Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #10 - Celebrate the small things

Newly Wed Tip #10 - Celebrate!! No matter how big or small
Life goes by fast. And if we don't stop to enjoy it, it will be over before we know. We all take life too seriously sometimes and stress over things that aren't worth the stress.
Marriage is the same. We fight over things that are stupid and pointless and don't celebrate or enjoy each other when we should. Don't let life take away from the time you have to spend with your spouse. Celebrate together, even if its the small things.
Rich and I celebrate together when one or the other accomplishes something, no matter how big or small. We celebrate when I rank advance in my business, we celebrate every time he bends his knee to a higher degree, we celebrate when I finish a workout program from beginning to end, we celebrated when his knee brace was unlocked.
What do I mean by we celebrate? I don't mean get all dolled up and go out to a fancy restaurant every time something happens and spend a lot of money. What we do is shout YAY, smile, clap, pat one another on the back, make a special dinner for the bigger accomplishments, etc. When I say celebrate I mean acknowledge the other one and what is a success to them. Don't ignore it or just shrug it off like no big deal. MAKE A BIG DEAL about it. Make your spouse feel special!

Don’t get so caught up in your  schedule and daily routines that you miss the celebrations no matter how little. Remember these are the things that will bring joy and happiness not just to your marriage but to your daily crazy everyday life. 

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