Wednesday, September 16, 2015

DO I Have Time to Become a Beachbody Coach?!?

Did you know that all you need is an hour a day to grow your own business?!? An HOUR, that's it!?!?

So many women whom I talk to about becoming an Independent Beachbody Coach (who I know would make amazing coaches) tell me that they don’t have the time. Many women are extremely busy and feel they don’t have the hours to dedicate to coaching. I try to help them understand that with this business you don’t need a lot of time. You can succeed if you just dedicate an hour a day!

Guess What!?! When I first started as a coach (just 2 years ago), I was a full-time Special Education teacher and was in the process of planning a wedding! And on top of those 2 things, I pursued coaching for full-time income. So how on Earth was I able to balance everything? I am going to share my secrets with you!

First, I removed all my time excuses - that I didn’t have enough time, that I had to dedicate my time to teaching, that I had to make sure I had the perfect wedding, that I don’t have any energy to do something extra after school, and that I have to plan and prep for the next day.

I was stuck in rut and I hated my job, but I let these excuses dictate my life. I wasn't getting any closer to my goal of leaving my teaching job.

Second, I thought long and hard about "My Why." In other words, why I wanted to make this work; why I was doing this. I knew I was going to need it in tough times, in times that I wanted to quit, in times that I was going to want to give up. My Why has changed since I started, but my WHY in the beginning was to leave teaching. I was unhappy and miserable which was effect all areas of my life. I wanted to be happy, healthy, and my OWN boss. Today my why is Rich! He works CRAZY hours being a football coach and when he comes home at end of a LONG day, I think of the day he won't have to do that anymore. I think of the day that he will be able to be his OWN boss and there for our kids.

Third, I created a plan! I didn’t just make a schedule for when I would work the business, I made a schedule of all the things I was willing to give up and sacrifice to make this work. To be able to quit my full time job, to be able to bring my husband home, to be able to provide for our kids some day! What did I sacrifice? I gave up online shopping, I gave up going to the loft when I got sale notifications, I gave up going to target and purchasing things I knew I didn’t need. I also gave up an extra hour of sleep. I started staying up a half hour later and waking up a half hour earlier. AND a big one, I gave up TV. I gave up watching all my favorite shows at night or the recordings of them on the weekend. Instead I would listen to Team Calls, I would listen to Podcasts, I would read an extra page or two in my personal development book. I found areas in my day that I could fit in the business.

Lastly, I brain dumped every night before I went to bed. Huh? I made a list of all the things I needed to do the following day. I made 3 actually, one for the house, one for school, and one for the business.

Honestly, all you need is an hour a day to grow this business. I have grown mine 100% through Facebook. So stop and think about it, you are most likely on Facebook for an hour or more a day. Why not give coaching a try. Why not see what you can accomplish!
Will it be easy all the time? No! But I can tell you this, if you have a why, if you have a strong enough reason, it will be WELL worth it!

Your priorities, your thoughts, your actions, they determine whether you succeed or not. And if you can make working this business a priority for just 1 HOUR a day then you can grow a successful business and have the extra income to do what YOU want to do!
I won’t lie, it’s gonna take time and dedication, but for me, two years later, I am now my OWN boss. I am no longer working for someone else. I have the complete freedom to come and go. I have the complete freedom to travel when I want and not just in the summer!

So ask yourself this, isn't giving up an hour a day worth all that?

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