Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Help Wanted

The new year is coming and its the busiest time of year my business! I am looking for 5 people that want to either get healthy, fit, help others, or pay off their holiday spending spree.  

I want to help 5 brand new coaches that are not currently coaches and that are ready and willing to commit 1 hour a day and a month to my coach camp that has you follow my very simple plan!  I will teach you how to focus on the right activities, how to share vs sell, how to be genuine and real with others AND how to earn money within your first month.  
You must be willing to invite people to health and fitness accountability groups which we will run together.  I will watch me run the group while you interact, help and support your customers.  I will teach you what to say, how to say it, how to feel like you are sharing an opportunity to help others vs just selling a product.

You will be a part of an exclusive closed online Coaching group where each day I will post information, scripts on how to invite / respond, videos /resources and documents to make coaching easier for you.  I will teach you how to manage your time and teach you about how to use a power hour to build your business so that you are not spending hours on end building it .  
Fill out this form and we will schedule a time to talk this week--->

Monday, December 29, 2014

Gluten Free, Grain Free Cinnamon Rolls

On Christmas morning, I started a new tradition for my husband and I, since this was are first Christmas as a married couple. I made gluten free, grain free cinnamon rolls. They were amazing! They were a little dry but once I put the icing on it, they turned out, delicious! And the best part about it, is that they were easy and quick to make! I was nervous making them because I had never made them before, but they turned out phenomenal.

I plan on making them again New Years Day for my Aunt who, like me, has celiacs.

Paleo Cinnamon Rolls

For the Dough

2 ½ cups blanched almond flour
¼ cup coconut flour
 ¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ cup coconut oil
 2 Tablespoons raw honey
 2 eggs at room temp
 1 Tablespoon vanilla
¼ cup coconut sugar
 1 Tablespoon of Cinnamon

For the Filling

 ½ cup coconut sugar
 2 Tablespoons ground cinnamon
 2 Tablespoons coconut oil

For the Icing / Topping / Glaze

3/4 cup coconut butter

1/4 cup pure maple syrup (or more to taste)

1/4-1/2 cup almond milk

1.    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a pan with coconut oil.
2.    Combine the dry dough ingredients in a medium bowl and mix to remove any lumps. Combine the wet dough ingredients in another medium bowl and mix well. Combine the wet and dry ingredients together and mix well.
3.    Cut two rectangular pieces of parchment paper and place the dough in between them. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough evenly into a large rectangle. Remove the top piece of parchment paper.
4.    In a small bowl combine the filing ingredients. Sprinkle the filling mixture over the flattened dough, then carefully roll it up. Use a serrated knife to cut the roll into 9 pieces. Carefully place the pieces on your prepared pan.
5.    Bake for 20 minutes.
6.    In a small saucepan, heat all ingredients over medium-low heat, stir until well combined.  Consistency should be thin enough to drizzle over the cinnamon rolls. Enjoy!

Here’s a secret that most people don’t know… You CAN eat healthy without giving up your favorite foods.  This cinnamon roll recipe is a perfect example! Plus eating healthy is FUN and you get to be creative!!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Health and Fitness Tip #6 - Pick Your Perfect Tunes

Pick your perfect tunes

Working out with music is a great way to get in a groove and push yourself harder. However, just make sure it's not blasting too loudly. To pick the ultimate iPod playlist, think about what gets you going.  Don't feel like you have to download Lady Gaga because her tunes are supposed to pump you up—go with any music that you find uplifting and that will get you moving and grooving.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #14 - Don't Take Your Spouse for Granted

Newly Wed Tip #14 - Don’t take your spouse for granted.

Its the holiday season and Christmas is 2 days away. This time of year turns out to be more stressful and a burden sometimes then it is meant to be. The holiday season is to be spent with loved ones and family. This time of year is o be a joyous and merry. Don't take this time of year for granted especially with the ones you want to spend it with. I always remind myself of the families that have lost someone round this time of year, or the people that have no one.

Yes married life can stink sometimes and you will have your ups and downs. WE DO!! This time of year has been stressful for us. We usually travel this time of year but with his leg and therapy we have to stay put. So the past few days have been stressful and full of arguments.

