Friday, January 30, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #11 - Eat This Run That

Eat this, run that
When you have a 5- or 10K on your calendar, it's important to plan out what you're going to eat the morning of the big day—something that will keep you fueled and also go down easy. While everyone is different, most people have good luck with a high-carbohydrate breakfast such as a small bowl of oatmeal with fruit or a couple of pieces of toast with peanut butter. Also make sure you eat around 200 to 250 (primarily carb) calories about 90 minutes before you warm up for your run . And don't worry about nixing your a.m. caffeine fix on race day. Coffee is great for athletic performances because it makes you sharper and it may even give you extended energy.

Remember if you are running a 5 to 10K you do not get to eat as much as you would if you were running a half or full marathon. Carb up but don't carb too much that you get sick while running! Keep Simple and Light

Thursday, January 29, 2015

NEW RECIEPE!!!! Homemade Quest Bars

Homemade Quest-Inspired Bars - Cookie Dough flavor
Prep time
Total time
Homemade Quest-Inspired Bars. Low carb, gluten free.
For Cookie Dough Flavor
  • 2 Tbsp VitaFiber Syrup
  • 1 scoop Vegan protein, vanilla
  • 2 tsp almond meal (just ground up almonds)
  • 15 g (2 squares) no-sugar chocolate, chopped
  • 1 TBSP of Powered Peanut Butter
  1. Heat the 2 Tbsp of VitaFiber Syrup in a saucepan over medium heat. When its just starts to bubble, remove from heat and immediately add protein powder, almond meal.
  2. Place mixture on a piece of foil and knead until it starts to cool down. It will form into a bar.
  3. Use hands to form it into a bar
  4. Add in the chopped chocolate once its cooled a bit. Still might melt a little.
These bars are healthier than a Quest bar, have less ingredients and are VEGAN!!! Oh and the best part....its HUBBY approved!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Goal Board

Do you make new years resolutions? Do you make goal boards? Do you stick with any of it? Do you reflect on it after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months? Are you a go getter?

I have never once made a goal board or set any big goals for me before I started coaching. I just lived life and continued to teach and never dreamed big!

Well not any more!! I have big goals with my Business and I KNOW I am going to make them happen. How do I KNOW this? Because I truly believe in the products I work with. I know that Beachbody is an amazing company that is going to continue to grow and expand and I am so lucky to be a part of this organization.

So what are some of my goals? Some of them may look small to you but they are all big goals for me.

Goal 1 - read 24 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT books this year. That is 2 per month. I never liked to read, let a long PD books before I joined Beachbody. Now its the only thing I read. Also I am a slower reader, so I am working on reading faster and longer so I can make this goal happen.

Goal 2 - Add 4 people a month to TEAM FEARLESS DREAMERS - I want to help people with their health, fitness and financial goals. Even if they just want to be a preferred customer and receive just a discount on their products. I want them to join my team.

Goal 3 - I started my personal training certification in July of 2013, however, life has happened and I made excuses of why I couldn't do it yet. My goal is to work on it daily and be certified by July 2015.

Goal 4 - Become a Success Club Legend. Why this goal? Its not for the legend name but to know that for 2 years I have helped at least 3 people a month start their health and fitness journey! I want to help others love themselves and feel good about themselves. I want people to live longer and enjoy life. So each month I goal is to help just 3 people.

Goal 5 - I want to be CREDIT CARD DEBT free. I was able to pay my credit card off last year and now I want to pay off my husbands by the end of this year. Yes we will still have student loans but I want to be CC Debt free by the end of this year

Goal 6 - Goes a long with 5 to be credit card debt free, I need to make $1,500 a week. This will allow us to pay all the bills we have, put money away to invest, and to pay off more than we the average with the credit card bill.

Goal 7 - Be 6 Star Diamond by Summit which is Mid July - This is not a goal for me so that I can rank advance, but it is a goal for my coaches. I want to know that I have helped at least 6 of my personally sponsored coaches reach Diamond and advance their business to the next level and continue to reach their goals financially!

