we will accomplish the goals YOU set and want to accomplish.
Lets be honest. It wont be easy. It will be hard some days. BUT it will be WORTH it, that I can promise you!!!
If you are ready. If you want to take the leap. Then lets talk! Email me or apply to my next fitness group and we will set up a time to talk about your goals and needs!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Phase 1 of P90x is over!!

As you all know, 3 weeks ago I started the P90x journey. One of my goals with being a Health and Fitness Coach is to do all the Programs that Beachbody comes out with and P90x was up next.

I am through Phase 1 of the program and on to the Recovery Week before starting Phase 2. I started doing P90x without being 100% into the program and the workouts. I honestly wasn't excited for the longer workouts, and I just didn't have the drive or desire to do P90x. However, I committed to it and refused to quit. Plus I honestly, felt it working within the first few days. And I have now made it past Phase 1 and am excited with the results I am seeing and feeling!

During Phase 1, I have continued to eat a WHOLE plant based diet! I have only allowed myself one treat the past 3 weeks and that is because the hubs, who is a football coach, wanted to go out and celebrate their Home Opener Win!  I have also upped my calories for this program since it is longer workouts and the program is more intense.

The p90x book says I should be eating between 1800 - 2000 calories a day. To me that is a TON. However, I am eating any where from 1500 - 1900 a day, it really just depends on the meals I had planned out. However, my calorie count is not what I am worrying about. My philosophy is if I am hungry then I will eat.

Like I said, I am continuing with a whole plant base diet. After doing the reset, I felt TOO good to go back to the old ways of eating. Plus this way is soooo much fun! Its always something different and my husband, LOVES the plant base diet because there is always something new to try. Which I need to be honest with you, before we did the Ultimate Rest, I got lazy and we pretty much had the same thing every night for dinner. Doing this diet, I really didn't think I would be able to continue with it or with P90x. I thought I would have to give up one or the other. But I don't! I feel great!!

The only thing I noticed during the first 2 weeks of P90x was that I was exhausted and to the point I struggled to stay awake during the day. It wasn't because I wasn't eating enough, I was definitely eating more than my share. Doing P90x completely shocked my system and I needed something to help me perform at my best and still be able to function through out the day.

So the middle of week 2 I am changed that. How?  I started the Beachbody Performance Line (Pictured below). And guess what?!?! The performance line was the answer! I have more energy, feel great, am able to push harder, and stay awake through the day!

So what am I taking and when?

I have energize (Pre-workout drink) before the workout, hydrate (drink that keeps your muscles hydrated) during the workout, chocolate protein recovery shake immediately after the workout! And at night 30-60 minutes before I go to bed I take the vanilla recharge shake!

I was honestly nervous to start these since they technically aren't PLANT BASED but they are seriously helping and they don't count as calories or containers because they are helping my body perform and recovery.


It’s a performance-enhancing supplement system specifically designed to meet the demands of Beachbody’s world-class workouts. Now, you don’t have to let anything hold you back from getting the results you want. Beachbody Performance helps you overcome your fitness obstacles, whether it’s low energy, lack of focus, dehydration, exercise-induced muscle soreness, slow recovery, or poor workout performance. With Beachbody Performance, you can push yourself harder and last longer, which means you can get better results from your workouts—faster.

It’s an all-in-one system that can be used together or easily customized depending on your fitness goals or needs. There are 5 unique formulas—Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge, and Creatine. Each serves a specific purpose, and when used as a system they work together to help you get:*

• More energy and endurance

• Better focus to push harder

• Less exercise-induced muscle soreness

• Faster recovery times


Beachbody® is committed to getting results. So when we set out to create workout supplements, we knew they had to outperform anything else on the market. Just as we revolutionized superfood nutrition with Shakeology®, we are determined to revolutionize your workout performance—and help you get the best health and fitness transformation of your life.