However I continue to tell myself that I love him and I continue to tell him that I love him, even when days I am so mad I don't want him to know I still do, I do!  Why? Because you never know when its the last time. I know this sounds dreary but I don't want to wake up one day and regret that I didn't say I love you to him. Life is too short!

So say it regularly. Tell your spouse when they’ve done a good job or something you appreciate." Let them know you noticed. Especially with guys, they need that acknowledgement, they need that praise, especially if we ant them to keep doing it, ladies. ;)

Also do little daily gestures, such as; rubbing your spouse’s shoulders, doing things to help out around the house [or] fixing your spouse's favorite meal. These little gestures help to boost relationship and your moods. And lets your other half know you TRUELY care!!

Also remember marriage isn't perfect and it doesn't just click. You must work at a marriage to have that happy and healthy relationship. Its not easy, but in the end, its worth it!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Alice Springs Chicken with French Fries Recipe

I don't know about you, but I LOVE Outback Steak House's Alice Spring Chicken! It is delicious! However, it is over 1000 calories and being celiac it has been cross contaminated in the past for me and made me sick. So how do I solve that problem? I created my own!

This weekend I decided to create my own Alice Springs Chicken and let me tell you....it tastes just like Outback's if not better! I will definitely be making this meal once a month. Why not more? Because of the bacon.

I made the Alice springs chicken from outback with homemade fries and green beans! If you follow the 21 day fix, it is all fixed approve! It was 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, and 2 green! I love the Alice Springs Chicken from Outback but this one was even better, less greasy and it didn't make me sick! This is a must make and try in my book!


Alice Spring Chicken

Marinate 3-4 Thinly Sliced Chicken Breast in Lemon Juice (from real lemons not the concentrated stuff) and Lemon Pepper - allow to marinate for an hour or more.

Grill the Chicken on the grill or George Foreman. While grilling the chicken, fry up 3-4 slices of Turkey Bacon - all natural, no preservatives or antibiotics in it.

Once the chicken is grilled and the bacon is fried, place the chicken in a cake pan, sprinkle a little shredded Cheddar cheese, add 1 slice of bacon, and more cheese on top. Place in Oven on 450 for 5-10 minutes


Cut up 2-4 white or red potatoes - I use red and I use a French fry cutter.
Put the fries in a cake pan sprayed with coconut oil.
Spray the fries with more coconut oil and top them with Pink Himalayan Salt.
Place in oven on BROIL for 20 minutes or until golden brown and Crispy.

Steam the green beans or choice of veggie.

This meal was seriously unbelievable!! If you like the Alice Springs Chicken at Outback then you will love this even more.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Health and Fitness Tip #5 - Buy comfy sneaks

Buy comfy sneaks

You shouldn't buy shoes that hurt, bottom line! Your shoes should feel comfortable from the first step. So shop in the evening—your feet swell during the day and stop in the late afternoon, so you want to shop when they're at their biggest. Also make sure the sneaks are a little roomy—enough so that you can wiggle your toes, but no more than that. They should be comfy from the get-go. Don't buy a shoe based on their color or coolness. Buy a shoe that is comfortable and is going to keep you safe with the workouts you are doing. If you buy the wrong shoe or buy a shoe because of color and not comfort than you could end up seriously injuring yourself.
My recommendation is find a training shoe that you like, that feels good on and stick to it. I wear Asics to lift, do cardio, and do High Intensity / High impact workouts. They are comfy and they are snug at the heel to protect me when I do my squats. They don't always come in pretty colors, but they always do the job!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Holiday Reciep - Grain Free Magic Cookie Bars

Grain-Free Magic Cookie Bars
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
35 minutes
12-15 bars
1 1/2 cups almond meal
1/2 cup nut butter or coconut oil
8 to 14 oz. of sweetened almond or coconut milk 
1 1/3 cup coconut flakes, finely shredded, no sugar added
1 cup chopped pecans  (optional)
1 2/3 cups chocolate chips

  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a food processor or with a fork, combine almond meal with nut butter or oil.
  3. Press the almond meal mixture in a well greased 9 x 13 " Pyrex dish.
  4. Pour the sweetened almond or coconut milk over the top of the almond mixture.
  5. Spread the coconut and chocolate chips evenly over the sweetened condensed milk.
  6. Press down evenly with a fork.
  7. **Alternatively, you can add half of the sweetened  milk, then the coconut and chocolate chips, with the second half of the sweetened milk on the top of those.
  8. Either way works nicely.
  9. Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until bubbly and brown.
  10. Cool well.
  11. You may even refrigerate overnight.
  12. Slice, serve and enjoy!
**For me, layering the homemade sweetened condensed coconut milk, a layer on the crust, and a layer over the top of the chocolate, nuts and coconut flakes, worked perfectly.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Join Me in making 2015 YOUR year!!

