Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Week 3 Day 5

Good Morning!!! Happy Friday! Limitations exist only if you let them!! Don't limit yourself!! Be who you want to be and do what you want to do! If you want to workout, workout, if you want to eat clean, eat clean!! Do you!! If I limited myself to what I thought and felt, than I wouldn't be doing insanity because I thought I couldn't handle! But I am doing it every day, even on days like today where it was hard! I struggled to get through it, but I kept going, even if it was at a slower pace than I had been doing and much slower than what they were doing on TV. But I didn't give up. I kept going. Don't give up yourself! Push past your limitations! Believe in yourself!!!

Today was a hard day! I am not going to lie. Usually I am sweating and out of breath but feel good. I usually drink 70 ounces of water each workout. But today I struggled to get my second bottle down, and I struggled at the end finishing the push ups and plank runs. I felt sick to my stomach, but I slowed down and pushed past it. Why did I feel that way? I am not sure. I think it was because I had a chiropractor appointment and he adjusted me. So I think I need to make my appointments on Wednesdays from now so that Thursday - Cardio Recovery Days work better and don't mess up my adjustment.

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