Friday, February 27, 2015

Heath and Fitness Tip #15 - Have a Fruity Ice Cream Sundae

Have a fruity ice cream sundae

Next time your husband, boyfriend, family or friends decide to make an ice-cream run, don't worry about being left out of the fun! Order a fresh (and super-refreshing) ice cream sundae, piled high with diced kiwi, pineapple, and strawberries, avoid the syrups and go to town on this amazing treat. OR even better, make your own for everyone at home and use coconut ice cream OR freeze bananas and then blend them up  and use them for you ice-cream!! This way you'll get a serving of delish fruit—no hefty calorie-laden toppings required.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!!! Gluten Free / Grain Free Coconut Flour Pancakes

Coconut Flour Pancakes

When it comes to making coconut flour pancakes, there needs to be a fine balance struck so that the finished product is neither too dry nor too soggy, and of course flatness can be a major obstacle to overcome.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 2 people

1/4 cup coconut flour
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/3 - 1/4 cup coconut milk
2 tbsp organic, cold-pressed coconut oil
3 eggs
1-2 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Maple syrup to taste
Grass-fed butter for cooking (I use Kerrygold)

Before starting, please make sure you don’t mix your pancake batter too thoroughly. An overly mixed batter can often result in flatter, rather listless pancakes, so a good rule of thumb is to not worry about leaving lumps in the mix. In fact, lumps are a good thing!

Another thing to remember is that you won’t be able to see bubbles forming as much as you would with plain old wheat flour, so I’d suggest using a fork or spatula to gently lift your pancakes before flipping, just to make sure the underside is nicely browned.

1. Thoroughly mix the eggs, coconut oil, and honey together.
2. Add the coconut milk and vanilla extract.
3. Throw in the coconut flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix, but remember, not too much!
4. Melt a dab of butter in your skillet and then using a measuring cup, add a little batter to the pan.

I recommend figuring out how many pancakes you’d like to make beforehand so that you can use an appropriately sized cup. This recipe should yield around 8 or so pancakes. Remember that you aren’t likely to see many bubbles forming on the top, so carefully check the underside of your pancake before flipping.

For best results, serve your pancakes right away. Drown those bad boys in maple syrup, grab your fork, and have at ‘em! Pancakes are a serious weakness of my husbands. Suffice to say, you’re in for a real treat!

Fixed approved - 2 pancakes count as 1 yellow and then the maple syrup count as 1-2 TBSP, and butter is 1 teaspoon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

If you NEVER try, then you will never KNOW

If you never try, then you will never know!

What holds you back from going after what you want? What holds you back from trying something new?

Is it fear?
Is it failure?
Is it disappointment?

Whatever you feel, whatever is stopping you from trying, from going after your goals and dreams....PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE!!!

That is right! Punch your fears of failing, disappointment and scared in the face and throw them away!! Don't let those feelings stop you from something greater!! From reaching your goals! From feeling amazing and confident in yourself again!

Change can be scary. Setting goals can be scary! But don't let being scared stop you! Set realistic goals for yourself but also set a high goal that you would love to see happen. Change. Allow yourself to try new things. Venture away from your comfort zone and do the things you have been wanting to do.

Eat clean, workout, look for a new job. Whatever it is, DO IT!! Don't think twice about it. You may fail, you may fumble, you may even make mistakes. BUT think....what if you succeed! What if you stick to the plan, what if you workout daily, what is you do get that new job! Think about what amazing things CAN happen and not about the things that might NOT happen!

Believe in yourself! And get out there today and START trying because you just never know until you do!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Testimonial Tuesday - Shakeology

Shakeology Testimonial!! I love when my clients message me with their progress, results, feelings, etc.  And today's testimonial isn't about weight lose, or inches lost, its about health and their immune system from drinking shakeology daily.