Beachbody Performance is the best because it’s:
• Developed by Harvard-trained scientists using cutting-edge sports science and nutrition research.
• Formulated with ingredients at clinically effective levels scientifically shown to make a difference in energy, focus, stamina, strength, and recovery.
• No gimmicky ingredients without proof that they work. Beachbody Performance is backed by evidence-based ingredients shown to help improve performance and recovery.
• No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #44 - The last 3 Foods you should NEVER Refrigerate

Did you know that refrigeration can actually cause certain foods to spoil faster?  It's true.  In fact, here are 7 foods that you'll never find in my refrigerator.

Onions - If you love soggy onions while also causing the rest of your food to taste and smell like onions, then you'll definitely want to refrigerate your onions immediately.  Otherwise, try storing them in a paper bag (within a cool, dark cabinet) for maximum shelf-life.

6.  Avocados - Much like the banana, refrigeration shuts down an avocado's ripening enzymes.  If you want guacamole next month, this may be OK, but if you're like me, you probably want guacamole today.
7. Coffee - Contrary to popular belief, coffee is best stored at room temperature to allow the natural oils within the coffee bean to activate its pungent aromatic scent.   On the flip side, refrigeration can actually cause coffee to absorb odors from other foods in your fridge.  Onion flavored coffee anyone?  Don't make that mistake twice guys...
If you have stored any of these items in your refrigerator, its okay! I have done it all too! Tomatoes and Avocados were a real shocker to me, but it makes sense. Think about it, when you go to the grocery store they aren't in the with the refrigerated stuff or being cooled on a cooler.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!! - 5 Ingredient Almond Butter Banana Muffins

Almond Butter Banana Muffins
During the football season I like to make my husband a treat for either GAME Day or the night before. I only do it on home game weekends when he is able to enjoy it. And because those weekends we can actually enjoy the treats together.
Last weekend I made these Muffins. I didn't know what they were going to taste like, but I thought, what the heck lets try it! OMG were they amazing. MOIST and delicious! I added chocolate chips to them and when you bit into the muffins the chocolate chips melted in your mouth!
These muffins were a HIT with my hubby and they were plant based! So it was  WIN WIN in my books. Plus his team WON their home opener so it was a great weekend in the Yahner Household!!
Oh and don't worry. I will be making these again. They didn't last even 24 hours!!!  And it was a great  use to my OVER RIPE bananas that I didn't want to waste!

  • 1 cup natural Almond butter (can use any Nut butter)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 medium sized very ripe bananas
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 tablespoons honey (optional, but I added it!)
  • Optional toppings of choice: dark chocolate chips, coconut, raisins, craisins
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Place ingredients in the blender and blend until well mixed.
  • Pour batter into muffin tin greased with cooking spray or coconut oil.
  • Add a variety of toppings into each muffin spot and stir.
  • Cooking time varies- 9-11 minutes for regular muffins
  • I got 12 big muffins out of them. You can do mini muffins if you would like too.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

DO I Have Time to Become a Beachbody Coach?!?

Did you know that all you need is an hour a day to grow your own business?!? An HOUR, that's it!?!?

So many women whom I talk to about becoming an Independent Beachbody Coach (who I know would make amazing coaches) tell me that they don’t have the time. Many women are extremely busy and feel they don’t have the hours to dedicate to coaching. I try to help them understand that with this business you don’t need a lot of time. You can succeed if you just dedicate an hour a day!

Guess What!?! When I first started as a coach (just 2 years ago), I was a full-time Special Education teacher and was in the process of planning a wedding! And on top of those 2 things, I pursued coaching for full-time income. So how on Earth was I able to balance everything? I am going to share my secrets with you!

First, I removed all my time excuses - that I didn’t have enough time, that I had to dedicate my time to teaching, that I had to make sure I had the perfect wedding, that I don’t have any energy to do something extra after school, and that I have to plan and prep for the next day.

I was stuck in rut and I hated my job, but I let these excuses dictate my life. I wasn't getting any closer to my goal of leaving my teaching job.