These goals might not seem like much, but for the first time in my life, I am pushing myself WAY out of my comfort zone, setting HIGH goals for me and looking forward to seeing where this year takes me!

So will you set goals for yourself this year? Will you check in on those goals each month, every 3? Don't make goals and walk away from them. Make sure you check in with them on monthly / bimonthly so you know how you are doing and what you need to change or what you need to keep doing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Bonnie C

This is Bonnie. She is a mom of 2 beautiful children, a full time / owner of her own day care and wife! On the left is her 2 months after having her second child. She was tired of the weight she gained and needed something to do, to get rid of it. Being a mom of a 2 month old and a Kindergartener, she needed something quick but EFFECTIVE.

She decided to check T25. Why? Because it is cardio, only 25 minutes long, and it was something she KNEW she could fit into her day. Along with shakeology, clean eating, and working out, Bonnie lost 15+ pounds, decided to become a coach, and has not looked back. Not only did she lose weight but she gained confidence back and the love for her own body!

These products work! With the program, nutrition, and support you get, these products are top notch! They work and you see results fast!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Team Fearless Dreamers Coach Academy

Are you ready to start working towards financial freedom? To live your life by design? To stop dreading Monday mornings and the week ahead of you at work? Are you ready to do something to help you and your family? Are you ready to start being a role model to your kids?

Guess what!?!?

Beachbody is your answer! With Beachbody you get to work from home. You get to create your own hours. You get to spend time with your kids. You get to work on your own health and fitness journey while helping and supporting others.
With this business you get out of it what you put in it. If you want to work it part time, you can! Just work it like you would a part time job. If you want to make it full time, you can. Then work it with full time business hours that you set, and they can be any hours, they don’t have to be 9-5.
I am looking for 5 women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable.

I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business from home, whether it be part time or full time. And all you are required to do is help people reach their health and fitness goals!

Do you have to be a fitness expert? Do you have to be skinny? Do you have to be 100% perfect with your eating?

HECK NO!!!! No one is perfect! I don't eat 100% perfect, I didn't start out with the body I wanted, and I sure don't consider myself a fitness expert. I was a teacher before I started this. I have an undergrad in Elementary Teaching and a Masters in Special Ed. I have no degree in physical education or fitness.

It doesn't matter your background, your current job, if you were a collage drop out or have your PHD in physics. Beachbody loves everyone because we all are unique and we each bring something different to the table.
I have an all EXCLUSIVE, one on one Coach Training Academy opening up on February 2nd. And I only have 5 posts left. APPLY by January 28, 2015 to reserve your spot!

Fill out this form and we will schedule a time to talk this week--->

You can also send me a personal message, like this post, or email me at if you want to know how to get started. Don’t miss out on this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #10 - How to Turn Your Cheat day around!

Turn your cheat day around

Feeling guilty about that giant ice cream sundae you enjoyed at your niece's birthday party? OR that bottle of wine you and the hubs drank last night? The pizza you ate because you just didn't feel like cooking?
 Don't beat yourself up! It takes a lot of calories—3,500—to gain a pound of body fat. So really, that one off day doesn't usually result in any significant weight gain. It will result in water gain, but that is easy to get rid of, just up your water intake the next day to double what you normally drink!
Remember it's about what you do the next day and the day after that's really important—so don't stay off-track. Be sure to whittle away at those extra calories over the next day or two. HOW? By boosting your exercise intensity NOT by eating too little. Starvation is not the healthy answer and will actually make you gain weight, rather than lose it!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

RECIPE - Roasted Chickpeas


OMG!!! I am in love with chickpeas! And roasted makes them 100 times better!! I love to eat them by themselves or put them in my salad in place of crotons. They are gluten free and grain free too!