2015 is right around the corner? Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them?

Well this year I want to help YOU!!! I want to help you make 2015 YOUR year. I know what it is like to set a New Years Resolution and not follow through with it. I know what it feels like to be disappointed and frustrated in yourself because you planned to make this year your year and then didn't stick with it.

Let me help you make this year a year to remember. The year you didn't quit. The year you didn't give up. The year that you finally committed to you and stuck with it!

I will help you find the perfect program that will work for you and your schedule. I will work one-on-one with you to help guide you on how to make life, work, family, and a new you come together and work in harmony! Don't let this year be another year you regret! Let's work together and make 2015 YOUR year!!!

Ready to commit and stop making excuses? Ready to make 2015 your year? Email me at jgerity83@gmail.com and we will get you on your way to a better version of you this 2015!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

NEW RECIPE!!! - Grilled Lemon Chicken with Tomato and Feta Cheese

So I made this the other night and let me just OMG!!!! It is a delicious!! This is a new stable in my house. My husband loves chicken and ways to spice it up so he LOVED this! The tomato and Feta make it 10 times better too. With it we had a sweet potato and green beans. Oh and if you follow the 21 day fix, this is fixed approve. The chicken comes out to 1 red, 1 blue, and 1/2 green.

Grilled Lemon Chicken with Tomato and Feta Cheese                
Serves 1                                                                                                                                                    

For the Marinade:                                                                                                                                     
1 tablespoon lemon juice                                                                                                                          
1/2teaspoon garlic powder                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1 boneless, skinless chicken breasts        


For the Salad:
1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, each cut in half
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/2 teaspoon chopped oregano leaves
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Whisk 1 tablespoon lemon juice, garlic powder in a small measuring cup. Please chicken breasts in a single layer in a large baking dish. Pour marinade over the chicken and let the meat marinate for 10 minutes at room temperature.

Preheat the grill to medium. Grill chicken for 4-5 minutes per side until cooked through.

Toss tomatoes, feta, oregano, lemon juice in a medium bowl. Serve salad on top of chicken.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #13 - 18 Months

Newly Wed Tip #13 - 18 Months

You are probably wondering what I am talking about when I say 18 months.

I don't know about you, but since we have been married, we are constantly being asked when are we having kids, when are we expanding our family, are we planning on kids any time soon. I hate those questions, because there is (was) no correct answer. You can't say no I don't want them because people glare at you and start to argue with you, you can't say we don't know because then they start telling you when you should. So I came up with 18 months.

I have learned the past 5 months of our marriage that people want a direct answer to that question, not that it ever happens when you say but they smile and stop talking when you give a direct answer. So....that is where 18 months comes in. When people ask about us having kids, Rich and I have started saying in 18 months. That gives people the answer they want to hear, it makes them happy and it makes us happy because they stop asking.

Do we want kids? YES, we just don't want them now, because we aren't financially ready and we want to spend time together. I always said that I want to be married a good 3-5 years before we start trying. Yes that is  along time and no we aren't young any more but I want a stable marriage and life with my hubby before we talk kids. Yes, there are days I get the itch to want to start trying, especially when I hear friends are pregnant and I see babies. BUT... I want to give my kids everything and right now I can't do that.

So if are newly married, or engaged or are someone that just keeps getting that question about babies start using 18 months. It works like a charm!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Health and Fitness Tip #4 Relieve those achy muscles.

