Sunday, September 21, 2014

Meal Plan for Week 5 of Insanity

Here is my meal plan for Week 5 of Insanity. This week is Recovery week before we start the second phase which is MAX everything haha. I am looking forward to Recovery week, however you are doing the same workout for 6 days in a row. I don't know how much I like that, but I know that this program is proven to work as long as you follow it, I will be following it to a T, which means I will be doing the SAME workout for 5 days in a row.

I know my meal plan as me eating 3 shakes, but I am following the 21 day fix plan but for insanity and I don't care for meat more than 1 time a day, and I don't do dairy because it upsets my tummy. Plus I love my shakes so no complaining here. :)

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