From Client: "I forgot to tell you! For all of your challengers that aren't sure about shakeology, I have noticed a HUGE difference in my immune system this year:) Last winter I was sick a lot with colds and viruses but this year I haven't had much of anything and I really think its because i drink shakeology everyday! I think it's supposed to help your immune system with all the vitamins and I really think it helps!" This is coming from a NURSE!!! Yes you read that right. My client is a nurse that sent this to me.
So What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake. However, if you are looking to gain weight - it is an added meal for the day and not a replacer. It delivered to you monthly / every 30 days. The cost of the shake is $130 a month or you can sign up as a preferred customer and save $17 a month.  If you don't like it you can always cancel it but everyone I know has fallen in love with it. It sounds a lot but the shake is worth every penny and MORE. Shakeology gives you energy, curbs your appetite, helps with cravings, helps with regulating you and much more!

Do you want to try it before you buy it? Your in luck!!!I have individual packets that you can buy  1, 5, or 10 at a time to try. Plus I will give you 10 days of meal plans, 10 days of workouts, and get me as your FREE coach! This shake will help you with your energy, reduce your cravings, aid you in your weight loss and so much more!!  Email me or comment below, if you are interested and want more details on Shakeology and how you can try it out! :)


Monday, February 23, 2015

Making Progress in the Moving Department!!!

This weekend Rich and I went back up to State College to continue to back, clean out the basement, throw things out, etc. On Friday after dinner we headed up there, thinking we were going to have to turn around that night with the winter storm warning the entire state of PA had. BUT....we kept checking the weather and knew that we would be fine if the storm was done by Saturday night.

All I can say is I am glad we didn't stay home. In State College, we might have gotten 2 inches and NO ice!! However, it was the perfect day to stay in and pack!

We got a lot done, however, we looked at each other on Sunday and said, We still have a lot more to go! YUCK!!!

I hate moving, I hate packing, I do not like this process at all! I told my husband last night that I wish I could click the back of my heels and have it all get done! Wouldn't that be NICE!!! haha Oh well, it will be easier the more and more we do it with his job. Plus, it is helping me pitch all my teaching materials that I will never use again. Oh and it helped my husband go through all his old GEAR from all the schools he coached at. I have been nagging at him to do it for years!!

This weekend was successful no matter how tiring it was. We were able to load up the Yukon with a blue chair, cleaning supplies, towels, more wedding gifts for the kitchen, and other things we needed. No bed yet, but hopefully in 2 weeks. BUT we are making progress!!! I no longer have to sit on the floor to do work! I have a table stand and a blue chair!! So I am happy girl!!!

My New Work Space

Friday, February 20, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #14

Fun up your food

It's easy to get in a rut when it comes to eating clean and changing your lifestyle, even if you're loading up on flavorful fruits and veggies. So what's the solution? SPICES!!!
Have plenty of spices, fresh herbs, lemons, limes and Cholula sauces at your cooking beck and call. It's amazing what a little dash of spice, sprinkle of herbs, pinch of lemon zest, or squirt of lime juice can do to liven up a dish, let alone your new lifestyle change. The best part: They contain almost no calories, and are FREE foods on the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme!! Experiment with your dinner, tonight!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Get Fix for Summer Fitness Group - Starting March 2nd

Winter blues go away!! Summer time is on it's way!

It's hard to believe, but summer is not that far away! Spring will be here in a little over a month and then summer will be here in the blink of an eye!

Do you have summer plans already? Are you going to the beach? Do you have a wedding you are in? Or do you just want to get rid of the baby weight you gained? Whatever it is, you can do it! And with the help from me and the fitness group you will be Summer ready before summer even gets here!

I am on a mission to get lean before April! Why? Because I will be headed to Cancun with the top of the top Beachbody coaches and trainers! I want to look my best in a bikini that I have not worn in 2 years (I didn't have time last year with the wedding) and in the cute summer outfits I am planning on buying and taking!

I need your HELP!! I need accountability and motivation to keep me going because I am about to do the 21 Day Fix for the FIRST time ever!!! Yes, you read that right! I have been following the meal plan 5-6 days a week but not as strict as I should be! And I have not done the workouts at all!