 Here is how I make them.........
  • 1 15oz can of garbanzo beans
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. In a colander rinse chickpeas well. Shake off the excess water and discard any loose shells.
  3. Next, line a small/medium mixing bowl with a few paper towels and pour the chickpeas into the paper lined bowl.
  4. Pat the chickpeas with the paper towel and then remove the paper towels from the bowl. Repeat this step until chickpeas are thoroughly dry.
  5. Spread the chickpeas out on a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. If they are not crunchy or roasted to your liking reduce heat to 250 degrees and roast a bit longer (5-10 minutes). To avoid scorching keep a close eye on the chickpeas during this point.
  6. Flavor them with what you would like, I just add Chipotle Cholula Sauce to them.
  7. Enjoy!

Other toppings you can do are -
  1. Honey Cinnamon- 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tablespoons honey (you can throw these back in the oven for 10-15 minutes to carmelize if you like)
  2. Garlic Parmesan- 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon garlic powder or 2 cloves fresh minced garlic, 1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper, 1/2 teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt
  3. Smoky Spice Blend- 1/2 teaspoon ancho chile powder, 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper, pinch cayenne (optional)
  4. Get creative. Make your own toppings

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You are the one that Decides

 I have some hard core truth coming your way today!

So let's be honest here.....It's YOU who decides what YOU eat!

Smack! That is hard to face and accept but it's the truth! It's not your husband, boyfriend, co-workers, family, friends, etc that MAKE you eat any of it! It's YOU!!

Yes they may offer you that cookie, beer, wine, fried food, etc. Yes they may even tempt you and try to peer pressure you, are the one that ultimately decides what YOU put into your body!

It stinks! It's so much easier to blame someone else so you don't have to feel guilty, but guess what!?!? You are to blame! We all are!

When we choose to over indulge or to fall off the wagon, it's not anyone else's fault but our own. BUT....just as we decide to fall we can decide to jump back on!!!

Stop blaming others and start accepting that hard cold truth. You fell off. ITS OKAY!! We all fall off at some point in time, BUT what you can do is jump back on! Decide today that you are no longer going to let anyone decide what you eat except for you!! Stick to it! You can do it!!! And I am here for you!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Laura M

This is Laura. She is a Beachbody Coach, she is a mom of 2 cute boys, a wife, and a full time 2nd grade teacher. She started with Insanity and Drinking Shakeology a year ago. While combining those 2 things, along with eating clean and being part of an accountability group she lost 17 pounds!! If it wasn't for the accountability group she would have given up after day 5, because lets be honest, Insanity isn't the easiest program out there. Because of the accountability group she was inspired and changed. After Insanity she T25, p90x3, and the 21 day fix. She is now doing Insanity Max 30 and loving it. After Insanity and the amazing group she was in and the fabulous results she got, she decided to pay it forward! She became a coach.

Beachbody Programs work, Shakeology works, clean eating works they all work together but the thing that makes them all come together is the accountability groups. Laura said it herself, she NEVER would have stuck to it, if it weren't for the group she was in and the people cheering her on and motivating her.

When it comes to a lifestyle change, you need a group of like minded people that are doing the same thing you are and are there to support you and cheer you on.

That is the greatest thing about Beachbody! You get the WHOLE package! You get the support, the fitness program, and the nutrition. That is why people get the RESULTS they get!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Start of Week 3 of Insanity Max 30 - The results are CRAZY

Start of Week 3 of Insanity Max 30!

So today starts week 3 of Insanity Max 30 and all I can say is I am in love! This program pushes you to your max. It seriously is a game with your head and your body. You know your body can keep going but your head is telling  you to stop! I hate it and love it at the same time! It really challenges you mentally. Last week I descried the difference between Insanity and Insanity Max 30.
Well today I want to give you my results both working out and body results.
Working out has been a challenge for even someone like me that has pushed themselves with Insanity, Asylum, and Asylum 2. Max 30 has challenged my mind and body but each day, each week I get stronger. Week 1 I only made it to minute 16 before I collapsed and needed a break in Cardio Challenge, Week 2 I made it to 17:25 minutes before needing a break, and today I made it to minute 27!!! I was so excited that I made it that long and yes what would have been another 3 minutes, but like I told my clients, I wasn't going to compromise my form to make it to 30. So I maxed out! Do I feel it? Heck YA! My arms are sore and there were many times I wanted to max out but I kept telling myself, its only 30 seconds. You can do it for 30 seconds and that is seriously what got me through all the moves and to minute 27.
As for my body, I can't believe the results I am already seeing after ONLY 2 weeks!!! I love 3 pounds, I lost 1 inch in my chest, my arms and thighs stayed the same, I lost 1 inch in my waist, 1 inch in my hips, 1 inch in my butt, and 1/2 an inch in calves!! So over all I have lost 4 1/2 inches in 2 weeks!!! I cant wait to see what I have lost come week 8!
This program is amazing and challenging all at the same time! I love it and I love the results. I am seeing my abs pop through again. I love that its only 30 minutes. There is so much to this program that I could seriously talk to you about it all day.
However, if you are interested in finding out more about Insanity Max 30 email me and I will tell you more about it. Email - 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #9 - Combating Cocktail Hour

