Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - 3 Day Refresh - Toddie

Transformation Tuesday!! Toddie and her amazing results!!

I got this amazing message this morning!! I love waking up to these messages!

I had a challenger just finish up the 3 Day Refresh and she lost 6.2 POUNDS!!! I couldn't believe it! In just 3 days she lost 6.2 pounds. She couldn't either!!
She had done it all. She has done Nutrisystem, weight loss pills, weight loss shakes, you name it, she has tried. And she has not gotten the results like she has with the 3 Day Refresh, shakeology, and PiYo!
This challenger has been doing the PiYo and drinking shakeology daily since August. Keep in mind that is only 2 months in her journey! This past week she decided to join my Fall Refresh group which was a 7 Day Clean Eating group with a 3 Day Refresh attached to it! And with Eating Clean and doing 3 days of the resfresh she not only lost weight but she has learned to eat clean and FEEL good!
She did the refresh on the weekend!!! To me that takes dedication and discipline since the weekends can be tempting. However she stuck to it and crushed her goals! She is a full time working teacher and is contemplating coaching because she feels amazing and wants to pay it forward!

It's truly amazing what eating clean, portioning your food, working out 30 minutes a day, and a determination can do in just under 3 months.

No I don't have pictures to show, but just these words alone and these numbers are why I do what I do!!!
So What I the 3 Day Refresh?
The 3-DAY REFRESH is an exciting addition to the Beachbody supplements family. It’s an easy-to- follow low-calorie, 3-day clean eating program consisting of Shakeology for breakfast, 2 additional high- protein shakes at lunch and dinner (these 2 shakes are not shakeology shakes) supplemented with a selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and a digestive/fiber drink. It’s the perfect solution to lose a few pounds quickly, get a clean break from bad nutrition habits and feel immediately cleaner, lighter and more healthy...without starving. Plus you an work out on this cleanse!! Not high intensity but moderate workouts are suggested! 

The 3 day shakeology cleanse is 3 days of 3 shakeology shakes a day, a piece of fruit and a Chicken salad at dinner, and with no working out allowed or recommended. 

The new 3 day refresh has taken the 3 Day shakeology and improved it and made it easier for someone to stick with. Yes, it is low in calories but you are eating fruits, veggies, and even healthy fats with it!!!! The only thing you are not eating is meat or starches!! 

The refresh is perfect for any one to do, especially after a vacation, or wanting to jumpstart back into clean eating and getting back into the workout routines.
Interested in the 3 Day Refresh? Want to find out how you can lose any where from 3-10 pounds in just 3 Days? Apply today to join my next Refresh group!
Oh the Refresh is on sale this month and anyone that purchases the 3 Day Refresh with a month supply of shakeology, will get a FREE program from me!!

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