Starting March 2nd I am starting the 21 Day fix, Get Fix for Summer, fitness group! In this group you will be provided with 3 weeks of workouts, meal plans, support, motivation from others and myself doing the program, portion control containers to keep for life and a month of Shakeology!

The 21 Day Fix is all about portion sizes and all about SIMPLE!! Simple eating and simple workouts. The guess work has been taken out for you!! And guess what you can still have a glass of wine or some chocolate with this amazing plan!!! And I have had clients lose anywhere from 5-15 pounds in their first 21 days!

Spots are filling up fast!!! RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW!!!

 Email me at or send me a message on Facebook Jaissa Gerity Yahner, to learn more about the 21 day fix and how you can reserve your spot today!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!! - Chicken Chili Soup

Its been freezing here in PA and my husband is not a big Soup eater, but he called me up the other night and asked me to make this Turkey Taco Chili Soup that I would make all the time when he was coaching football at Penn State. So I sent him to the grocery store with a list of the foods / things I needed to make a NEW healthier creation! However, sending a man to the grocery story is not the best choice, half the time, especially when there is more than 2 items on the list.

He came back with double of everything AND ground Chicken instead of ground Turkey. So I made the Chili with that instead of saying anything and making him feel bad.

This chili was amazing and  think I will use chicken from now on! Plus it HUSBAND approved! He loved it and ask if it can be something we have weekly! Plus its very filling!!

So how did I make it?


Tomatoes - I used grape tomatoes
1 pound of ground chicken or turkey
lime juice - squeezed from real limes 2-3
cayenne pepper
garlic powder
red peppers
chili powder
cumin powder
Black Beans - can use kidney or chick peas


First cook the ground chicken in frying pan. Once it is done cooking (I do about 15-20 minutes I like mine crispy) Then marinade it with in lime juice, garlic powder, red peppers, and Caynee pepper. Not a lot about 2-3 limes and then 1/4 = 1/2 teaspoons of each seasoning.

While chicken is cooking purĂ©e a green container (a cup) of tomatoes. I cut in half before putting them in the magic bullet.

Once chicken is cooked pour the tomatoes in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

 Add a yellow container (1/2 cup) of black beans, a red container (3/4 cup)  of the cooked ground chicken, and seasonings - chili pwoder, garlic powder, cummin powder.

Cook on low for 20 minutes.

Add a blue container (1/4 cup) of shredded cheese or a 1/4 of a Avocado and top it off with a dollop of PLAIN Greek Yogurt!

You can not go wrong with this recipe! It was amazing!

If you are doing the 21 Day fix or the 21 Day Fix Extreme the recipe is 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 blue.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Testimonial Tuesday - 3 Day Refresh

I had a challenger just finish up the 3 Day Refresh and she lost 8 POUNDS!!! I couldn't believe it! In just 3 days she lost 8 pounds. She couldn't either!! This is what she said......

                       "I actually had to weigh myself 3 times this morning because I couldn't believe what the scale said! I lost 8 pounds and 2 1/2 inches on my waist. And I feel fabulous!"

This challenger has been doing the 21 day fix and drinking shakeology daily since December. Keep in mind that is only 2 1/2 months. She also sent me this......

                       "Thank you! I couldn't believe it! I looked back and from the beg. of December I've lost 24 pounds and 9 1/2 inches from my waist! It's crazy! And I am so happy about it!"

She has lost 24 pounds OVER a 2 1/2 month span and one of those moths was CHRISTMAS!!! And this has all happened because she CHOOSE to finally take a stand with her health and get fit and happy.

It's amazing what eating clean, portioning your food, workout 30 minutes a day, and a determination can do in just under 3 months.

No I don't have pictures to show, but just these words alone are why I do what I do!!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Our First Night in the our New Place

On Friday, my husband and I, officially moved out of my parents house and into our own townhouse (rented, of course) with bare minimal furniture! And when I say bare minimal, I mean it. No lie! We have 2 blow up matters in the bed room, and a table in our dinning room! Nothing else. And the table in the dinning room didn't get in here till Sunday night! Where is the rest? Still in state college, until we can make trips and get things out of there.

