Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Does your job make you feel guilty?

Does your job make you feel guilty?

Do you ever struggle with competing priorities in your life?

Have you ever been at work and felt guilty that you were not with your spouse or children? 

Have you ever been with your children and felt guilty about not getting your work done? 

At the end of the day do you feel guilty about what you didn't get done at home or work, instead of feeling great about what you did accomplish?

I have! Actually I did on a daily basis! No, I don't have kids, but teaching isn't a 9-5 job. So much has to go into teaching that you end up working before school starts and either staying late or taking stuff home with you to do.

And it's not just at the beginning of the school year, it's ALL year long. It's everyday! You plan lessons to be amazing, you have papers to grade, parents to meet with, school meetings before and after school. It's never ending and it takes away from the people that mean the most to you.

No I don't have kids yet, but being a teacher for 8 years didn't allow it. It didn't even allow me to have a pet!! 

Over dramatic? No! I couldn't buy a dog and stick it in a crate for 10+ hours a day and then come home and fill guilty walking it when I should be planning or planning when I should be playing with the dog.

And you couldn't take a day off without feeling guilty or wondering how bad it's going to be when you get back. Plus with teaching when you take off its more work then it's worth! The lesson plan for the sub ends up being 10+ pages long and then you know they don't follow it! Ahh!!!

Yes, this example is only of teaching but, I know other jobs, that are the same! 

But guess what?!? There are also jobs, I guess that's what you would call it, that are completely the OPPOSITE!!! 

Yes you read that right! Now I have a job, where I am MY OWN BOSS! Yes I set the hours I work and don't work. And on the days I don't work, I don't have to spend extra hours writing lesson plans or feeling guilty about taking off.

And the best part is I can spend quality time with my husband when he gets home and I don't have to feel guilty one bit. 

Oh and now I can get a pet if I want to. Or even better I can have kids and not worry about who is going to raise them and feel guilty not being there for them like my mom was for me and Rich's mom was for him! 

Stop feeling guilty with your job and family! Let me help you start this journey to being your own boss. Let me help you replace your income so you can stay home with your babies!! 

It all starts with a choice! Choose to be happy and not guilty! Choose your family over your job! And start today! 

If your ready to start being your own boss today like this post, email me at or message me. Let's get you started on this amazing guilt free journey!!!

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