Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #14 - Don't Take Your Spouse for Granted

Newly Wed Tip #14 - Don’t take your spouse for granted.

Its the holiday season and Christmas is 2 days away. This time of year turns out to be more stressful and a burden sometimes then it is meant to be. The holiday season is to be spent with loved ones and family. This time of year is o be a joyous and merry. Don't take this time of year for granted especially with the ones you want to spend it with. I always remind myself of the families that have lost someone round this time of year, or the people that have no one.

Yes married life can stink sometimes and you will have your ups and downs. WE DO!! This time of year has been stressful for us. We usually travel this time of year but with his leg and therapy we have to stay put. So the past few days have been stressful and full of arguments.

However I continue to tell myself that I love him and I continue to tell him that I love him, even when days I am so mad I don't want him to know I still do, I do!  Why? Because you never know when its the last time. I know this sounds dreary but I don't want to wake up one day and regret that I didn't say I love you to him. Life is too short!

So say it regularly. Tell your spouse when they’ve done a good job or something you appreciate." Let them know you noticed. Especially with guys, they need that acknowledgement, they need that praise, especially if we ant them to keep doing it, ladies. ;)

Also do little daily gestures, such as; rubbing your spouse’s shoulders, doing things to help out around the house [or] fixing your spouse's favorite meal. These little gestures help to boost relationship and your moods. And lets your other half know you TRUELY care!!

Also remember marriage isn't perfect and it doesn't just click. You must work at a marriage to have that happy and healthy relationship. Its not easy, but in the end, its worth it!

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