So Friday night was our first night here. We ate dinner on the floor and we slept on Air Mattresses or at least Rich slept on an air mattress. I on the other hand went to bed high up off the ground and on a firm solid bed. Saturday morning I woke up to being on the floor and being very sore, and no I didn't fall off the bed!

What happened?!? Just a hole in the bed that's all!! Haha Not how we planned on starting this new chapter of our lives. But in the famous words of my mother, we are making memories.

Has this ever happened to you? What was your first experience like finally moving in with your husband or significant other?

Friday, February 13, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #13 - Be weekend warrior

Be a weekend warrior

You've been following your new clean eating plan to the letter, but enter: the weekend. To deal with three nights of eating temptations (think: birthdays, weddings, dinner parties, holidays), up your activity level for the week and on the weekend. For instance, try taking an extra 15-minute walk around your office each day, pushing harder, doing extra 10 minute abs. Then, go on and indulge a tiny bit, guilt free. Another party trick? Enjoy a serving of shakeology or a piece of fruit before a celebration, which can help you eat fewer munchies at the event.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!! - Quinoa, Tomato and Cucumber Salad

I don't know about you, but I LOVE Quinoa and I love finding new ways to make it! Well I made this recipe the other day and I LOVED it. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to taste but I thought I would give it a go! And I fell in love with it! Definitely going to make this at least once a week.
Quinoa, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
1/2 cup of Cooked Quinoa
1 cup of Tomatoes and Cucumbers
1 tsp Olive Oil mixed with 1 tbsp of red wine vinegar
  • I threw in some herbs too - lemon pepper, oregano, garlic herb
Cook quinoa according to the directions.
Chop tomatoes and cucumber
Mix olive oil and red wine vinegar and herbs.
Toss everything together.

 For my 21 Day Fixers - this equals 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 tsp. This recipe is amazing! Its light yet filling and can be used as a lunch or dinner with a side of meat! Also its quick and easy to make for the week to grab and go!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It's Offical!!! We are Moving!

Well the time has come!!! We are officially moving out of my parents house and into our own townhome. This was a goal of mine for this year. We are renting and we are moving closer to work for my husband.
Yes we got married and moved in with my parents. NOT at all ideal. But at the time with the wedding and reception and him starting his new job, we had no other choice. So now we do have the choice and I have a lot of mixed emotions about it. Good mixed emotions but still its a stressful time, when moving into a new place and taking on new finances.
1. Excited!!! I am super excited to finally get out of my parents house and have my OWN kitchen again and not have to worry about being GLUTENED from them and al their crumbs.
2. Scared! Say what?!? I have been with Rich (my husband) for almost 5 years and this will be the first time we live together alone!!! We have always had a roommate or for the past 7 months my parents. We have always had a buffer and now no one!
3. Overwhelmed - I think everyone feels this way when they are moving. All our furniture is in State College right now and we will be living out of suit cases and on an air mattress till we have the time to go up and get people to help us load and unload all our furniture. Plus all the packing from 2 different houses is overwhelming.
4. Terrified - Yes, you read that right. I am terrified that we aren't going to make it financially. I am taking off with my business but I am no where near where I want to be, to be able to contribute to more bills, and my husband took a paycut a year ago and we are now starting to feel the affects.
However, we are doing this, we are moving. Why? Because we are 39 and 31 years old. Living with my parents isn't the answer and we need to get on with our lives. We haven't had any ALONE time or Oh we are MARRIED time. So as all these emotions flood me, I am looking forward to the new chapter in our lives and excited to see what happens and we God leads us in our journey. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sneak Peak into Coaching - February 16

Have you asked yourself lately, What does a Beachbody Coach do? That was my question a year and a half ago. My facebook was blowing up with all these coaches and I wanted to know what they did.

When you say coaching you know it deals with helping people, but what do we truly do? How do we help people?

