Monday, December 15, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #13 - 18 Months

Newly Wed Tip #13 - 18 Months

You are probably wondering what I am talking about when I say 18 months.

I don't know about you, but since we have been married, we are constantly being asked when are we having kids, when are we expanding our family, are we planning on kids any time soon. I hate those questions, because there is (was) no correct answer. You can't say no I don't want them because people glare at you and start to argue with you, you can't say we don't know because then they start telling you when you should. So I came up with 18 months.

I have learned the past 5 months of our marriage that people want a direct answer to that question, not that it ever happens when you say but they smile and stop talking when you give a direct answer. So....that is where 18 months comes in. When people ask about us having kids, Rich and I have started saying in 18 months. That gives people the answer they want to hear, it makes them happy and it makes us happy because they stop asking.

Do we want kids? YES, we just don't want them now, because we aren't financially ready and we want to spend time together. I always said that I want to be married a good 3-5 years before we start trying. Yes that is  along time and no we aren't young any more but I want a stable marriage and life with my hubby before we talk kids. Yes, there are days I get the itch to want to start trying, especially when I hear friends are pregnant and I see babies. BUT... I want to give my kids everything and right now I can't do that.

So if are newly married, or engaged or are someone that just keeps getting that question about babies start using 18 months. It works like a charm!!

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