Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The holidays are coming!!! And we all know what happens when the holidays arrive! We get busy, lose track of our eating, skip workouts and before we know it, we gain 5-15 pounds for the new year.

I am looking for 5 people that want to loose 5-15 pounds before Halloween and get s jump start on their weight loss journey before the craziness of the holidays start.

Interested? Want more information? Send me an email at jgerity83@gmail.com for more information or find me on facebook - Jaissa Gerity Yahner and message me!


October is the BEST month of the year! Why? Not just because its my birthday month but because I am offering not 1 but 2 FREE challenge groups!! There is no fee, they are 100% FREE so take advantage of them and join both groups!!
What are the challenges?
1. Legging Lunge Challenge - this  free group is all about getting your legs and butt ready to rock those amazing leggings you saw in the store and bought!! I mean seriously, who doesn't love to put a cute pair of leggings, look in the mirror and feel good about themselves? I know I do!! This group will have a TON of support and encouragement to help you look and feel amazing and confident in those cute leggings, jeggings, and skinny jeans by Halloween!
2. Budget Challenge - this group is al about showing you ways to budget for a debt free, cash only way of life! This group will open your eyes to ways you can make small sacrifices that will have a huge impact on your journey to financial freedom!! This is my number one goal come this year and I can't wait to learn how to become financially free and learn how to save money here and there. This group will start Oct 1 and end Oct 31. 31 days of learning how to budget!!!
See October is the best month. You will get the legs and butt you want for those leggings AND you can learn to budget your money or maybe learn to budget it a little better if you already budget yourself.
If you want in one or both of these FREE groups, head over to my facebook page - Jaissa Gerity Yahner and add me as a friend! I will then add you to both groups or the one that you want to be added to. Also if you have a friend that could be interested in joining, just tag them below! Spread the word about how AMAZING October is going to be!!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Month 2 Day 1 of Insanity


Month 2 has officially started!!! And man did it kick my butt. I was seriously drenched from my head to my toes in sweat. The 60 minute workout was amazing, tough, and inspiring!! Why inspiring, because I have not done a 60 minute workout in a very, very long time. I was nervous I wasn't going to get through it BUT I did and I took each section one section at a time. I refused to look at the clock to see the time count down. It worked. The warm up was different then last month. It started out 4 minutes then 2 1/2 minutes for the second round and then 1 1/2 minutes for the 3rd round still making it around 10 minutes for the total warm up. The stretching was different too and didn't last as long as the first month. The stretch was about 5 minutes long. So that made for 45 minutes of intense cardio workout. This workout he did 3 different intervals. They were longer in time (45 seconds instead of 30 seconds each move, and they block1 and block 2 had a power move at the end where block 3 did not. All the moves were different, they were cardio, power, and resistance. Their were lots of combination moves on the floor, like ski abs, jump jack push ups, in and out abs, and spider lunges - all for 1 move. It was amazing. I am tired from the workout but I made sure that I took my R&R after!

This weeks schedule for Insanity is:

Monday - Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit

Tuesday -  Max Interval Plyo

Wednesday - Max Cardio Conditioning

Thursday - Max Recovery

Friday - Max Interval Circuit

Saturday - Max Interval Plyo

Sunday - Off

Excited to see what all these workouts are like!

Monday Motivation

Good Morning! Happy Monday!!!

The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer!

Remember nothing is impossible! If you dream it, then you can achieve it!

Success takes time, more time then most people are willing to wait for, BUT not as much time as you think! The time is going to pass anyways so why not make it successful? Why not put a little more effort and time into something that will make you happier?

Be real, be determined, pursue constant self development and DREAM BIG!!! Act daily on your dreams!! Most important believe in yourself! Take a risk!

Need help? Message me! I am here for you and would love to help you!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

End of Recovery Week

Well the end of the recovery week has come and the start of month 2 is upon me. Tomorrow is day 1 of month two or day 1 of week 6. In this month its all about Max. Max what you ask? I don't have a clue haha!! Honestly, I am too scared to look ahead and watch the DVD's like I normally do. So I will wait in suspense to find out! Tomorrow's workout will be exactly 60 minutes long!!! I haven't worked out that long FOREVER. Looking forward to the challenge and the calorie burn.

Today I did the fit test for the 3rd time. I increased in some areas, decreased in other areas, and stayed the same in the other ones.

Here are my results to hold me accountable.