Some people start out as a discount coach / preferred customer, which is great. I didn't want to join at first because I thought Beachbody and coaching was all about selling? And I knew I didn't want to sell anything, not my cup of tea. But the more I looked at facebook and the more I talked to my coach, the more I saw that Beachbody isn't about selling at all. Beachbody is about helping others succeed!! So I decided to test the waters out and see if coaching was for me.

Well guess what!?! Starting Monday, February 16, 2015, we are starting a sneak peak into Beachbody coaching!! In this group you will learn all about what a Beachbody coach does, what the time requirements are, what the cost is, what you potential could earn, and how you can get started if you want to.

If you are interested in what I do and what beachody coaching and how I was able to QUIT my full time teaching job then this FREE private group is for you. There is no obligations with this group, just learn how it all works. My team and I will share with you our experiences, successes, and why we decided to join Beachbody!

Interested? Email me at or message me on Facebook Jaissa Gerity and I will add you to the group!!! Simple and Easy!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Risk or Regret? What will you choose?

Question of the day:

Risk or Regret?
You choose!

Will you risk what you have for what you want? Or will you wake up a month from now, six months from now or a year from now regretting what you didn't risk?

Stop waiting for the perfect time. Stop being scared! Don't think about what might happen and think about what could happen!

Take the risk! Take that leap of faith! Believe in yourself! Be proof that you can make the change you want!

Life is all about changing and taking risks. If you want to switch jobs it's a risk, if you want to get healthy and fit you need to make a change. If you want to be happy then you need to change. If you want to follow your passion then you have to take the risk!

Life is too short to live in the safe zone. Step out of your comfort zone and take the risk! Don't live with regret one more day!!

Will you take the risk? Or continue to live with regret?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #12 - Say Hello to H20

Say hello to H20

Whether you're about to push play on Insanity Max 30, T25, 21 Day fix or head outside for a run, or any other exercise, it's always important to hydrate so you can stay energized and have your best workout. Electrolyte-loaded athletic drinks, though, can be a source of unnecessary calories, so drinking water is usually fine until you're exercising for more than one hour. Which at that point, it is okay to go for regular Gatorade-type drinks (and their calories), which can give you a beneficial replenishment boost. But worry not if you like a little flavor during your fitness: create your own flavored water now, by putting strawberries, lemons, limes, mint, etc. to spice up your water and not get bored with drinking plan old water. Take a look at the picture below to check out some ways you can spice up your water the NATURAL way!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

How to Spice up Your Salads

Salads! How do you feel about them. I hate making them, I think the ones in the restaurant always taste better! Are they healthier in the restaurant? NO they are much worse. But what do you do?

Well I have started spicing things up with my salads. I rather save the money and the calories and not go out to eat if I can help it. So what have I been doing? And how is it fixed approve?

The salads I have been making lately have been amazing something's that I have been doing are:

1. I always use spinach so I do 1=3 cups of spinach

2. I always mix up my blue container / healthy fat - one time I will do feta cheese, the next time I will slice up 1/4 of an avocado, next time I do mozzarella cheese.

3. I mix up the veggies I put in it - I throw whatever I have in the fridge and don't think about it, So I will do any thing like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, green peppers, red peppers, celery, etc. I try not to over load it with too many. I pick 2-3 different ones each time.

4. For my yellow container I will do roasted chick peas, organic non salted corn chips or quinoa. I never do them all at the same time. I pick one and then switch it up the next time.

5. Dressing - instead of using an orange container for my dressing, I use Cholula Mexican Hot sauce! I love it and I love things hot so this adds spice and flavor to my salad.

6. Meat - red container - I switch it up and will do ground turkey meat or grilled chicken. I am not a huge fan of meat so I stick to what I can handle . These are the only 2 I like.