Relieve those achy muscles

After a grueling workout, there's a good chance you're going to be feeling it (we're talking sore thighs, tight calves). Relieve post-fitness aches by submerging your lower body in a warm bath (85 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit; with Epsom salts for 15 to 20 minutes. Also Results and Recovery helps you aid in muscle recovery faster.  And advice I love: Any one that works out, runs, or has any kind of stress should consider getting one to two massages per month to help aid in recovery. Now that's speaking my language! Also remember to drink LOTS of water through out the day to help your body flush your muscle soreness.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday Recipe - Fat Burning Chocolate Pudding

Healthy Fat-Burning Chocolate Pudding:

(This recipe will make about 2-4 servings and is a great healthy dessert or late night snack)
  • 1/2 of a ripe avocado (soft to touch)
  • approx 3 tablespoons of almond butter or cashew butter (preferably raw if possible)
  • approx 1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk (preferably organic)
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of organic cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology (regular or vegan)

Put the avocado and almond butter into a bowl and mash together with a fork until smooth.  Then add all of the other ingredients into the bowl and mix together vigorously until all is mixed and smooth.  If you're good with a food processor, you can use that too.

If everything went right, the consistency will be similar to pudding... except normal pudding makes you FAT with loads of sugar!  This healthy pudding recipe will actually HELP you to burn fat, control cravings, and satisfy your body's need for micro-nutrients, protein, healthy fats, and fiber.

If the pudding ends up too thick, simply add a bit more almond milk or coconut milk for more moisture until the consistency seems right.

If you want to get a little wild and add some more nutrient-rich additions, feel free to add some chopped pecans, chia seeds, or walnuts at the end.  And it tastes great to top this dish with some sliced fresh strawberries! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #12 - You can't win them all

Newly Wed Tip #12 - You can't win them all

I have already told you marriage isn't perfect. You will have fights and lots of them. And if you are fighting it means you still have passion for each other! Its when your marriage goes silent and you give up the fights because it just isn't worth it, that is when the passion has burned out and you need to reflect on yourself and your marriage.

When it comes to fights and battling we have a second nature to ALWAYS be right and always be the WINNER. However, that is not what marriage is about. Its not 50-50, its not 75-25, its 100-100. Marriage is about give and take. And there will be times, no matter if you are right or not, that you will have to accept that your spouse is also right or that you both just can't agree on something. Its not giving up on the marriage, its allowing the marriage to move on and grow stronger. There will be times that you will need to accept defeat, accept that you can't persuade them, accept that your wrong. Make those times count, learn from them, grow from them, but whatever you do.......DO NOT hold a grudge with each other.

You are both human, you both make mistakes, and you both will have different opinions, remember if you were the same all the time your marriage would be boring.

So take those fights, learn from them, grow together, respect each other, and love each other a little more each time. Marriage is worth all the ups, downs, fights, and battles. Especially when you found the right person to do all that with.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Transformation Tuesday - Karie D.

Shout out to my Success Partner Karie

Look at these results!!!

This is Karie just 5 weeks into Focus T25.

This lady started her fitness journey just before Thanksgiving 2013 with Focus T25. She started her fitness journey during the MOST busiest time of year!!! She invested a small mount of time into her health in 2013! She gave 25 minutes a day for 5 days a week and she started the new year off feeling fit and full of energy!! She didn't wait. She didn't want to go into 2014 being overweight with another New Years resolution to loose weight and get healthy and fit. Instead she went into 2014 healthy and fit and ready to take on anything and everything!
She didn't allow the holidays, or money, or time, or being a mom of 3 kids in 3 different schools hold her back from getting into the best shape of her life. She took charge and showed her kids that healthy and fit is easy and fun and not something to fear. She became an amazing role model to her kids, and to all other momas out there with 3 kids that range from age and schools and who are involved in many after school activities. She did it!! And so can you!!

This is Karie before Beachbody and after doing T25 and P90x3. Each program was 30 minutes or less.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #11 - There is more than one right way!

Newly Wed Tip #11 - There is more than one right way

This might be hard to believe, I know it is for me!! haha BUT there truly is more than one right way to do something!

This is hard for me to accept a lot of the times!  Because I am OCD and have set ways that things should be done. Yes, I am an extreme case of OCD. I hate when things are moved from their spot and not put back. I hate when I am interrupted or delayed in my cooking (I cook at 5 we eat at 5:30), I hate when the laundry is not folded a certain way and clothes aren't put in certain clothes. I am my own worst enemy and would drive myself crazy.

However, I have learned over the past 5 months of our marriage that there is more than one right way to do certain things. I also have learned that a lot of our fights come from him or I doing a thing differently than the way the other one does it.