Friday, September 26, 2014

What Choice will you make this weekend?

Good Morning! Happy Friday!!!

If you want a different result then make a different choice!

It starts with a choice! If you want to change then you have to be we willing to change and you have to be patient with the process!

It's all about choices, and the weekend is here to prove that! What choice will you make this weekend? Will you choose to workout or not? Will you choose to eat clean or not? Will you choose to eat 1 cheat meal or more? Will choose to drink water or alcohol? The choices are yours and their endless.

Remember what you want! What your end goal in mind is. It's okay to have a treat meal and it's okay to have a drink. Just not 50 drinks and a treat meal every night.

I know it's Friday and you don't want to think about it but stop and make the choice to plan out the weekend. Make the choice to workout each day. Make the choice to plan and pre all your meals and snacks this weekend.

So what choices will you make this weekend? Will make healthy choices or won't you?

Need help? Message me! I am here for you and would love to help you make the right choices this weekend?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Grain Free / Gluten Free Burger Buns

Made another successful dinner last night! Last night I made hamburgers / turkey burgers for dinner with quinoa and asparagus. Normally we don't use break for our burgers because of the gluten and they are processed. But tonight I made grain free / gluten free buns. These buns are clean, fixed approved, and not proceed!!! And the best thing of all they were approved by the hubby!!! He loved it and was so excited to have a burger with a bun! They were light and delicious, yet filling at the same time.

Do you eat processed foods? Do you make your own food? These buns are easy, delicious, and worth the 5-10 minutes it takes to make them.

Recipe - Makes 1 bun

1/4 cup of almond meal
1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of quinoa flour

Mix the almond meal, quinoa meal, and water together.
Use either a Tortilla press or a Frying pan.
Take half of the batter and make a ball.
Place ball in tortilla press and press down but not hard, want the pun to be thicker than a tortilla shell. If you are using a frying pan flatten ball to the thickness of a bun.
Flip the bun after 3-5 minutes.
Repeat with the other half of the batter.
Once burger is cooked place it on the bun and put it back in the frying pan or tortilla press and heat the bun and crisp it up a bit.

Thursday - Transform yourself

 If your tired of starting over then stop giving up!!

A reason that people don't do the small things that add up to success over time is because they don't see the success right away!

Anything we do that is going to make us successful, skinny, healthier, happier takes time!!

Working out, eating clean, staying positive doing them every day doesn't look like it's making a difference, but over time, they make a huge difference.

Remember this: Success is a process not a destination! When you make the choice to change don't expect to see results over night. Tell yourself that this is a process and it's a slow one. And that the results as long as you stick with it and stay consistent.

You got this!! Stick to it! Don't give up!! And you will become successful!

Need help? Message me! I am here for you and would love to give you the push you need start doing what you want!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday Motivation

Good Morning! Happy Monday!!!

It's never to late to start! It's always too late to wait.

Starting isn't easy but it's worth it! Whether you are starting to eat clean, workout, look for a new job, live a positive life, it will be hard at first! But if you give it your all, your 100% for 21 days you will create a habit, a lifestyle change, and a happier, healthier you!!

Deciding to start or start over is never to late, whether your 20, 40, or 60. However, it is always too late to never start or to wait! Don't wait around for the right moment or for that light to shine down and say now, or to have the extra money.

Start today! Make a plan to change! Do what you have been wanting to do for a long time! Life is too short to wait for the right minute! You can do it. You just have to believe in yourself! I believe in you! I know YOU can do it!!

Need help? Need that push to start? Need help figuring out a plan? Message me! I am here for you and would love to give you the push you need start doing what you want!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Meal Plan for Week 5 of Insanity

Here is my meal plan for Week 5 of Insanity. This week is Recovery week before we start the second phase which is MAX everything haha. I am looking forward to Recovery week, however you are doing the same workout for 6 days in a row. I don't know how much I like that, but I know that this program is proven to work as long as you follow it, I will be following it to a T, which means I will be doing the SAME workout for 5 days in a row.