These are just a few things that I have started doing to make my salads more enjoyable and better than a salad you would get at the restaurant

Here is a picture of the Salad I made last night for dinner.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Being a Footbal Coaches Wife

Its SIGNING DAY!!!!! HORRAY!!!!!! Today is not a big deal to most people. Its just another Wednesday. Its just another cold, blah day. But in the world of Football its Signing day. Its the day their recruits sign on to their team, committing to become a Griffith, or eagle, or lion, etc. Its the day that the coaches have been working towards since before football season started.

I am excited because not only did the 4 men my husband recruiting sign, but I finally get to see him today! Yes, that is right, my husband has been away since last Friday. They had a recruiting event at the collage this past weekend and then they started 5 AM drills with the kids this week! What does that mean? It means football season is in the making!

Most people think football coaches work part time or work only August - December. I did too before my met my husband. However, they don't. They work year round recruiting, planning, strategizing, coaching, and getting their players and team ready for September - December of games. They work long grueling hours and as a wife you don't get so see your hubby much.

Its hard being married to football coach because of their hours, BUT I love it at the same time. Because the passion and commitment I see from my husband with his players and colleagues shows me how much he LOVES his job even when the hours are not the best. I also love it because it has shown me Beachbody! When we were dating I would just sit around and wait for him to be done. BUT now I am so busy that when we do see each other its QUALITY time and we both are in the present and not on the phones or working while siting in the same room.

So today I am excited for many reasons, but the biggest one is how PROUD of my husband I am for his amazing recruiting skills. I love him and I love seeing his Passion every day doing the thing he loves the most and is the most talented at!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Insanity Max 30 4 Weeks in!

Eek!!! I know I keep saying it but....I am so I love with this program!! I just finished Insanity Max 30 and I lost 5 pounds and 9 1/4 of an inch all over!! And 3 of those inches were from my waist!

This program not only has helped me loose the unwanted bloat from christmas but it has given me more confidence and it has pushed me beyond my limits with the workouts!

This program is for anyone! Just because it is called Insanity Max 30 does not mean you can't do it! It has a modifier that does all low impact moves! So you too can do this workout and get great results!
You don't want to miss out on this AMAZING program and miss out on taking your body to the next level!

Monday, February 2, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Releases today!!

Eeekkk!! Guess what is coming!! 21 Day Fix Extreme is coming your way TODAY!!! So what is the 21 Day fix Extreme?

Fix Extreme is going to help you get shredded like NEVER before!!! The Creator of the 21 Day Fix and National Bikini Competitor, Autumn Calabrese, has combined simple eating with EXTREME fitness to help people shred up and shred off those final pounds with the 21 Day Fix Extreme.

Here is what is included in the 21 Day Fix EXTREME:

21 Day countdown to Competition menu plan
7 workouts to keep different muscle groups guessing
ALL workouts are 30 minutes long
Every workout in the EXTREME uses weights
Same types of workouts from the 21 Day fix, but taken to the next level, EXTREME
Not for beginners
7 Containers
1 Shakeology Shaker Cup
1st month of Shakeology

With the Extreme the containers are the same BUT the meal plan is different and you will have different amounts of each container so that you get EXTREME results. The Extreme comes with 2 different meal plans, one is the bikini competition diet and the other is STRICTER than the original 21 Day Fix meal Plan. What does stricter mean? There are NO wine or NO chocolate treats allowed in the EXTREME.

I am super excited for this program. Yes it is going to be a challenge, especially the stricter meal plan. I do not think that this program is for everyone. Why? Because when starting a life style change you want to know that you can have that glass of wine or a piece of chocolate when you want it. With the EXTREME you can’t have either of those. So if you want to get CUT, RIPPED, and SHRED those last 5 pounds and you don’t mind giving up wine and chocolate for 21 days, then this program is for you.

If you want to lose weight but are afraid you will give up if you can’t have a glass of wine, NO FEAR the 21 day fix is here for you.

 Starting a Beta Test group for the Fix Extreme on Feb. 9 along with a 21 Day Fix Fitness group. 2 separate groups designed to help you reach your goals!

Interested in one of these programs? Message me, comment below or email me at  Let's get you feeling great and looking amazing in 21 Days!!