Combat cocktail hour

Is it ladies' night? Is it date night? Do you have a work party to go to? If you know you'll be imbibing more than one drink, feel (and sip!) right, by always ordering water between cocktails. That way, you won't rack up sneaky liquid calories (and ruin your willpower to resist those mozzarella sticks!). However, your water doesn't have to be boring! Make it festive by ordering the sparkling variety with plenty of fruit, like a lime, lemon, and orange wedge in a martini or highball glass. That way you will still have the fun glass to drink out of but won't be too hung over the next morning to get your workout in!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Clean Eating Grain Free Trail Mix

I am a snacker and I LOVE, I mean LOVE trail mix, espically the ones with the m & m's, chocolate chips, and peanut butter chips, along with all the other stuff! So instead of buying that stuff and a lot of times it has gluten in it, I created my own trail mix. This mix still allows me to get my salty and sweet fix but is not processed and ALOT better for you. Plus if I am really craving chocolate, I will through some into this trail mix. However, the coconut flakes and raisins and craisins really make it sweet.

Clean Eating Grain Free Trail Mix (Makes 10 servings)


1 cup sliced almonds

1 cup raw pumpkin seeds

1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

1/2 cup raw walnut pieces

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup golden raisins

1/2 cup dried cranberries


Mix all ingredients together and store in an air-tight container for up to 6 weeks.

Nutritional Content: (Data is for 1/2 cup) Calories: 221
If you are doing the fix then this would equal a yellow put it would be only a orange container for a serving. Still count as a yellow just use a organ container.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Why Coaching?

Hello Everyone!!! Why I am a Beachbody coach? Why did I decide to do the whole coaching thing? Is it to make a fast buck? Is it just a part time job to make some extra spending money? Is it to be part of something bigger? Why? Why coaching?

I become a coach  in July of 2013. I just got back from visiting my fiancés family in San Diego, and I just felt blah. I worked out and lifted every day but I hated the way I felt. I needed Cardio back in  my life but I hated gyms and machines, didn't have time for classes, and no longer wanted to run and pound the pavement. So I saw my coach post about T25. T25 is literally 25 minutes of pure cardio. I believed that I could do that. That I could do 25 minutes after school and still lift in the morning. So I bought it. Not really knowing what I was doing and if it was going to work. Well, I feel in love with it and thought everyone should do it! Seriously who didn't have 25 minutes a day to workout. I also switched from drinking Isagneix to drinking Shakeology every day! I loved it!!! Shakeology made me feel good, gave me energy, made me feel positive, helped with my weight loss journey, and regulated me!

So I went to my coach and said I want to do what you are doing. I want to help others see how amazing these products are. So I jumped in to the whole coaching thing, not knowing again what I was getting myself into.


Coaching has been the best thing that has happened to me! Yes I love to workout and eat clean, and I honestly started to help get me in shape for my wedding. But I have always loved helping others and I want to help as many people as  I can. I always say, if I didn't get paid to do this, I would still do it!But my Why goes deeper. There is a lot of disease in my family genes. Both my dads parents died before he was 19 years old. His dad died of a massive heart attack and his mom died of cancer. My mom's parents both passed before I was 19 years old. Yes I got to spend time with them and enjoy them but some of my cousins didn't. And my grandfather was a riot and I know my husband would have loved him.

