Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Amy F.

Transformation Tuesday!!!

This is Amy! And this is her story.....
Amy is a mom of 3 kids, that she had in 3 years. She was unhappy with herself, she had no confidence, and her past was a burden that she continued to emotionally deal with and emotionally eat over it.
However in Jan 2014. she met her coach Allyson. She believed in her coach and what she was doing. Her coach was there for  her, supported her and helped her figure it all out. Unfortunately life happens, and Amy had to have surgery and this time it was a biggie- a hysterectomy that would put her out of commission with her workouts for almost 8 weeks. 

However, in Aug of 2014, Amy had her turning point, her AHA moment. It did not come without sacrifice. It did not come without sweat, tears and a little bit of puking. It did not come without this her believing she might not be able to stick with it. But she did and she started to feel the changed inside of her as well. She felt more powerful. She felt stronger in every sense. She wanted to leave the house. She wanted to be present and really present and not dreaming about her next "fix" aka the food. 
Now we it's Sept. 15th, 2015, and LOOK how far she has come!!! She transformed not just by losing 88 pounds...yep there you have it- 12 pounds away from hitting the 100 pound loss mark. The strength, the knowing who she needs to surround herself and her family with to be the best she can be as a mother, a friend, a wife, a coach, a fitness instructor and a good person all around...
Now she is paying it forward. She is helping others transform not just their bodies but their minds, their spirits, and their confidence!!!
And it was all possible with her coach, her challenge groups for support, her  Beachbody trainers, and Shakeology.
Beachbody isn't just another company that wants your money. It truly is an amazing company where the CEO makes you laugh and can make you cry with happiness and be overwhelmed by the drive to save lives.
Don't wait another day to start your transformation either physically, mentally, or financially. I am here to help you EVERY step of the way. The ups the downs, the tears. Together we will accomplish the goals YOU set and want to accomplish.
Lets be honest. It wont be easy. It will be hard some days. BUT it will be WORTH it, that I can promise you!!!
If you are ready. If you want to take the leap. Then lets talk! Email me or apply to my next fitness group and we will set up a time to talk about your goals and needs!

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