Thursday, October 30, 2014

More Foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost Your Energy ALL day!

3 MORE foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!


1.    Rolled Oats: With high quality combinations of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber, and protein, rolled oats make a pretty near PERFECT meal in the morning. Mix in some whey protein and flaxmeal, and you’ve got the best metabolism-boosting elixir around!  The morning is the optimal time to eat rolled oats because your brain and body need the carbohydrates most at this time – after you’ve been fasting for 6 hours or so.


2.    Salmon: Research suggests that while saturated fats (like those found in deep-fried foods) appear to promote weight gain, the healthy omega-3 fats found in cold water fish, such as salmon (and tuna), actually reduce the risk of becoming obese and improve the body’s ability to react to insulin. How can “fat” help make you slimmer? Well, the omega 3 fatty acid (EPA) found in Salmon stimulates the secretion of leptin, a hormone that regulates food intake, body weight and metabolism, and aids in the break-down of unwanted fatty tissues.  The healthy oils found in salmon have also been shown to reduce inflammation in your joints, and to improve circulation and heart health.


3.    Spinach: Popeye ate spinach, and so should YOU! Spinach really does make you stronger too – it is loaded with antioxidants that help repair damaged muscles. Spinach also prevents cancer-causing free radicals from damaging your body and your health. Spinach is also super high in iron (also great for women), vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3 Day Refresh!! Starts today!!!

It's BAAACCCKKK!! Yes I am doing the 3 Day Refresh again for the second time. I did it back in July and lost 7 pounds with it!!! At that time I was traveling a lot and needed to get back on the right eating plan before my wedding. My goal was to loose weight. This time around my goal is different.

For the past 2 months my life has been stressful, to say the least. First off being a newly wed and living with your parents isn't fun! Also living with your parents who eat crap and lots of gluten when you have celiac's is killer. My parents have never lived with me since I was diagnosed with Celiac's and its hard for them to comprehend it all. However, with all the cooking and baking my mom does it has really caused me to be sick and struggle. Plus its battle with her because she doesn't get it and doesn't think its that serious!! Which equals stressful!

Also over a month ago my husband fell out of a truck at work and needed to have surgery because he ruptured his quad tendon. This has put a lot of strain on our relationship with him not being able to drive, needing assistance with everything he does, and not being able to workout like he use to. I know that would drive me crazy. However, once again this too has been very stressful on the 2 of us.

As you can see there is a theme here. Its stress. So this time around I am doing the Refresh to hid my body of all the stress it has endured over the past 2 months. Also rid it of all the toxic gluten I have in haled. Also because my name is Jaissa Yahner and I am addicted to Peanut Butter, like eat it by the spoonful, add chocolate chips to it, sneak it, find every excuse to put it in a shake or on something, ADDICTED!!! So yes, I am using the refresh to wean myself off of it.

I am excited and have all the meals planed out and ready to go. This time I am going to try to drink tea on it to help keep me full.

I will post the next 4 days to keep me accountable and to let you all know how I am feeling!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!!! My Insanity Transformation

Its Tuesday, which means its Transformation Tuesday!!! So today I am going to share with you my Insanity Transformation! I just finished doing Insanity on Sunday!! I can't believe I completed the program and that 60 days have passed already!! Crazy!
My results will shock you! Most people when they start a fitness journey, do it to lose weight, and most people that do insanity lose a TON of weight, but they have the weight to lose. I started insanity at the end of August and have been working out for over a year and just got married. I was at the lowest weight I had ever been at and I was in the best shape of my life. So when I started insanity I didn't expect to lose any more weight, I just wanted to maintain my weight. Well, neither of those happened.......With insanity I GAINED, yes you read that right....I gained 6 pounds!!!! Not 1, not 2, not even 3 pounds.....I gained 6!!!
Now most people would be upset and normally I would too, but look at my before and my after pictures. Do they look like I gained 6 pounds? No they don't. I don't see any difference in them. BUT there is. The 6 pounds I gained was muscle. Remember muscle weighs more than fat and looks a hell of a lot sexier!!! I have curves that I never had before and my husband continues to tell me how much he LOVES my insanity body. Why does he love it so much, because I have curves, I have muscle definition that I have never had before, and with all the squats Shaun T had me doing in this program, I gained a BOOTY!!! My measurements stayed about the same, they did go up in the arms, legs, and butt because that is where most of my muscles grew.
Moral of the story......ITS OKAY TO GAIN WEIGHT WHEN WORKING OUT!!! Most people get upset because they don't lose any weight or they gain it. Remember the scale is worthless when you start a program. I take my weight before I start and when I finish. The in-between doesn't matter because it is going to change. As long as you take measurements and feel yourself getting stronger and your clothes getting looser, that is all that matters. MUSCLE weights MORE than FAT!!! Remember that! And DO NOT get discouraged if you gain weight while working out. Its your fat turning into muscle. Tooth pick skinny is out!! The new skinny is curvy muscles!!
Don't give up and don't compare your journey to someone else's. Your body is different then everyone else's and your body will lose and gain weight differently from everyone else.
I would do insanity all over again if I knew I was going to gain weight. Why? Because the confidence, strength, and endurance I gained from it changed me and my body in soooo many good ways!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Insanity is Over!!!