So as a coach, my goal is to help everyone!! Help everyone live a LONG and HEALTHY life. No I do not believe in weighing 100 pounds and being toothpick thin! I believe in being healthy, fit, and strong. Everyone has a different goal, but everyone NEEDS to workout and eat healthy daily, especially if they want to be around a long time.

I want my parents to be around for my kids, I want my husbands parents to be around for our kids. I want our kids to know their grandparents!!! So yes maybe I am coaching for selfish reasons, but I want YOU to be around for YOUR kids or grandkids some day! I want YOU to be healthy, happy, fit, and strong so that you can play with them and not be weak or sick.

Food is the most important thing when it comes to nourishing our body, BUT if we eat the wrong things they can do more damage then good. That is why I drink shakeology daily and that is why I try to be a good role model to my husband and our parents. Shakeology isn't just an overpriced shake! Its worth every penny because you are getting 8 bowls of salad in 1 shake, you are getting 70+ superfoods in every shake! You are getting the healthiest meal of the day when you have 1 shake a day!

Don't be afraid of getting healthy, changing your lifestyle or stepping outside of your comfort zone. EVERYONE needs to do it, whether you weigh 120 or 320 you need to take control of your body, feed it the correct nutrients, and keep it moving so that when you are ready to have kids or your kids have kids, you can enjoy them and run around with them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Kristin B

Here is Kristin B. She went from a size 10-12 weighing a 147 pounds to a size 4 weighing 120 pounds!!! How?!?! By using the 21 day fix and Shakeology. The 21 day fix is Game Changer. This program is all about portion control. There is no counting calories. You pick what you want and as long as it fits in the containers you get with the program then you can have it. The program does tell you how many of each serving you get based upon weight. It also comes with you first month of Shakeology and 10 different 30 minute workouts. The whole thing lasts 21 days and I have had clients lose anywhere from 5 to 15 lbs in 21 days.

The greatest thing about this program is that you don't have to stop after 21 days. I have clients that go on to do multiple rounds like Kristin, until they read their goal weight. Plus this nutrition plan can be used with nay workout after the 21 days.

I chose this transformation because I truly believe in this program. The 21 day fix has not only changed my life, but it has changed my husbands life! Right now my husband is going through rehab for his torn quad tendon. Most people when they have a serious injury like that end up gaining 20+ pounds because they are no longer mobile and able to workout. Not my hubby!!! He has gained 0 pounds, yes he has lost muscle but he gained nothing!!!! Why? Because he drank shakeology daily and followed the 21 day fix program!!

Whether you are a man or a woman this program works!!! And the best thing about this program, is that it is on sale for the month of January!!! So if you are ready to make that lifestyle change and change your eating habits, message me. Email me at and I would love to help you get on track and reach YOUR goals!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 2 of Insanity Max 30

Insanity Max 30 Week 2!! All I can say is I am LOVING this program!! Its hard but its because you push yourself to the max, if you didn't then it wouldn't be hard AND you wouldn't get the best results.

Last week OMG, by Wednesday I was dead! I was sore, tired, and couldn't walk up the stairs. It was an amazing feeling. Why? Because I never felt that way with Insanity, Asylum, or Asylum 2. I was never sore.

So what's the Different between Insanity and Max 30? There are a bunch. 1. Insanity is 45-60 minutes long, it has a warm up, a stretch, the workouts, and then a cool down. Max 30 is exactly 30 minutes long, each workout.  It has a warm up, no stretch, the workout and the cool down is after the 30 minutes, so you technically can choose to do it or not. Insanity had you follow a calorie based meal plan and Max 30 is having you follow the 21 Day Fix Meal plan. Insanity had a lot of water breaks and Shaun T took a lot of time show and talk about the move. Max 30 less water breaks and no explaining of the move, you just keep going, move after move and figure out the form. Insanity has a recovery week between month 1 and month 2. Max 30 has no recovery week, you go straight into month 2. Insanity has no modifier and no Max Out. Max 30 has a modifier and Shaun T WANTS you to max out.

