Monday, December 8, 2014

Newly Wed Tip #11 - There is more than one right way!

Newly Wed Tip #11 - There is more than one right way

This might be hard to believe, I know it is for me!! haha BUT there truly is more than one right way to do something!

This is hard for me to accept a lot of the times!  Because I am OCD and have set ways that things should be done. Yes, I am an extreme case of OCD. I hate when things are moved from their spot and not put back. I hate when I am interrupted or delayed in my cooking (I cook at 5 we eat at 5:30), I hate when the laundry is not folded a certain way and clothes aren't put in certain clothes. I am my own worst enemy and would drive myself crazy.

However, I have learned over the past 5 months of our marriage that there is more than one right way to do certain things. I also have learned that a lot of our fights come from him or I doing a thing differently than the way the other one does it.

Life is too short to get mad at your spouse because he put the glasses on the bottom shelf instead of the top shelf in the dishwasher or that he folded the clothes a different way then you would have or that he moved your container and didn't put it back where it belonged. Don't get me wrong, its frustrating and hard to not want to freak out. But BREATH!! Its not the end of the world.

IF and When you feel like flipping out over the clothes or dishwasher or mail placement or whatever stop take a deep breath, count to 10 and then look your spouse in the eye and say THANK YOU!!!

If we don't thank them for helping, even if its not the way we wanted it to be, then they will stop helping, or not want to help because all we do is yell at them. So make sure you thank them and let them know that you appreciate their help!! And remember there is more than one right way! Crazy I know!!

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