AHHHH I did it!! I finished the 60 day program of insanity!! I cant believe that 60 days have passed already and that I actually completed the program. It's funny because as I reflect on the past 6 months and seriously 6 months ago I laughed at people who talked about insanity. I thought they were insane for doing the program let alone LOVING it!! And here I am 6 months later, I am going to tell you I LOVED it!!! Insanity is amazing! Don't get me wrong, its tough, but the feeling of accomplishment that you get when you finish a workout is amazing. Also the confidence it built in me, is indescribable!

Insanity changed my body in so many ways! I am not of the average person, why? Because most people who do a program lose weight. NOT ME!!! WHAT?!?!? I actually gained 5 pounds!! HOW? I gained 5 pounds of muscle. I have curves and muscles that I never thought I had through out my body. Also with doing insanity, I had to eat more than I normally do. So yes, I gained 5 pounds. Does it look it? No and yes. It isn't fat so I don't look different but if you see my thighs and my arms then you can see the difference and where the muscle is new.

I would do this program again! I think it is a great winter program, especially because in the winter we like to eat more because of the cold and dearie weather. This program boosts your metabolism and keeps you warm through the winter months!

Here are my results from Day 1 to Day 60. You will see how much I improved in some areas and very little in others. The areas I improved in where my weak areas and the areas I only did a little was because I was already strong there.

My 2 biggest accomplishments were the Power Jumps and the push up jacks! They are what impressed me the most!!!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

More foods to eat that will boost your metabolism

MORE foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!
  1.    Green Tea: Green tea is one of the best metabolism-boosters you can drink!  In fact, green tea is one of the main ingredients in many expensive fat burning supplements on the market. Green tea also helps decrease your risk of cancer, reduces food cravings, helps maintain weight loss, and contains just enough caffeine to help get you going in the morning.


2.    Greek Yogurt: Greek-style natural yogurt is best; it contains much less sugar and much more protein than other varieties. But, any kind of low-fat yogurt (look for one with the lowest sugar content) also contains many pro-biotic cultures that are necessary for maintaining a healthy digestive system, and is high in protein and much-needed calcium (another great fat-burner)!


3.    Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is a diet secret. While it does contain a high amount of calories per spoonful (don’t eat it out of the jar), it also contains a ton of essential fatty acids, fiber, and even protein.  Try spreading it on a sliced banana, or on celery with raisins for an amazing study snack!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Be willing to pay the price


Good Morning! Happy Wednesday!!! BE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE If you don't choose to do something to become successful, you will become unsuccessful for the rest of your life. Yes, making the choice to be successful will mean that you have to pay a price. BUT....anything worth having is worth paying the price for. Price doesn't mean a huge, painful sacrifice no matter how huge your goals are. It's small baby steps, east to do! However whatever you goal or dream is, you will have to give something up. Giving up something may be small, like the junk food, or sleeping in, or always needing to be right. Remember whatever price you pay, there's a bigger price to pay for not doing it than the price for doing it! The price of neglect is much worse than the price of the discipline. It may take 6 years and 15,000 hours to put your success on track, but it takes a lifetime to fail. What will you choose? Will you give up something to become successful or will you opt out and continue to be unsuccessful?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Candy Detox Fitness Group

Halloween isn't even here yet and I feel like I have eaten my share of Halloween candy! I mean come on!!! Its every where you go and being a girl that doesn't know how to say no to chocolate and PB I have been struggling!! Have you? Have you eaten your share of Halloween candy already? Are you in need of a Candy / Sugar Detox? Well then join me Nov. 3 and take the detox challenge with me! I am going to do the 3 Day Refresh again to rid my body of all the sugar it thinks it needs now!

What does the group entail?

3 Day refresh - jumpstart to kick your butt back into a clean, healthy lifestyle
1 month of shakeology
Meal Plans

Interested? Message me or email me at

Monday, October 20, 2014

Christmas is coming!!! I don't know about you but I love buying presents for people!! Are you looking at getting a part time job but don't know where to fit it in your schedule with your kids and husband? Have you thought about Beachbody but don't k now if its for you?
Find out this today!! in my sneak peak into coaching group! Comment below or email me at to learn more about Beachbody and coaching and to be added to my private FREE facebook group!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

More foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your energy all day!!!