To me, how I describe Max 30 is, that it is a lot like T25 the way it is structured but it is T25 on SPEED.

I love this program. Yes I am only on week 2 and it is kicking my butt, BUT it is a program that any one can do because it has the modifier. Will you still max out? Yes you will, as long as you push yourself as hard as you can. I can't wait to see my results after a month and after the entire program!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #8 - Police Your Portions

Police your portions

Does your steak take up more than half your plate? Think about cutting your serving of beef in half. That's because it's best to try and fill half your plate with veggies or a mixture of veggies and fresh fruit, so that it's harder to overdo it on the more caloric dishes (like cheesy potatoes or barbecue sauce–slathered ribs!).
Policing your portions can be tough if you don't have the right tools. That is where the 21 Day fix comes in handy! I am not trying to be saleys but the 21 Day Fix is all about portion control and balancing your nutrition. You can't eat 5 servings of fruit all day, a huge steak, and a helping a veggies and say you ate well. You need to balance your nutrition out with fruits, veggies, starches, protein, and healthy fats. And with the 21 Day fix, it teaches you how to do all that, while still enjoying what you love to eat. And the best part is, its simple, easy and there is no guess work!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

NEw RECIPE!!!!! Almond Crusted

Chicken can be VERY boring to eat. So I try to spice it up with something new. This time I made a Maple Almond Chicken! AND it was HUSBAND approved. My husband loves food, but he can be picky about some things I make and especially when I try something new, BUT he loved it and when I told him that it was something I could do with Salmon, he got even more excited, he loves fish. So the next time I make this I will be making it with fish, instead of chicken.

It is easy to make, doesn't take long to prepare, and is easy clean up. Those 3 must haves in my book when I am in the chicken cooking!!!
Easy Maple Almond Chicken
4 Thin Sliced Chicken Breast
garlic powder
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
juice of 1/2 lemon (plus more to garnish)
1/2 cup almond meal

Preheat oven to 350.

Season Chicken on both sides with garlic powder.

Combine maple syrup and lemon juice in a shallow bowl. Put almond meal in a separate shallow bowl.

Dip Chicken in maple mixture, then dredge in almond meal. Place on a greased or foil or Silpat-lined baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 350.

If you want a crisper coating, finish off under the broiler until the almond coating just starts to brown.
This can also be done with Salmon

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Good-by 2014, Hello 2015

For the past week I have been reflecting on 2014 and planning for 2015. A lot happened in 2014 and most of it was unexpected and not fun. Yes I got married in 2014 and we had our Reception / Party but so much other stuff has happened, and not good stuff, that both My husband and I are glad its a NEW YEAR!!

2014 started off with my husband loosing his job, then with his Grandmother dying in June, then we had our wedding in San Diego, where my older sister tried to ruin it, with her negative, rude attitude, smart as comments, and more. Then we had our Party back in State College, PA where my older sister again got WASTED, was rude to our guest, shoved people out of the way, and then cussed out my husbands friend, who ever so graciously gave us the place for FREE!!! After all that we thought we were in the clear, HOWEVER, then September 13, happened. 2 months after our wedding, my husband ruptured his quad tendon completely and had to have surgery on it within the week. Oh and we are living with my parents.

Yes 2014 was year full of changes, both good and bad. And I will never forget our wedding and the party and the good memories made there. BUT, I am not sad to see 2014 leave.

Yes a lot of good things happened like, I quit my job, I went full time with Beachbody, I become a diamond coach and 2 1.2 months later I became a one start diamond coach, I went to summit and was in the top 850 coaches out of 230,000++ in the business.

However, like I Said I am ready for 2015! Why? Because I have big goals and plans for this year. I want to make 6 figures by the end of the year, I want to help 500+ people change their lives for the better with health and fitness, I want to help 6 of my coaches rank to diamond and continue on their way to becoming financially free. There is so much that is going to happen in 2015 and it is all going to be EPIC!!!

Something's I am going to work on this year are no stressing, stop comparing myself to others, and the biggest thing is I REFUSE to allow my older sister to ruin MY year!!