Second, I thought long and hard about "My Why." In other words, why I wanted to make this work; why I was doing this. I knew I was going to need it in tough times, in times that I wanted to quit, in times that I was going to want to give up. My Why has changed since I started, but my WHY in the beginning was to leave teaching. I was unhappy and miserable which was effect all areas of my life. I wanted to be happy, healthy, and my OWN boss. Today my why is Rich! He works CRAZY hours being a football coach and when he comes home at end of a LONG day, I think of the day he won't have to do that anymore. I think of the day that he will be able to be his OWN boss and there for our kids.

Third, I created a plan! I didn’t just make a schedule for when I would work the business, I made a schedule of all the things I was willing to give up and sacrifice to make this work. To be able to quit my full time job, to be able to bring my husband home, to be able to provide for our kids some day! What did I sacrifice? I gave up online shopping, I gave up going to the loft when I got sale notifications, I gave up going to target and purchasing things I knew I didn’t need. I also gave up an extra hour of sleep. I started staying up a half hour later and waking up a half hour earlier. AND a big one, I gave up TV. I gave up watching all my favorite shows at night or the recordings of them on the weekend. Instead I would listen to Team Calls, I would listen to Podcasts, I would read an extra page or two in my personal development book. I found areas in my day that I could fit in the business.

Lastly, I brain dumped every night before I went to bed. Huh? I made a list of all the things I needed to do the following day. I made 3 actually, one for the house, one for school, and one for the business.

Honestly, all you need is an hour a day to grow this business. I have grown mine 100% through Facebook. So stop and think about it, you are most likely on Facebook for an hour or more a day. Why not give coaching a try. Why not see what you can accomplish!
Will it be easy all the time? No! But I can tell you this, if you have a why, if you have a strong enough reason, it will be WELL worth it!

Your priorities, your thoughts, your actions, they determine whether you succeed or not. And if you can make working this business a priority for just 1 HOUR a day then you can grow a successful business and have the extra income to do what YOU want to do!
I won’t lie, it’s gonna take time and dedication, but for me, two years later, I am now my OWN boss. I am no longer working for someone else. I have the complete freedom to come and go. I have the complete freedom to travel when I want and not just in the summer!

So ask yourself this, isn't giving up an hour a day worth all that?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - 3 Day Refresh - Toddie

Transformation Tuesday!! Toddie and her amazing results!!

I got this amazing message this morning!! I love waking up to these messages!

I had a challenger just finish up the 3 Day Refresh and she lost 6.2 POUNDS!!! I couldn't believe it! In just 3 days she lost 6.2 pounds. She couldn't either!!
She had done it all. She has done Nutrisystem, weight loss pills, weight loss shakes, you name it, she has tried. And she has not gotten the results like she has with the 3 Day Refresh, shakeology, and PiYo!
This challenger has been doing the PiYo and drinking shakeology daily since August. Keep in mind that is only 2 months in her journey! This past week she decided to join my Fall Refresh group which was a 7 Day Clean Eating group with a 3 Day Refresh attached to it! And with Eating Clean and doing 3 days of the resfresh she not only lost weight but she has learned to eat clean and FEEL good!
She did the refresh on the weekend!!! To me that takes dedication and discipline since the weekends can be tempting. However she stuck to it and crushed her goals! She is a full time working teacher and is contemplating coaching because she feels amazing and wants to pay it forward!

It's truly amazing what eating clean, portioning your food, working out 30 minutes a day, and a determination can do in just under 3 months.

No I don't have pictures to show, but just these words alone and these numbers are why I do what I do!!!
So What I the 3 Day Refresh?
The 3-DAY REFRESH is an exciting addition to the Beachbody supplements family. It’s an easy-to- follow low-calorie, 3-day clean eating program consisting of Shakeology for breakfast, 2 additional high- protein shakes at lunch and dinner (these 2 shakes are not shakeology shakes) supplemented with a selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and a digestive/fiber drink. It’s the perfect solution to lose a few pounds quickly, get a clean break from bad nutrition habits and feel immediately cleaner, lighter and more healthy...without starving. Plus you an work out on this cleanse!! Not high intensity but moderate workouts are suggested! 