Life is too short to get mad at your spouse because he put the glasses on the bottom shelf instead of the top shelf in the dishwasher or that he folded the clothes a different way then you would have or that he moved your container and didn't put it back where it belonged. Don't get me wrong, its frustrating and hard to not want to freak out. But BREATH!! Its not the end of the world.

IF and When you feel like flipping out over the clothes or dishwasher or mail placement or whatever stop take a deep breath, count to 10 and then look your spouse in the eye and say THANK YOU!!!

If we don't thank them for helping, even if its not the way we wanted it to be, then they will stop helping, or not want to help because all we do is yell at them. So make sure you thank them and let them know that you appreciate their help!! And remember there is more than one right way! Crazy I know!!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Health and Fitness TIp #3 - Stock Up On these

Stock up on these

While there are heaps of good-for-you foods out there, some key ingredients make it a lot easier to meet your weight-loss goals. Next grocery store run, be sure to place these diet-friendly items in your cart: balsamic vinegar (it adds a pop of low-cal flavor to veggies and salads), in-shell nuts (their protein and fiber keep you satiated), and fat-free plain GREEK yogurt (a creamy, comforting source of protein). Plus, Greek yogurt works wonders as a natural low-calorie base for dressings and dips—or as a tangier alternative to sour cream!!


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

The holidays are among us and the parties and food are starting to sneak up on us. I don't know about you but FUDGE is a favorite of mine this time of year! I love it!! So I am going to share with you a recipe I use to make healthy guilt free Fudge.
Chocolate Peanut Butter "Superfood" Fudge Recipe:

  • 3/4 cup organic canned coconut milk (use the real full-fat version)
  • 1 bar (3-5 oz. bar works well) of bakers unsweetened chocolate - 100% cacao content (if you can't find 100% cacao bakers chocolate, look for at least 70-80% cocoa content on the label of any dark chocolate bar - to minimize sugar content)
  • 4-5 tablespoons of organic peanut butter or your favorite nut butter (almond butter, cashew butter, pecan butter, and/or macadamia butter, etc)
  • 3/4 cup raisins or dried cranberries (optional, but if you're trying to go low-carb, keep these out)
  • 1/2 cup whole raw almonds or other nuts (optional)
  • 1/3 cup raw chopped pecans (optional)
  • 1 scoop, about 25 gms of your favorite protein powder (I do chocolate vegan)
  • 3 Tbsp chia seeds, hemp seeds, and/or flax seeds  (optional, but adds crazy amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants...plus a nutty taste)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • add a small touch of real maple syrup if you want a more "blended" sweetness flavor (keep the amount small to keep sugar content low, such as 1-2 Tbsp max)

Start by adding the coconut milk and vanilla extract to a small saucepan on VERY low heat -- the lowest heat setting. Break up the extra dark chocolate bar into chunks and add into pot. Add the nut butters, and continuously stir until it all melts together into a smooth mixture.

Then add the raisins or cranberries, nuts, seeds, protein powder, etc and stir until fully blended.  If the mixture becomes too thick or dry consistency, just add a small amount more coconut milk.  If the mixtures seems too wet, keep in mind that it will solidify a good bit once it goes in the fridge.

Spoon/pour the fudge mixture onto some waxed paper in a dish and place in the fridge until it cools and solidifies together (3-4 hours). Cut into squares once firm and place in a closed container or cover with foil in fridge to prevent it from drying out.

Enjoy small squares of this delicious healthy "super-food" fudge for dessert and for small snacks throughout the day. This is about as good as it gets for a healthy yet delicious treat! 

Even though this is a healthier dessert idea that's lower in sugar and higher in nutrition than most sweet treats, keep in mind that it is still calorie dense, so keep your portions reasonable.  Give this recipe a try and I guarantee that you'll LOVE it.
Note on coconut milk: don't be afraid of the fats in this... coconut fat is mostly medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are more readily used for energy and also contain a special fat called Lauric Acid, which is extremely healthy and supports the immune system.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #10 - Celebrate the small things