Here is a picture of my goal board, I am showing you this to hold me accountable but to also show you that its okay to DREAM and its okay to dream BIG!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

3 Day Refresh Transformation Tuesday

July before my Wedding

Halloween, in-between Insanity and Asylum
It's back!! The 3 day refresh is back on sale this month. I am not someone that pushes cleanses because most of the are unhealthy and make you gain the weight back you lost times 2! But with this Clinically Proven 3 Day Refresh, I am shouting from the roof tops with it.
The 3 Day refresh is perfect!! 1. Its only 3 days and 2. You still get to eat REAL food with it! I love doing this program because I see results AND I continue to see results even when I add more food back in after the 3 days, plus I don't gain any back!!!
The 3 day refresh is perfect for anyone that is looking to kick start their weight loss journey, kick start their eating habits, needs a cleanse from traveling, holiday binging, or to do every few months to rid the toxins from your body.

Every time I have don't the refresh I have seen amazing results!! The first time I did it I was traveling, stressed, planning a wedding, at Summit and not eating the right food or enough food. So I had gained the bloat and yucky feeling. I needed to get rid of that feeling so I could feel and look amazing in my wedding dress. I lost 7.5 POUNDS on the refresh!!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I jumped on the scale the last day to see the results. I was ecstatic!!!
The second time I did the refresh I lost 3.4 POUNDS!!! Not as much, but I wasn't eating or traveling like I was before the wedding.. Plus I had just finished Insanity so I had more muscle than fat on my body! 
The refresh is easy to do, you aren't running to the bathroom all day to go poop, PEE yes, but not poop, you get to eat real food, you can do moderate exercises on it, AND you gain confidence, energy, and so much more in just 3 days!!
This product / program is one that I highly recommend people to do! Especially after the holiday season!!
Interested in doing this program? Email me at and I will be more than glad to set you up with it and get you started on your health and fitness journey of 2015!!  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 1 of Insanity Max 30

Good Morning!! Its the first Monday of the new year and I am starting it out with a new program and going back to my 21 day fix eating plan! I can't wait to post about my progress and changes in my body with this new program.

And all I have to say about day 1 is......OMG!!! I don't know what else to say about insanity Max 30! Today was day 1 cardio challenge! My goal was to make it 15 minutes or max out after Shaun T. Yes I am competitive and it's what pushes me harder with my workouts! Well I made it to half that goal! I didn't max out till minute 16.52!! And Shaun T maxed out at 17 so I wasn't far behind him! It was the should tap in and out abs that got me!

This program is seriously unbelievable!! It worked my abs like no other and in 30 minutes I burned over 350 calories! I think I am in love haha!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #7 - When to weigh yourself

When to weigh

Before you start your following your fitness and clean eating plan, weight yourself and take your measurements. Once you have been doing your fitness regimen for a week you are ready to weight yourself. You want to start tracking your progress (and make sure pesky pounds don't find their way back on). It's best to step on the scale in the morning before eating or drinking—and prior to plunging into your daily activities. For the most reliable number, be sure to check your poundage at a consistent time, whether daily or weekly. Also DO NOT weigh yourself daily!!! Weigh yourself every 1-2 weeks and measure yourself too.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!! 

It is officially 2015!!! The year is yours!!! What will you do with it? 

Today is the first blank page of your 365 page book!! What will your write? What will it day by next year this time? Will it be blank? Will it have been started but never finished? 

Its a brand new year!!! Are you excited? Are you ready to make big things happen? 

2015 is the start of a new book, new chapter! Make it YOUR year!! Make this the year you followed through with your New Years resolutions. Make this the year of no excuses! Make this the year that you don't look back and say I wish, but you say DAMN am I glad I did that!! Make this the year you decide to get healthy and fit. 

New Years can be scary, but don't let this year scare you! You Scare this year!! Make big plans and conquer them!! You can do it!! Believe in yourself! I believe in you!!! 

Get out there today and start writing your book! Start making this year your year!!! What will you do with?