Friday, September 19, 2014

Day full of Changes

While I write this I am sitting in the waiting room of Westmoreland Hospital waiting to be called to see my husband. A week a go he fell off a box truck unloading equipment from this football game. He landed on his knee and tore the quad tendon. This past week as been stressful and full of anxiety. My husband and I are both holistic people and do not care for hospitals and medicine so this is a big thing. He is getting his quad tendon reattached and I hear it is a painful, long process.

We have literally been married for less than 3 months and let me tell you, these past 3 months have not been sugar plums and fairy tales. They have been ROUGH!!! However, has rough as they have been and scary I wouldn't change it for the world. I am with the man that I am meant to be. He is my superman and he is the guy that does nothing but cheers me on with my dreams!!!

However, the next few months are going to be a challenge and they are going to be rough. But I always say everything happens for a reason, and if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger.

I truly believe that God is taking us through these troubles not to test us or punish us, but to show us how strong our love is for each other and how that no matter what is handed to us we will come out stronger and more unbreakable.

Here is my superman/ prince charming right before he heads back! He is so brave and strong!

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