Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 10!!!

I honestly didn't think I would make it this far, let alone be excited to get up every morning to workout to INSANITY!!! Its crazy, how this program makes you feel and makes you crave more of it!! I love it! I really enjoy doing it.

Today's workout is my favorite by far, and when I think about why its my favorite I have no idea!! Haha its plyometric Cardio Circuit and its the longest one so far, but the sweat I get, the calorie burn that happens, and the feeling I feel when I am done, is worth those 42 minutes.

Fitness Tip when doing Push ups:
Whether you’re on your toes or on your knees, it’s important to have the proper form.        
1. Get into plank position, making sure your hands are aligned beneath your shoulders but just wider than them. Tighten your core.

2. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, tucking your elbows in as you do. When you’re at the bottom, your arms should be at 45-degree angles.

3. Keep your back flat and do not let your back or hips sag. If you can’t do a push-up on your toes yet, don’t give up! You’re still getting a great workout.

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