I know my meal plan as me eating 3 shakes, but I am following the 21 day fix plan but for insanity and I don't care for meat more than 1 time a day, and I don't do dairy because it upsets my tummy. Plus I love my shakes so no complaining here. :)

Grain Free / Gluten Free Pizza Crust thats not Cauliflower

Dinner last night was amazing!!! Who says eating gluten free, grain free and clean can't be fun!!! I made pizza tonight for dinner and it was all clean, 21 day fixed approved, and gluten and grain free! 
I used my tortilla press to make small individual pizzas. The crust was made from almond meal, water, and Quinoa Flour. Honestly, the pizza was better than any pizza I would have gotten any where else AND I just had gluten free, organic pizza the other weekend! And mine I think was much better and cleaner!!! I was able to portion it all out.
You can make it any way, but the way I made it was a white pizza with cheese, chicken, tomato and spinach!! It was delicious. I seriously could have it every night for dinner! :)  
Recipe is:
1/2 Cup of Almond Meal
1/2 Cup of Quinoa Flour
1/2 Cup of Water
Mix all three together, stir and then if you have  tortilla press, split batter into 4 equal parts and make one at a time. If not tortilla press, place one part at a time in frying pan and cook each one that way. When done add topping and place in the oven at 450 for 5 minutes,


Friday, September 19, 2014

Rest Days - They are IMPORTANT

No Insanity for me today. This week has been stressful. I went to bed feeling like I was hit by a truck and every muscle in my body hurt. I slept in this morning and plan on making it up this weekend. I love my husband and he needs me now so I had to listen to my body and not workout. Rests days are hard for me, but when it comes to your health you need to listen. Why? Because if you don't listen you are more likely to hurt yourself and injury your body and get worn down and sick. So listen to your body and just watch what you eat that day and don't over do it! :)

Day full of Changes

While I write this I am sitting in the waiting room of Westmoreland Hospital waiting to be called to see my husband. A week a go he fell off a box truck unloading equipment from this football game. He landed on his knee and tore the quad tendon. This past week as been stressful and full of anxiety. My husband and I are both holistic people and do not care for hospitals and medicine so this is a big thing. He is getting his quad tendon reattached and I hear it is a painful, long process.

We have literally been married for less than 3 months and let me tell you, these past 3 months have not been sugar plums and fairy tales. They have been ROUGH!!! However, has rough as they have been and scary I wouldn't change it for the world. I am with the man that I am meant to be. He is my superman and he is the guy that does nothing but cheers me on with my dreams!!!

However, the next few months are going to be a challenge and they are going to be rough. But I always say everything happens for a reason, and if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger.

I truly believe that God is taking us through these troubles not to test us or punish us, but to show us how strong our love is for each other and how that no matter what is handed to us we will come out stronger and more unbreakable.

Here is my superman/ prince charming right before he heads back! He is so brave and strong!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tortilla Press

This is one of the wedding gifts we got for our wedding!!! It is amazing!! I love it! It is a tortilla press which allows me to make tortillas, flat bread, pizza crust, etc. Last night I made grain free, gluten free, corn free tortillas. They were amazing, and my Hubby who likes most things but is very critical of the grain free things I make, and he LOVED them.

All the tortilla is made of is 1/2 cup of almond meal, 1/2 cup of quinoa flour, and 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water. It makes 4 shells. The whole process with the tortilla press is no more than 5 minutes. Its that easy. And then on the shells, I put ground turkey, cheese, spinach, and salsa.

The next thing I am going to make is pizza crust with the press. Stay tuned to find out, how it turns out! :)

Everything is moving, Everything is Chaning, Always

Good Morning! Happy Thursday!!!

Nothing ever stays the same. Everything  is in motion, always. Everything changes.

Life is constantly changing and moving. Why are you still sitting still?

Stop siting and waiting for the right opportunity! Get up and make the opportunity for you!

If I would have waiting for the perfect time to quick my full time job and start Beachbody full time, I would still be waiting! Sometimes we have to jump feet first into something, hope instead of hoping for the best, work our a$$ off to make it successful and everything we want it to be and more!

Sitting around won't get you where you want to go. Sitting around won't get you what you want!! YOU have to get up and work for it! Believe in yourself, learn from your mistakes and failures and keep moving ahead!!

Need help? Need that push to change? Message me! I am here for you and would love to give you the push you need to get changing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Good Morning! Happy Wednesday!!!

For things to be different, you have to DO something different!

If you want things to change, if you want to lose weight, get a new job, have more energy, then you need to change and do things that will help you loose weight, get you that new job, or give you more energy!

Sitting around wishing won't get you anywhere, like sitting around complaining about it won't get you anywhere.

Stop complaining, stop wishing and START DOING!! You got this!! Remember if you want something to change you have to change and do something different!

