Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #12 - You can't win them all

Newly Wed Tip #12 - You can't win them all

I have already told you marriage isn't perfect. You will have fights and lots of them. And if you are fighting it means you still have passion for each other! Its when your marriage goes silent and you give up the fights because it just isn't worth it, that is when the passion has burned out and you need to reflect on yourself and your marriage.

When it comes to fights and battling we have a second nature to ALWAYS be right and always be the WINNER. However, that is not what marriage is about. Its not 50-50, its not 75-25, its 100-100. Marriage is about give and take. And there will be times, no matter if you are right or not, that you will have to accept that your spouse is also right or that you both just can't agree on something. Its not giving up on the marriage, its allowing the marriage to move on and grow stronger. There will be times that you will need to accept defeat, accept that you can't persuade them, accept that your wrong. Make those times count, learn from them, grow from them, but whatever you do.......DO NOT hold a grudge with each other.

You are both human, you both make mistakes, and you both will have different opinions, remember if you were the same all the time your marriage would be boring.

So take those fights, learn from them, grow together, respect each other, and love each other a little more each time. Marriage is worth all the ups, downs, fights, and battles. Especially when you found the right person to do all that with.

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