The 3 day shakeology cleanse is 3 days of 3 shakeology shakes a day, a piece of fruit and a Chicken salad at dinner, and with no working out allowed or recommended. 

The new 3 day refresh has taken the 3 Day shakeology and improved it and made it easier for someone to stick with. Yes, it is low in calories but you are eating fruits, veggies, and even healthy fats with it!!!! The only thing you are not eating is meat or starches!! 

The refresh is perfect for any one to do, especially after a vacation, or wanting to jumpstart back into clean eating and getting back into the workout routines.
Interested in the 3 Day Refresh? Want to find out how you can lose any where from 3-10 pounds in just 3 Days? Apply today to join my next Refresh group!
Oh the Refresh is on sale this month and anyone that purchases the 3 Day Refresh with a month supply of shakeology, will get a FREE program from me!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

FREE Shakeology What Group Forming Now.

On a daily basis, I am asked: Shakeology?!? What is it? Why is it so great? You want me to spend WHAT?
So WHAT is shakeology? Do you know? It is just another protein shake? Is it a meal replacement? Is it Gluten Free? Dairy Free? Vegan? Does it really TASTE that good?
I LOVE shakeology and I honestly can't go a DAY without having it, if not 2!! Shakeology has seriously changed my life and helped me in so many ways!! My husband Rich, has even fallen in love with Shakeology!! I honestly can't say one bad thing about it! And I love it soo much that I want to share it with you!!! So.....
I am running a FREE, no obligations, no commitment group to tell you ALL about shakeology. AND I will be doing a give away of FREE Shakeology packets at the end of the 5 days!
What do you have to lose? Its FREE. Join us for a fun way to learn more about shakeology and why I am so in love with this particular shake! And don't forget, you could WIN some packets too.
Email me at if you want to see what the fuss is all about!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #43 - 4 out of 7 Foods you should NEVER Refrigerate

Did you know that refrigeration can actually cause certain foods to spoil faster?  It's true.  In fact, here are 4 foods that you'll never find in my refrigerator (mostly because I store them somewhere else):

1. Bananas - Storing bananas in the refrigerator can actually disrupt the ripening process.  In fact, once refrigerated, a banana may never be able to resume the ripening process even if returned to room temperature.  Just think of how devastating that is for the banana :(

2. Sweet Potatoes - When exposed to cold temperatures, starches found in potatoes will turn to sugar, disrupting their flavor and texture, not to mention increasing their sugar content. If you prefer tasteless potatoes that cause weight gain, however, please refrigerate.
3. Tomatoes - Ever had a really amazing tomato right out of the fridge?  Me either.  Tomatoes actually lose their flavor and become mushy when refrigerated.  Gross.

      4. Apples - Same as above, apples lose their texture and flavor when refrigerated.  Instead, place an apple in the fridge about 30 mins before eating if you prefer your apples cold.  That's what I always do anyway.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!!! - Sweet Potato Black Bean and Spinach Enchiladas!!!

Who knew Mexican Food could be so AMAZING when you don't add meat!! These Enchiladas are out of this world AMAZING!!! Oh and its all GLUTEN FREE / VEGAN / VEGETARIAN!!!

Sweet Potato Black Bean & Spinach Enchiladas

Makes - 10 large enchiladas


1 large sweet potato, peeled and diced (approx. 2 cups)

1 tablespoon oil (olive oil or coconut)

1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed

1/2 cup of fresh spinach, chopped

1/2 cup corn kernels (fresh or frozen and defrosted)

1 red bell pepper, cored and diced

1 jalapeno, cored and diced

6 green onions, thinly sliced

1/2 cup cilantro leaves, chopped

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 teaspoon chili powder

juice of 2 limes

10 tortillas, corn large ones

24 ounces salsa or enchilada sauce

1 cup shredded cheddar/monterey jack cheese (or vegan cheese)

avocado and/or cilantro for topping (optional)


Preheat the oven to 400°F and then place the diced sweet potato in a 9 x 13” casserole dish. Using your hands, toss the sweet potato pieces with one tablespoon of high heat oil until evenly coated and then bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

Meanwhile chop the rest of the veggies and place them in a large bowl.