Need help? Need that push to change? Message me! I am here for you and would love to give you the push you need to get changing.


I woke up this morning exhausted but grateful! I am grateful for so many things in my life. I

am grateful that my husband landed on his knee and not his head. I am grateful for my

family and the support and help they have given us through this time, I am grateful for my

friends, who are constantly checking in on is, and most of all I am grateful for Beachbody!

Why Beachbody? Because I am able to work at home and take care of my husband and go

 to all the appointments with him. If I wasn't doing Beachbody and still teaching it would be

 harder. Also because of Beachbody I have met and made friends with the most amazing

 ladies, who are constantly checking in and who I have just become so close to, that I know I

 can turn to them for anything, even a should to cry on. I have a lot to be grateful for today!

Do you? What is one thing you are grateful for?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weekend Hazard!

Good Morning!!! I am sorry I have been MIA the past few days. I like to post Sunday - Friday but this weekend my husband had an accident.  My Husband is a division 2 coach, and this past Saturday night after the game he was unloading equipment and gear off the truck and he fell out of the it and landed right on his knee. And for the past 2 days he has been home, resting it, and getting adjusted to the big leg brace on his left leg. We went to 2 doctors yesterday to find out if he needs surgery and what is exactly wrong with it. Both said he needs an MRI to tell for sure but it is looking like he  is going to have to have surgery. It's been a long weekend. And I know that it is going to be a long road ahead for us if he does need to get surgery. However, I am choosing to look at this on the bright side, because it could have been a lot worse. I am glad it was his knee and not his head or neck.

Here is a picture of my man sitting on the couch with his big leg brace.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Body in Motion

Good Morning! Happy Saturday!!!

A body at rest tends to stay at rest---and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

That's why it is so important to be active!!! Once your in motion, it's easy to keep going and stick to the routine you set for yourself. Once you stop and get off track or routine it's hard to change from rest to motion again!

We all fall off track sometimes but if we allow ourselves to stay off track for more than a day or 2 we struggle to get back on. The longer we wait to get back on track the harder it is!

Can you get back on track? Yes!!! You can do anything you want! You just need to remember how you felt when you were on track and want it bad enough to get out of the funk!

 How? Just take one step at a time. Do one workout a day. Focus on one clean meal at a time and you will get back on track! Give yourself 7 days and you will see how within just week!

I believe in you and know YOU can do it!! So start today! Take the weekend to get back on track and make a plan!

Need help? Need motivation and support? I am here for you!! Message me!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Weekend Motiation

Good Morning! Happy Friday!!!

You did it!! All that stands between you and the weekend is the next 8 hours!! Remember you can do it! Just breath and believe!

This weekend work hard to stay on track. Make a to do list for each day! Make sure you fit your workout in or some physical activity that will get your heart rate up and a sweat going. Also make sure you stick to your meal plan. Don't fall of track and ruin all the hard work you did this weekend for that beer and pizza or those chips and dip! Allow yourself a treat if you want one but don't give in to the football party food! Remember you have goals to meet. Remember your why and what you are working for! Drink lots of water and most importantly, believe in yourself!

Need help? Need motivation and support? I am here for you!! Message me!!!

Friday Week 3 Day 5

Good Morning!!! Happy Friday! Limitations exist only if you let them!! Don't limit yourself!! Be who you want to be and do what you want to do! If you want to workout, workout, if you want to eat clean, eat clean!! Do you!! If I limited myself to what I thought and felt, than I wouldn't be doing insanity because I thought I couldn't handle! But I am doing it every day, even on days like today where it was hard! I struggled to get through it, but I kept going, even if it was at a slower pace than I had been doing and much slower than what they were doing on TV. But I didn't give up. I kept going. Don't give up yourself! Push past your limitations! Believe in yourself!!!

Today was a hard day! I am not going to lie. Usually I am sweating and out of breath but feel good. I usually drink 70 ounces of water each workout. But today I struggled to get my second bottle down, and I struggled at the end finishing the push ups and plank runs. I felt sick to my stomach, but I slowed down and pushed past it. Why did I feel that way? I am not sure. I think it was because I had a chiropractor appointment and he adjusted me. So I think I need to make my appointments on Wednesdays from now so that Thursday - Cardio Recovery Days work better and don't mess up my adjustment.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Living a healthy lifestyle is hard! But I have learned to love, myself enough to do it. Do you?

