Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Body in Motion

Good Morning! Happy Saturday!!!

A body at rest tends to stay at rest---and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

That's why it is so important to be active!!! Once your in motion, it's easy to keep going and stick to the routine you set for yourself. Once you stop and get off track or routine it's hard to change from rest to motion again!

We all fall off track sometimes but if we allow ourselves to stay off track for more than a day or 2 we struggle to get back on. The longer we wait to get back on track the harder it is!

Can you get back on track? Yes!!! You can do anything you want! You just need to remember how you felt when you were on track and want it bad enough to get out of the funk!

 How? Just take one step at a time. Do one workout a day. Focus on one clean meal at a time and you will get back on track! Give yourself 7 days and you will see how within just week!

I believe in you and know YOU can do it!! So start today! Take the weekend to get back on track and make a plan!

Need help? Need motivation and support? I am here for you!! Message me!!!

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