Newly Wed Tip #10 - Celebrate!! No matter how big or small
Life goes by fast. And if we don't stop to enjoy it, it will be over before we know. We all take life too seriously sometimes and stress over things that aren't worth the stress.
Marriage is the same. We fight over things that are stupid and pointless and don't celebrate or enjoy each other when we should. Don't let life take away from the time you have to spend with your spouse. Celebrate together, even if its the small things.
Rich and I celebrate together when one or the other accomplishes something, no matter how big or small. We celebrate when I rank advance in my business, we celebrate every time he bends his knee to a higher degree, we celebrate when I finish a workout program from beginning to end, we celebrated when his knee brace was unlocked.
What do I mean by we celebrate? I don't mean get all dolled up and go out to a fancy restaurant every time something happens and spend a lot of money. What we do is shout YAY, smile, clap, pat one another on the back, make a special dinner for the bigger accomplishments, etc. When I say celebrate I mean acknowledge the other one and what is a success to them. Don't ignore it or just shrug it off like no big deal. MAKE A BIG DEAL about it. Make your spouse feel special!

Don’t get so caught up in your  schedule and daily routines that you miss the celebrations no matter how little. Remember these are the things that will bring joy and happiness not just to your marriage but to your daily crazy everyday life. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Transformation Tuesday - High School to Now

You may not believe me but I didn't always look this way! I wasn't always a clean eater and fitness freak.

I was FAT!! In high school I was fat. I was a cheerleader and I was the fattest one on the squad. I didn't workout, I didn't run, I didn't eat clean. I was overweight, unhappy, and bloated all the time. I didn't do anything about but I never felt confident in myself or pretty. It took me till I went to college to workout and do something about it, but I still wasn't doing much for myself even though I was going to the rec center daily. I was in college and the eating healthy was hard and the alcohol was calling my name. So I really didn't start losing weight and feel great about myself until I was introduced to Beachbody. Yes after college, when I was teaching, I was working out, but I wasn't doing the combination of working out and eating clean. I had the mentality that if I worked hard that day, I could eat more. And I always had the mentality that gluten free was way better for you when it came to the pastas and breads. Yes gluten free is better for you, but the breads and pastas, and chips and pretzels are all STILL processed!

It takes a lot of learning. And its not easy to make a life style change. I know! I have struggled all my life with it. BUT it is worth it. The way I feel after a day of clean eating, the power I feel after working out, its all worth it! Plus just feeling more confident in the clothes I wear, and the people I talk to is worth it more than the weight I lost.

Here is a picture of me in High School (Senior) Cheering and Me now today. Things are possible. Change is Possible. Happiness is possible. Confidence is possible. YOU JUST have to go after it.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #9 - Speak UP

Newly Wed Tip #9 - SPEAK UP

I talked last week about how marriage isn't perfect, that it will have its ups and downs, and that you will fight and argue.

Well this weekend Rich and I had fought. Our weekend was far from perfect and it was a learning experience for both of us.

This weekend my parents came up to State College, where we were and stopped by to watch some football, their car broke down and we had to take them to my aunts. While all this was going on, my dad pulled the Trucks handle too hard and broke it. Needless to say we now had to deal with that hassle over the weekend which was unplanned. And like I said was more of a hassle than anything.

Well on Saturday Rich called multiple places to see if they would glue it and they all told him that he needed a new door and not glue. Well this happened before and the place he normal goes glued it. However, they were not open. To make a long story short - Rich got RED angry about it all and blew up. I stayed away but heard his screaming, shouting, temper tantrum going on from upstairs. Plus some not so nice words came out of his month.

I was then PISSED. So mad at him that I couldn't even look at him. I didn't want to talk to him, see him or BE in the same room as him. So I stayed away. I cooked dinner for him and ate at a different time. I was SOOO MAD that I couldn't deal with it.

I am not one to speak up and tell him why I was mad. Usually I just wait it out, suck it up, and move on. Well this time, I put my foot down, and told him how I felt. It took me till the next day but I waited because I needed to calm down. I told him everything I felt and about the whole weekend / Saturday Fiasco situation. It felt amazing to finally speak up!! I had a weight lifted off my shoulder, PLUS it opened communication between us. It let him see how I felt and why I was so mad.

So lesson....SPEAK UP. Just because you fight or argue doesn't mean you have to keep quit and not express yourself. Speak up tell your significant other how you feel, why you go mad, how what they said or the way you acted made you react like this. BE OPEN and BE HONEST!!

You will be amazed at how speaking up and telling the truth, helps you grow as a couple. I know it helped us.