Monday, September 29, 2014

Month 2 Day 1 of Insanity


Month 2 has officially started!!! And man did it kick my butt. I was seriously drenched from my head to my toes in sweat. The 60 minute workout was amazing, tough, and inspiring!! Why inspiring, because I have not done a 60 minute workout in a very, very long time. I was nervous I wasn't going to get through it BUT I did and I took each section one section at a time. I refused to look at the clock to see the time count down. It worked. The warm up was different then last month. It started out 4 minutes then 2 1/2 minutes for the second round and then 1 1/2 minutes for the 3rd round still making it around 10 minutes for the total warm up. The stretching was different too and didn't last as long as the first month. The stretch was about 5 minutes long. So that made for 45 minutes of intense cardio workout. This workout he did 3 different intervals. They were longer in time (45 seconds instead of 30 seconds each move, and they block1 and block 2 had a power move at the end where block 3 did not. All the moves were different, they were cardio, power, and resistance. Their were lots of combination moves on the floor, like ski abs, jump jack push ups, in and out abs, and spider lunges - all for 1 move. It was amazing. I am tired from the workout but I made sure that I took my R&R after!

This weeks schedule for Insanity is:

Monday - Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit

Tuesday -  Max Interval Plyo

Wednesday - Max Cardio Conditioning

Thursday - Max Recovery

Friday - Max Interval Circuit

Saturday - Max Interval Plyo

Sunday - Off

Excited to see what all these workouts are like!

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