Any one can workout, go to the gym, run, walk but that is only part of it. The other bigger part is eating healthy. It's not going on a diet and doing it 20 days and then going back to your old routine. It's a lifestyle change.

If you can see from my picture of winter 2009, where I worked out daily, if not twice a day, I had the mentality that if I worked out for a good hour or even twice a day I could eat anything including those fries or that ice cream. Um however, that obviously wasn't the case!  However I realized a few years later that I was doing something wrong because I wasn't seeing results or I was only seeing very little results, in both my clothes and the scale. I was not gaining weight but I wasn't losing weight or getting cut like I wanted too.  I was unhappy with the results.

However, thanks to Beachbody and clean eating I learned that the workout isn't 100% of getting results. Working out is definately part of it you just need to do both, workout and eat clean everyday, including snacks. You must eat 5-6 times a day. Remember nutrition is 80% of it and working out is only 20%. So if you have to choose which one to focus on first, I would recommend you doing the nutrition part and then when you have that down throw the workouts in too!

I know you can change your lifestyle. If I did it anyone can do it! :)

Here is a picture of me in the winter of 2009 and the other is of me last fall, 2013, after starting my Beachbody journey, clean eating and T25. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 3 Day 3 Muscle Vs Fat

I am on week 3 of Insanity. This week started out with the fit test on Monday, followed by Plyometric cardio Circuit (my favorite) and then today was a double day with insanity! Today was pure cardio and cardio abs! I was a complete sweaty mess by the time I was done with Pure Cardio and I still had cardio abs to do! With Pure Cardio I feel I am getting stronger and stronger each time I do it and can last longer and am taking fewer breaks, not just water breaks but stopping and just jogging in place breaks. That makes me happy knowing that I am getting stronger each week!

Area you a scale watcher? I am sometimes and its a horrible habit. Well insanity I have not lost any weight. Why? 1. because I am eating more than I normally do and 2. because I am taking my fat and turning it into muscle, which means that muscle weighs more than fat!! Which is fine by me, because Muscle is much sexier than fat!!! Don't you agree. So instead of watching the scale, I am watching how I feel, what my muscles look like, how my clothes feel, and how I continue to fuel my body with the appropriate foods.

So I have set a goal for myself. I am in week 3 and I have 7 more weeks to go. 2 of those weeks are really recovery weeks but still, I have a goal set! My goal with Pure Cardio is to make it through the entire 15 minutes straight of cardio with taking only 2 QUICK water breaks and NOT stopping at all to job because I am tired! I know I can do it, because I know that each week I am getting stronger and stronger!  Do you like to set goals for yourself with your workouts and program?


Here is a little picture of what the difference in Fat and Muscle look like.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week 3 of Insanity Meal Plan

Here is my meal plan for the third week of Insanity! I am loving the program so far however, I am not a big eater due to having celiacs disease, but man am I HUNGRY all the time doing this program. I can't drink enough water or eat enough on it! I am trying not to make out on my food but there are days I feel like I could eat the entire house! Do you ever have days like that? This week I tried to add more and make different things! I am excited to try the Quinoa Almond Joy Bars on Thursday! I haven't made them yet, so I will keep you posted on how they turn out!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 3!!! Say What?!?

Ahhh!! I can't believe I have made it to week 3. Today was the fit test again. With Insanity you do the fit test every 2 weeks. I am happy with my results. I went up in all areas except the power jacks where I stayed the same. And in some areas I only went up one. But I am not letting that discourage me. I have worked hard and its only day 15. I can't wait to see where my numbers are at come day 60.

What kept me motivated this whole time was beating Tania. I would get excited when Shaun T would go over and read her numbers. She might have had higher numbers than me but when it came to the increases that is what I got excited about. Some of them increased more than her by a lot and sometimes by 1 so I was thrilled about that! haha

I am really enjoying this program and look forward to it each morning. If you have 45 minutes a day to spend working out then I recommend this program. Yes it is called insanity and yes it is insane, but I truly believe that anyone can do this program, as long as they go at their own pace and listen to Shaun T and not really watch him and how fast he goes. I am still just listening and going at my own pace. Yes I hope one day that I can go at his speed but I refuse to compromise my form.

