Friday, December 19, 2014

Health and Fitness Tip #5 - Buy comfy sneaks

Buy comfy sneaks

You shouldn't buy shoes that hurt, bottom line! Your shoes should feel comfortable from the first step. So shop in the evening—your feet swell during the day and stop in the late afternoon, so you want to shop when they're at their biggest. Also make sure the sneaks are a little roomy—enough so that you can wiggle your toes, but no more than that. They should be comfy from the get-go. Don't buy a shoe based on their color or coolness. Buy a shoe that is comfortable and is going to keep you safe with the workouts you are doing. If you buy the wrong shoe or buy a shoe because of color and not comfort than you could end up seriously injuring yourself.
My recommendation is find a training shoe that you like, that feels good on and stick to it. I wear Asics to lift, do cardio, and do High Intensity / High impact workouts. They are comfy and they are snug at the heel to protect me when I do my squats. They don't always come in pretty colors, but they always do the job!

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