Once the sweet potato is done, reduce the oven to 350°F and then add the potato to the bowl as well.

Sprinkle in the spices and add the lime juice then stir together.

Then add 1/2 cup of the cheese and stir to combine.

Spread a thin layer of salsa over the bottom of the same casserole dish and set aside.

Scoop the vegetables into the tortillas one at a time so that it fills the center. If you position the filling at a diagonal angle to the tortilla, it makes it easier to roll.

Roll the tortillas and then place in the casserole dish seam side down.

Once all tortillas are arranged in the dish, top with remaining salsa and sprinkle with remaining cheese.

Cover the dish with foil and bake for 20 minutes.

Then uncover them and bake for an additional 15 minutes.

Serve warm and garnish with diced avocado and/or cilantro.

Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container for up to 4 days in the refrigerator.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

P90X - Recap and Beachbody Performance Line Start!

As you all know, Last week I started the P90x journey. One of my goals with being a Health and Fitness Coach is to do all the Programs that Beachbody comes out with and P90x was up next.

I am half way through week 2. Last week, week 1, I do not think my whole heart was in it, I wasn't excited for the longer workouts, and I just didn't have the drive or desire to do P90x. However, I committed to it and refused to quit. Plus I honestly, felt it working within the first few days.

During week 1, I continued to eat a WHOLE plant based diet! I didn't have any treats or cheats but I did up my calories. The p90x book says I should be eating between 1800 - 2000 calories a day. To me that is a TON. However, I am eating any where from 1500 - 1900 a day, it really just depends on the meals I had planned out. However, my calorie count is not what I am worrying about. My philosophy is if I am hungry then I will eat.

Like I said, I am continuing with a whole plant base diet. After doing the reset, I felt TOO good to go back to the old ways of eating. Plus this way is soooo much fun! Its always something different and my husband, LOVES the plant base diet because there is always something new to try. Which I need to be honest with you, before we did the Ultimate Rest, I got lazy and we pretty much had the same thing every night for dinner. Doing this diet, I really didn't think I would be able to continue with it or with P90x. I thought I would have to give up one or the other. But I don't! I feel great!!

The only thing I noticed this week and last week is that the first 3 days of the program each week, exhaust me to the point I struggle to stay awake during the day. So this week I am changing that. How?  Well today, I started the Beachbody Performance Line (Pictured below). I have been getting tired through out the day, so I am hoping the performance line is the answer! I did energize before the workout, hydrate during the workout, and then chocolate recovery after! Tonight before bed I will take the vanilla recovery! I am excited to see how these help me with my performance with P90x!


It’s a performance-enhancing supplement system specifically designed to meet the demands of Beachbody’s world-class workouts. Now, you don’t have to let anything hold you back from getting the results you want. Beachbody Performance helps you overcome your fitness obstacles, whether it’s low energy, lack of focus, dehydration, exercise-induced muscle soreness, slow recovery, or poor workout performance. With Beachbody Performance, you can push yourself harder and last longer, which means you can get better results from your workouts—faster.

It’s an all-in-one system that can be used together or easily customized depending on your fitness goals or needs. There are 5 unique formulas—Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge, and Creatine. Each serves a specific purpose, and when used as a system they work together to help you get:*

• More energy and endurance

• Better focus to push harder

• Less exercise-induced muscle soreness

• Faster recovery times
Beachbody® is committed to getting results. So when we set out to create workout supplements, we knew they had to outperform anything else on the market. Just as we revolutionized superfood nutrition with Shakeology®, we are determined to revolutionize your workout performance—and help you get the best health and fitness transformation of your life.
Beachbody Performance is the best because it’s:
• Developed by Harvard-trained scientists using cutting-edge sports science and nutrition research.
• Formulated with ingredients at clinically effective levels scientifically shown to make a difference in energy, focus, stamina, strength, and recovery.
• No gimmicky ingredients without proof that they work. Beachbody Performance is backed by evidence-based ingredients shown to help improve performance and recovery.
• No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Cody H.