3 MORE foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!

  1. Coffee: Although it does dehydrate (drink an extra glass of water for every cup of coffee you consume!), the most recent research about caffeine and coffee suggest many positive benefits. These include: Speeding up your metabolism, increased heart health, higher levels of concentration, and many more. Just don’t ruin it with tons of cream and sugar… or try adding skim milk and splenda!

2.    Eggs: Eggs are one of the highest quality protein sources available. They are also one of the BEST foods for boosting your metabolism, and should be part of every healthy woman’s diet! (Don’t go crazy here though – no more than 3-4 whole eggs per week, or your cholesterol might go through the roof.  Eat as many egg whites as you’d like though!)

   3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Coconut Oil: When cooking, you should never use any oil except for Extra virgin olive oil or Coconut Oil.  Unlike corn and vegetable oils, these oils contain the HEALTHY kinds of fat – those heart and brain-healthy omega-3’s.  Olive oil is also the HEALTHIEST salad dressing you could possibly use! (Add some spices to 1 tablespoon of olive oil for a killer dressing!)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Halloween Candy - How do you avoid it????

Halloween Candy.....
How do you avoid it?!?!?

Halloween Candy is seriously everywhere I go!!! I swear the reese's peanut butter cups and butterfingers are calling my name!! I didn't even buy any yet and honestly, this year I have talked my mom into not giving any out! Hold up, we will still be giving stuff out but this year we will be doing Halloween pencils and Halloween figurines that I have left over from teaching. Don't get me wrong Halloween is fun and when Rich and I have kids I will let them go out and trick or treat and eat the candy, just not all of it and it wont be around in the house for more than a few days before it gets to moving on somewhere else. I will send some of it to work with Rich to give to his players but then the rest will be put in the trash.
Will I feel guilty? Heck no!! I love to bake and will bake treats for my kids that I know are more nutritious and delicious than a Twix bar, snickers, Butterfinger, or 3 musketeer's bar.

Now ME on the other hand. When it comes to chocolate and peanut butter sitting in front of me, I struggle to walk away. It is hard for me to not just eat it. However, I feel like crap and get very tired after I eat candy or anything with lots of sugar in it now. Why? because my body is not use to a lot of sugar. Its only use to the natural sugar I get from the fruits I eat, and even those I try to eat the ones with less sugar.   
So this year, we have no kids to bring candy home from trick or treating, I have convinced my mom not to buy it, since we are living with my parents for the time being, and instead am now making the candy out of shakeology. The shakes taste just like the candy bar but are a healthier replacement and I enjoy them more and feel amazing after. Plus they cure the sweets I have been craving!  

Most of you know that Shakeology is my go to.  The simple fact that Shakeology helps to curb my cravings has been reason enough for me.  Plus the fact that it truly tastes amazing and doesn't make me feel guilty for it!  Here are a few of my favorite Halloween Shakeology Recipe.  You might think I'm crazy and that nothing could possibly taste as good as the candy bar, but try it! I promise you won't regret it!!!!

Butterfinger Shakeology Recipe
1 Scoop of Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup of unsweetened Almond Milk
1 1/2 TBSP of Butterscotch pudding mix
1 1/2 TBSP of PB2 (or peanut butter)
Ice and Blend to Taste
4 oz almond milk
2T PB2 (or peanut butter, the more natural the healthier)
1T slivered almonds 
1T Sugar Free Caramel syrup
1 scoop chocolate shakeology.
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk, coconut milk or water
Ice to taste
Topping – 2 slivers of graham cracker and 2 tbsp of Marshmallow Fluff
Malted Peanut Butter Cup
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup skim milk (or nut or soy milk)
2 tbsp PB2
2 tbsp Malt Powder
Ice to taste

Chocolate Cake Batter
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk, coconut milk or water
1/4 pkg sugar free Jello Cheesecake pudding mix
Ice to taste
Chocolate Pistachio
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk
1/4 pkg sugar free Jello pistachio pudding mix
Ice to taste

Nuts for Chocolate
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup vanilla almond milk (or water)
1/4 pkg sugar free Jello pistachio pudding mix
1 1/2 tbsp PB2
Ice to taste
Frozen Mocha*
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp instant coffee
Ice to taste
Mexican Chocolate*
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk
5 big dashes cinnamon
Ice to taste
Love Coconut? Then this recipe is for you!
Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup of cold coffee
Coconut extract ( a tiny dash)
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
Ice and blend
It is a great replacement to the toasted coconut Starbucks Mocha Frap!!!
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
1 packet or scoop of chocolate shakeology
1/3 cup water (I needed a tad bit extra)
Natural PB or almond butter
6 foil cupcake liners
Muffin Pan

Mix shakeo and water until it is consistency a little thicker than pudding
Put a small amount (prob half a Tbsp) of chocolate mixture in each liner
Then a small amount of PB (about a tsp)
Then top with rest of chocolate mixture
Put in the freezer for an hour or so to harden