Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Transformation Tuesday - Karie D.

Shout out to my Success Partner Karie

Look at these results!!!

This is Karie just 5 weeks into Focus T25.

This lady started her fitness journey just before Thanksgiving 2013 with Focus T25. She started her fitness journey during the MOST busiest time of year!!! She invested a small mount of time into her health in 2013! She gave 25 minutes a day for 5 days a week and she started the new year off feeling fit and full of energy!! She didn't wait. She didn't want to go into 2014 being overweight with another New Years resolution to loose weight and get healthy and fit. Instead she went into 2014 healthy and fit and ready to take on anything and everything!
She didn't allow the holidays, or money, or time, or being a mom of 3 kids in 3 different schools hold her back from getting into the best shape of her life. She took charge and showed her kids that healthy and fit is easy and fun and not something to fear. She became an amazing role model to her kids, and to all other momas out there with 3 kids that range from age and schools and who are involved in many after school activities. She did it!! And so can you!!

This is Karie before Beachbody and after doing T25 and P90x3. Each program was 30 minutes or less.

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