Its #TransformationTuesday!!

Are you a mom who thinks she will never have her body back or have the body you've always dreamed of? I can give you a whole list of women that can prove to you that is NOT true, but today I'd like to showcase this one!!

Cody H is my upline coach and a total rockstar! Check out her before picture just a few weeks after having her youngest of three. Do you think she ever thought she'd have the body on the right? I bet I can answer that question! But with dedication and determination, you can do anything you set your mind to!!

Our bodies are capable of SO much more than we think!

I know its back to school and so many of you are focusing on getting your kids ready and sent off and wanting to make sure they're set up and have everything they need, but what about you?! Who's taking care of YOU and making sure you have what you need?! Do something nice for yourself!!

I have two challenge groups starting soon and I'd love to have you in one of them!! Are you ready to have the body you've always dreamed of?! Send me a message today so we can get you started!!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day Special

Happy Labor Day!!!

I know how hard it is to get started, especially with school starting and fall sports going on, but I am here to help you!!  For the past 2 years I have been running challenge groups and I must say, that my clients have been VERY successful. How? Because these Challenge groups are more than just posts.

They provide:
✅ Daily Tips
✅ Recipes
✅ Help with meal planning
✅ 1 on 1 Support
✅ Accountability
✅ Motivation

To help you get started, I am giving YOU the opportunity to get a FREE Boost. These boost were just released at Summit and have been a stable in Rich's and I's shakeology!

And for the first 5 NEW challengers that commit to getting Back To You, and join my fitness group will have the opportunity to get a Boost FREE!!!! Fill out this
Apply today for your FREE Boost and a spot in my NEXT Fitness Group.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #42 - Popcorn is it Healthy? it Healthy?

We all love popcorn! Its a always around. You can literally get it any where! Games, concerts, movie theatres, farmers markets, grocery store! And its easy to make. Pop it in the microwave and in 5 minutes you got popcorn!! Oh and the smell, well it gets you every time!!

So the question is....Is popcorn healthy!

And the answer is.....YES it CAN be!

Popcorn can be a healthy snack, BUT you can't buy it at the grocery store in bags to be popped in Microwave and you can't buy it at the games if you are looking for healthy! Those ones are added with preservatives, extra sugar and fats and will not satiated you!

However air-popped popcorn is GREAT!!! A single cup of air-popped corn has only 30 calories. A one ounce serving - 3 full cups - is still less than 100 calories. And, it has 3 grams of fiber to boot.

However, if you are like most people, when you eat popcorn it is NOT this way!  Its usually the movie theater popcorn that is soaked in TONS of fats and sodium and over 1000 calories. Or is the grocery story popcorn that is the ready made or the boxes of  just throw me in the microwave and pop me!

So why not ready made either? Because they have added ingredients to preserve them, WAY too much salt, unhealthy oils, and they add sugar!!!

So what should be in your popcorn? Olive Oil or Coconut Oil, Pink Himalayan Salt, and air popped popcorn!

So if you are going to eat popcorn make it at home. Buy a fun Cheap Air Popper and get creative with your popcorn. The Air-popper won't take long for your popcorn to pop, you will feel good about going back for seconds and its ALOT Cheaper!!
Remember popcorn CAN be a very healthy snack! It just comes down to the question are you WILLING to pop it yourself?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!! Strawberry Banana Oat Bars!!

Strawberry Banana Oat Bars

Yields: 9 - 12 squares


For the strawberry chia jam:

2 cups frozen strawberries
2 Tbsp. maple syrup
2 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 tsp. vanilla extract

For the banana oat bars:

2 cups GLUTEN FREE rolled oats, divided
1 tsp. baking powder
2 large ripe bananas, mashed (~1 cup)
¼ cup maple syrup
1 tsp. vanilla extract


Make the jam:

Add strawberries and maple syrup to a medium saucepan set over medium heat.

Heat until the berries begin to release their liquid, about 5-15 minutes depending on whether or not they were thawed first.

Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, until berries begin to break down and thicken, about 5 -10 minutes. Use your spoon to break them apart further if desired.

Stir in the chia seeds and vanilla, continuing to cook for another 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and allow the jam to cool. It will continue to thicken the longer it sits.

Make the bars:

Preheat oven to 375F and prepare an 8x8 baking dish by lining it with a sheet of aluminum foil or parchment paper, leaving a few inches of overhang on the sides to allow for easy removal. Spray foil with cooking spray and set aside.

Place 1 cup of oats in a food processor or blender, and process until they resemble a fine flour. Transfer the oat flour to a large mixing bowl, and add the remaining rolled oats and baking powder, mixing well.

Add the mashed bananas, maple syrup, and vanilla extract, and mix until everything is well combined and a dough is formed.

Transfer ⅔ of the mixture into your prepared baking pan, using your fingers or a spatula to ensure that it is pressed down tightly and evenly. Spoon chia jam over the surface, and use a spatula or knife to spread it evenly, making sure to only go within ¼ of the edge to prevent the jam from burning. Sprinkle remaining oat mixture on top, breaking up bigger chunks and pressing down lightly.

Bake for 30 minutes until the top turns a light golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to fully cool in pan before cutting into bars.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

PiYo a program for ALL

This months specials are too good to be true and too good NOT to share with you! You get PiYo + the 3 Day Refresh + 1 month of Shakeology!! Its Crazy!!!

Why am I super excited about this? Because the life can be STRESSFUL and busy and with PiYo you get a functional flexibility program that burns calories, gets you crazy results, is cardiovascular yet low impact, and restores your body!! PiYo is the perfect workout to do during the stress of life because it will leave you feeling flexible, stretched, relaxed, gives you energy, and will boost your mood!

PLUS you get it with the 3 Day Refresh which will give your body the jumpstart it needs to loosing weight, eating cleaner and healthier, gives you an emotional boost, motivates you to keep going, and moves your forward and away from those horrible eating habits you developed this this summer.

Anyone and Everyone can benefit from PiYo. It doesn't matter if you are football player, injured, new at working out, have your own workout routine in place, or a runner. PiYo is the program for you!

Looking to try something new? Need to slow down this month but don't want to give up on your health? Message me or Find me on Facebook and let me help you keep going and enjoy this FALL with as little stress as possible!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Erin M

Transformation Tuesday - Erin M
These pics are of Erin 1 year apart. She has people telling her that they don't remember her that 'big', but she was and she has the proof to show it.

Meet Erin. She started off like everyone else as a customer, then became a discount coach for the amazing discount, and finally had her AHA moment and decided to start helping others while still staying committed to her journey.
And today we aren't going to talk about her amazing weight loss. Today we are going to talk about something MORE important then the scale! We are going to talk about the MENTAL transformation that she had! For her the mental transformation was the biggest transformation she had. And if you see in the picture above she had a pretty phenomenal physical transformation too! 
But when it comes down to it, when it comes down to the end of the day, its not about how you look or what size you wear, its about how you feel and how you TRULY look at yourself.  And with Erin, she felt so much better in her skin. This journey was not always easy for her,  but in the grand scheme of things it was the best thing SHE ever did for herself.

 She was someone who never worked out before starting this journey so yes, she continues to count the days like she did when she first started, and that's okay! When you go from never working out a day in your life to working out daily and CHANGING your life style completely, its a HUGE accomplishment.
Food isn't the enemy. It's our MINDSET that is the enemy. It all comes down to Moderation and activity. Those 2 together are KEY!!! You can't out exercise a bad diet! Eating clean, watching what you eat it doesn't have to be stressful! It's fun, creative, and there are so many recipes out there that are just as good if not better than the high processed, high sugar, stuff!

But remember when you are ready to take this journey, don't do it for anyone but YOURSELF!
And I highly recommend doing it not for the physical change along but for the Mental Change! Everyone deserves to feel GREAT in their own skin! Everyone deserves to love themselves!
Erin's story is PROOF! Its PROOF that you can do anything you set your mind to.