So if you get the chance, check it out! Check insanity out and try a workout or two! You might just become addicted or insane to it!! :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

If I could provide you with a 21 Day workout that was just 30 minutes a day with a meal plan that is simple to follow and uses a fool proof portion control system, telling you exactly what to eat, without starvation, and you could lose anywhere from 5-15 pounds in just 3 weeks / 21 days, how serious would you be about trying it? Group Starting September 8 and I only have a few spots left. Message, like this post, or email me at jgerity83@gmail.com.


I am starting a 2 for 21 Fix Challenge group on September 15! This group is going to be ahhhmazing and to top things off this challenge pack is $20 off this month.

Everything you need to loose 5-15 pounds in just 21 days!!!

Spots are going to fill super fast for this one so message me if you want more information and to get your name on the list!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Coaching Opportunity

I am looking to mentor 5 women who are goal oriented, risk takers, creative, coachable, confident, ambitious, and focused.

I want to help you grow a business where you have financial freedom to do what you like and go where you want! I want to help you mentor and motivate others while they achieve their health and fitness goals.

Some perks of helping others is that you earn some extra money, help others, get a discount off great beachbody products, save 25% on your Shakeology order, earn free trips, and so much more

If you have these qualities and want to help others and get some great perks, then message me, like this post, or email me at jgerity83@gmail.com and we will talk and get you started in helping others, earning extra money, or just saving in your Shakeology order! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 10!!!

I honestly didn't think I would make it this far, let alone be excited to get up every morning to workout to INSANITY!!! Its crazy, how this program makes you feel and makes you crave more of it!! I love it! I really enjoy doing it.

Today's workout is my favorite by far, and when I think about why its my favorite I have no idea!! Haha its plyometric Cardio Circuit and its the longest one so far, but the sweat I get, the calorie burn that happens, and the feeling I feel when I am done, is worth those 42 minutes.

Fitness Tip when doing Push ups:
Whether you’re on your toes or on your knees, it’s important to have the proper form.        
1. Get into plank position, making sure your hands are aligned beneath your shoulders but just wider than them. Tighten your core.

2. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, tucking your elbows in as you do. When you’re at the bottom, your arms should be at 45-degree angles.

3. Keep your back flat and do not let your back or hips sag. If you can’t do a push-up on your toes yet, don’t give up! You’re still getting a great workout.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Secret to Insanity's Pure Cardio

Hi! Today I started my morning out with Pure Cardio. This one is tough. Its not interval training and there are no circuits which mean no set breaks or time to drink water and catch your breath. However, today I decided to try something new. With this workout the first 10 minutes are dedicated to a warm up which is like a workout in itself, then 7 minutes of stretching. Once the Stretching is over you get a 30 second water break and then you start PURE Cardio for 15 minutes straight, doing a move for a minute straight! So what did I do? I broke it down. I told myself to go hard for 5 minutes straight and then after the 5th move / minute I stopped for a quick water break and then jumped back into it. I did this 3 times and I honestly felt better, stronger, and able to actually push harder and stronger then I did last week when I tried to go straight through for 15 minutes. This really helped and I know there will be days I need to break it down smaller and do it every 3 moves / minutes. And that is okay. I don't want to jeopardize my form and I don't want to get hurt.

So what did the water have to do with it? Did you know:
   60% of your total body weight is water

75% of your muscles is water

Assists in the regulation of internal body temperature

Protects and cushions vital organs

Aids the digestive system

Don’t wait until you are thirsty! Thirst is an early sign of dehydration and if you wait until you are thirsty, you have already begun to dehydrate.
Drink water before, during, and after exercise.

Dress for the environment.
During the warm months exercise at the coolest time of the day – early morning or late evening, and wear the lightest clothing that you can (lightweight t-shirts, shorts, low-cut socks).

During the cold months, wear several layers of clothing so that you can remove layers as you begin to sweat.

This is my 3rd bottle of water already this morning. I drink 70 oz just during Insanity. Make sure you are drinking enough. I always try to drink 225-300 ounces a day.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Start of Week 2!!!

I just want to shout it from the roof top that I have made it to week 2 in insanity and I am actually starting to like it now!!! WHAT WHAT?!?! I was scared to start this program because of the name and the crazy moves and the high intensity, but let me tell you, I learned something, if you go into this mentally telling yourself you can do it and to just take one move at a time and focus on the move not the speed, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Tip for today: Believe in yourself! Don't let others thoughts and opinions discourage you from doing something new, trying a new work out, getting a new job, or eating healthy and clean. DO YOU and do what you want to do. Just believe in yourself and you will accomplish great things!!